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中国文化面面观  岁月痕迹  抚今追昔  地域风情
中国文化面面观  岁月痕迹  抚今追昔  地域风情

中国文化面面观 岁月痕迹 抚今追昔 地域风情PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:成梅译
  • 出 版 社:长春:东北师范大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2017
  • ISBN:9787568112598
  • 页数:191 页
《中国文化面面观 岁月痕迹 抚今追昔 地域风情》目录

PartⅠ 3

Childhood Nurse and the Ancient Books On Cultural Geography&Lu Xun 3

From the Grass Garden to the Three-flavor Study&Lu Xun 12

The Spring Festival of Beijing&Lao She 19

Spring Festival Couplets&Lao She 27

On Eating&Xia Mianzun 31

Food and Other Things in Fuzhou&Yu Dafu 38

My Mother& Zou Taofen 50

Part Ⅱ 59

Concern About the Old Man Under the Moon&Ye Zhishan 59

The Dragon Boat Festival& Chen Baichen 64

Tianyi Pavilion in the Winds and Rains& Yu Qiuyu 75

The River I Always Remember&Zhou Peihong 96

Woman Matchmakers in China&Tu Ao 102

Part Ⅲ 115

The Small-fruited Fig Trees of My Birthplace&Huang Helang 115

Recollections of My Childhood&Liu Meng 122

The Nine-Curve Turning&Liu Chengzhang 133

The Fire Gourds&Liu Chengzhang 144

Yulin—A City in Northern Shaanxi&Liu Chengzhang 149

The Song for the Gods&Zhou Tongbin 165

The Barbershop Carried on a Shoulder Pole&Zhou Tongbin 176

The Dining Place Under the Tree&Zhou Tongbin 185
