中国发展之路 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:中国日报编著
- 出 版 社:北京:五洲传播出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787508525273
- 页数:203 页
Xi offers hope of clarity 2
New leaders confident in fulfilling responsibilities 5
The seven who will run China 7
Hu's vision for development highlights the modem path 13
Small,but essential step 16
Resolve to fight corruption 19
Not a very smooth ride ahead 21
Sticking to reform 24
Four dreams and a vision 26
Plain talk and people first style 29
China can produce.Can it create? 34
Finding a dynamic balance 38
What path will economy take 41
Aircraft carrier a feasible choice 44
China should adopt a new growth model 47
On the'long march'of science 50
Accelerating rural reforms 53
Reform test for the new leadership 56
Income distribution is the key 59
Priority for further reform 63
Paying for public services 66
Changing trade structure 69
Tackle challenges in farming sector 72
An answer to financial crisis 74
Independent and impartial 80
Officials must learn image management 82
Internet and governance in China 85
Does Beijing love or hate the Net? 89
Building a better society 92
Progress of cultural reform 94
New media improves transparency 96
Right to housing: Who can grant it? 100
What do the Chinese people believe? 103
Future driver of growth 107
The genie of wealth disparity 110
Finding future demographic balance 113
Demographic trends and economic reality 118
Decentralize and diversify 121
Environment the biggest challenge 126
Greener path to health and harmony 130
Hoping for a green and beautiful decade 133
Green around the renewable gills 136
Green development path 139
Keep country beautiful 141
Will China run out of water by 2030? 143
Embracing ecological progress 146
Waste no time in disposing e-waste aptly 150
New Green Revolution to end hunger 154
Focus on local air quality 156
The problem of water management 159
Cooperating with neighbors 164
Enhancing global stability 169
Win-win is the Chinese way 172
Changing balance of power 175
Sino-US ties need new approach 178
China a trustworthy peacekeeper 182
A test for US-China ties 185
Major step in image building 189
US needs to rethink rebalancing 192
Balanced world community 195
Planning vital to diplomacy 198
Shared goal of development 201
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