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应用人类学  发展与文化多样性
应用人类学  发展与文化多样性

应用人类学 发展与文化多样性PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(印)马图拉主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:知识产权出版社
  • 出版年份:2011
  • ISBN:9787513008235
  • 页数:216 页
《应用人类学 发展与文化多样性》目录

Part Ⅰ Towards Peoples'Anthropology:Theoretical Framework 3

1.Applied Anthropology,Development and Cultural Diversity&P.R.G.Mathur 3

2.From Prognosis to Pragmatism—Applied in Anthropological Text and Dissemination&Shalina Mehta 23

3.Problem of"Knowledge"in Applied Anthropology&Vineetha Menon 36

Part Ⅱ Development of Applied Anthropology:Potential and Prospects for the 21st Century 53

4.Global and National Dimensions of Universities, Public Health and Economic Development&Edward Sankowski 53

5.Health Status of the Tribals of India: An Overview&Palpu Pushpangadan and Padmavathi Sreedevi 66

6.Reducing Adolescent Suicides on the Aldea de Dourados,Brazil:A Proposed Psycho-Anthropological Intervention&Sidney M.Greenfield & Maria de Lourdes Beldi de Alc?ntara 74

Part Ⅲ Applied Anthropology,Cultural Ecology,Environment and Bio-diversity 87

7.The Coupling Relationship Between Ethnocultural Diversity and Bio-diversity&Tan Weihua & Yang Tingshuo 87

8.Kani Model of Access and Benefit Sharing&Palpu Pushpangadan & Sreedharan Nair Rajasekharan 94

9.Traditional Ecological Knowledge, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development&P.R.G.Mathur 101

10.Transference of Knowledge Obtained in BGU to Facilitate Life Under Desert Conditions Elsewhere&Kressel,Gideon M.& Hendrik J.Bruins 124

Part Ⅳ Ethnicity,Public Policy and Applied Anthropologists 143

11.Emerging Role of Anthropology in Tribal Development:The Post Liberalization Scenario in Andhra Pradesh,India&P.Venkata Rao 143

12.Empowerment of Tribal Women & Sustainable Development:A Case Study From Attappady&P.K.Sivanandan IAS(Retd.) & V.K.Sulochana 160

13.Interface of Ecology and Culture: Indigenous Perceptions of Environment&B.L.Malla 176

14.Andamanese Mythical Signatures in World Mythologial Corpus&M.Sreenathan & V.R.Rao 186

15.Traditional Craft and Cultural Revival&Ye Ji-hong 200

List of Contributors Applied Anthropology Development and Cultural Diversity 213
