- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:马锦儒等主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:7810950150
- 页数:269 页
Passage 1 Old Is Suddenly In 1
Passage 2 Social Behavior and Health 6
Passage 3 Jane Austen's Emma 12
Passage 4 Statistical Methods 18
Passage 5 Photography and Art 23
Passage 6 Pageant 31
Passage 7 The President's Economic Reconstruction Program 39
Passage 8 Death Penalty in the U.S 45
Passage 9 Consumed by Petrol 50
Passage 10 The Frugality Phenomenon 56
Passage 11 Instructions to the Visually Impaired 61
Passage 12 Invisible Fist 65
Passage 13 Parasites 69
Passage 14 Plants'Defensive Mechanisms 74
Passage 15 Diversity of Life 80
Passage 16 Staggering Tasks 86
Passage 17 Artistic Habitus 92
Passage 18 Colors to Eye 98
Passage 19 The Extension of Visual Perception 103
Passage 20 Heat Pump 109
Passage 21 Greenhouse Effect 115
Passage 22 Projectile 120
Passage 23 Fairy Tales with Children 125
Passage 24 Democratic Citizenship 130
Passage 25 Carbon Dioxide and the Earth's Atmosphere 135
Passage 26 The Pursuit of Scientific Truth 140
Passage 27 Voluntary Self-Degradation 145
Passage 28 The Origin of Cancer 151
Passage 29 The Development of the Concept of Oneself 155
Passage 30 Of Humor 159
Passage 31 Capital and Labor Relation 165
Passage 32 Hard or Soft 171
Passage 33 Religion 176
Passage 34 Dark Matter 181
Passage 35 Human Cloning 187
Passage 36 Art History and Culture 193
Passage 37 Physical Functions of Hormones 197
Passage 38 Words and Their Meanings 201
Passage 39 To Go or Not to Go—to College 206
Passage 40 DNA Fingerprinting 211
Passage 41 Food Irradiation Process 216
Passage 42 Why Men Mature Slower 221
Passage 43 My Acquaintance with Mr.Wordsworth 226
Passage 44 The Development of Attitude 233
Passage 45 Violence in Human Society 238
Passage 46 Be Rich or Be Thin 243
Passage 47 Motivational Questions in Research on Thinking 247
Passage 48 Why to Think in Dichotomies 253
Passage 49 Paper-Writing,a Breeze 260
Passage 50 Multimedia Computer 265
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