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  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:王豫生主编
  • 出 版 社:福州:福建教育出版社
  • 出版年份:1999
  • ISBN:7533428811
  • 页数:209 页

关于公布1998年全省优秀博士学位论文的通知(福建省学位委员会 闽学位〔1998〕36号) 1

钼(钨)铜(银)硫新簇体系的研究&中科院福建物构所 黄群,导师 吴新涛、卢嘉锡 4

New Cluster Systems of Molybdenum(Tungsten)-Copper(Sil-ver)-Sulfur Compounds&Huang Qun—Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter,Chinese Academy of Sciences Wu Xintao,Lu Jiaxi—Supervisor 13

发展中国家(地区)通货膨胀比较研究&厦门大学 邱崇明,导师 邓子基 24

A Comparative Study on the Inflation in the Developing Coun-tries(Regions)&Qiu Chongming—Xiamen University Deng Ziji—Supervisor 25

细胞因子、类肝素物质对正常巨核细胞生成的作用及巨核细胞白血病细胞因子和受体表达与调控研究&福建医科大学 陈元仲,导师 吕联煌 28

Studies on the Effects of Cytokines and Heparinoid on the Nor-mal Megakaryocytopoiesis and the Modulation of Expression of Relevant Cytokines and their Receptors in Megakaryoblasts&Chen Yuanzhong—Fujian Medical University Lu Lianhuang—Supervisor 30

碱土金属氟化物促进的稀土氧化物甲烷氧化偶联催化剂的研究&厦门大学 龙瑞强,导师 万惠霖 33

Oxidative Coupling of Methane over the Rare Earth Oxides Promoted by Alkaline Earth Fluorides&Long Ruiqiang—Xiamen University Wan Huilin—Supervisor 40

非荧光植物假单胞菌的分类和鉴定&福建农业大学 胡方平,导师 谢联辉、John Young 51

Classification and Identification of Nonfluorescent Plant Patho-genic Pseudomonas spp.&Hu Fangping—Fujian Agricultural University Xie Lianhui,John Young—Supervisor 55

欧洲高等教育近代化的历史研究和理论探讨&厦门大学 黄福涛,导师 潘懋元 60

The Historical Research on the Modernization of Higher Educa-tion in Europe&Huang Futao—Xiamen University Pan Maoyuan—Supervisor 64

Bcl-2,Bcl-X及CPP32蛋白在细胞编程死亡中的作用&厦门大学 陈亚兵,导师 汪德耀、温龙平 66

Actions of Bcl-2,Bcl-X Proteins and Cysteine Protease CPP32 in the Cell Death Machinery&Chen Yabin—Xiamen University Wang Deyao,Wen Longping—Supervisor 67

半导体超晶格及异质结的电子结构和能带偏移的理论研究&厦门大学 柯三黄,导师 黄美纯 70

Electronic Structures and Band Offsets of Semiconductor Super-lattices and Heterojunctions&Ke Sanhuang—Xiamen University Huang Meichun—Supervisor 80

感耦等离子体原子发射光谱初级专家系统及人工智能在化学模式识别问题中的应用&厦门大学 应海,导师 黄本立 94

Primary Expert System in Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Spectroscopy and Application of Artificial Intelligence in Chem-ical Pattern Recognition&Ying Hai—Xiamen University Huang Benli—Supervisor 97

明清海洋移民台湾与菲律宾的比较研究&厦门大学 曾少聪,导师 杨国桢 102

A Comparative Study of the Marine Migration to Taiwan and the Philippines in the Ming and the Qing Dynasties&Zeng Shaocong—Xiamen University Yang Guozhen—Supervisor 103

枇杷原生质体植株再生的研究&福建农业大学 林顺权,导师 陈振光 105

A Study on Plant Regeneration from Protoplast in Loquat&Lin Shunquan—Fujian Agricultural University Chen Zhenguang—Supervisor 107

中国企业并购论&福建师范大学 陈朝阳,导师 陈征 111

A Study on the M&A in the Transitional China&Chen Chaoyang—Fujian Teachers' University Chen Zheng—Supervisor 117

国际贸易新论&厦门大学 黄建忠,导师 罗郁聪 121

New Theory of International Trade&Huang Jianzhong—Xiamen University Luo Yucong—Supervisor 126

各国股票市场比较研究&厦门大学 郑振龙,导师 张亦春 128

Comparative Study on Stock Markets Across Different Coun-tries&Zheng Zhenlong—Xiamen University Zhang Yichun—Supervisor 135

红树植物叶片发育及衰老过程中元素动态和抗盐特性的研究&厦门大学 王文卿,导师 林鹏 145

Dynamics of Element Contents During Leaf Senescence and some Salt-stress Adaptations in Mangroves&Wang Wenqing—Xiamen University Lin Peng—Superisor 149

台湾海峡及厦门西海域光合素的生物地球化学&厦门大学 王海黎,导师 洪华生 155

The Biogeochemistry of Photosynthetic Pigments in the Tai-wan Straits and Xiamen Western Water&Wang Haili—Xiamen University Hong Huasheng—Supervisor 158

真光层的颗粒动力学——234Th/238U不平衡的应用&厦门大学 陈敏,导师 黄奕普 163

Particle Dynamics in the Euphotic Zone—Application of 234Th/238U Disequilibria&Chen Min—Xiamen University Huang Yipu—Supervisor 165

亚热带近海浮游生物营养生态学研究&厦门大学 陈钢,导师 李少菁 169

Studies on Plankton Trophic Ecology in Neritic Seas of China&Chen Gang—Xiamen University Li Shaojing—Supervisor 173

晚清至民国初期陕西农村经济研究&厦门大学 钞晓鸿,导师 陈支平 178

Studies on the Rural Economy in Shaanxi from the late Qing Dynasty to the early Republic of China&Chao Xiaohong—Xiamen University Chen Zhiping—Supervisor 179

一维结构前过渡金属硫属簇合物的物理化学研究&福州大学 黄达平,导师 黄金陵、刘世雄 182

Physical Chemistry Study on Earlier Transition Metal Calco-genides with One-Dimensional Structure&Huang Daping—Fuzhou University Huang Jinling,Liu Shixiong—Supervisor 191

甘蔗耐旱生理基础及其化学调控&福建农业大学 张木清,导师 余松烈、陈如凯 195

The Physiological Bases and the Chemical Controls of the Drought Tolerance in Sugarcane&Zhang Muqing—Fujian Agricultural University Yu Songlie,Chen Rukai—Supervisor 200

中国小蜂科系统分类研究(膜翅目:小蜂总科)&福建农业大学 刘长明,导师 赵修复 208

Systematic Studies of Chinese Chalcididae(Hymenoptera:Chalcidoidea)&Liu Changming—Fujian Agricaltural University Zhao Xiufu—Supervisor 209
