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  • 电子书积分:21 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:黄关福等编著
  • 出 版 社:北京/西安:世界图书出版公司
  • 出版年份:1995
  • ISBN:7506221985
  • 页数:769 页
图书介绍:分类场景60个, 词汇16000余个

1.菜场 food market 1

(1)肉类 meats 1

(2)水产 aquatic products 2

(3)禽蛋 poultry and eggs 4

(4)蔬菜 vegetables 5

(5)豆制品 bean products 7

2.食品店 food store 9

(1)糖果 sweets 9

(2)糕饼 cake 11

(3)饮料 drink 14

(4)土产品 native products 17

(5)其他食品 other foodstuffs 21

3.水果店 fruit shop 25

4.百货店 department store 33

5.服装店 clothing store 49

6.鞋帽店 shoe and hat store 65

(1)鞋类 footwear 65

(2)帽类 headwear 69

7.布店 drapery 73

8.理发店 barbershop 78

9.文具店 stationery shop 85

10.钟表店 watchmaker's shop 90

11.五金建材商店 hardware and construction material shop 95

(1)电视机 television 106

12.电器商店 electric appliance store 106

(2)盒式彩色录像机 colour video cassette recorder 108

(3)洗衣机 washing machine 111

(4)电冰箱 refrigerator 111

(5)室内空气调节器 room air conditioner 113

(6)其他电器 other electrical appliances 115

13.照相馆 photo studio 119

(1)照相器材 photo supplies 119

(2)拍照 shoot 124

(3)暗房 dark room 125

(1)接待处 reception desk 128

14.宾馆 hotel 128

(2)宴会厅 banqueting hall 132

(3)星级饭店 star-rated hotel 137

15.居所 residence 140

(1)家具陈设 furnishings 140

(2)寝具 sleeping set 145

(3)盥洗室 washroom 148

(4)厨房 kitchen 151

(5)日常用品 articles for daily use 158

(6)居室内外 in and around a residence 160

16.火车站 railway station 162

17.汽车站 bus station 172

18.码头 dock 180

19.飞机场 airport 191

20.剧院 theatre 200

(1)戏剧 drama 200

(2)剧场 theatre 202

(3)中国地方戏曲 Chinese local operas 207

21.影城 film studio and cinema 210

22.音乐厅 concert hall 223

(1)乐器 musical instrument 223

(2)音乐家 musician 227

(3)音乐团体 musical organization 229

(4)音乐 music 230

23.娱乐场所 places of amusement 234

24.舞厅 dance hall 246

25.马戏杂技场 circus and acrobatic theatre 250

26.动物园 zoo 261

(1)禽 fowl 261

(2)兽 beasts 263

(3)昆虫 insects 268

27.植物园 botanic garden 269

(1)树木 trees 269

(2)鲜花 flowers 274

(3)草 grasses 279

(4)竹子 bamboo 281

28.水族馆 aquarium 282

29.体育场馆 stadium and gymnasium 291

(1)足球 football 291

(2)篮球 basketball 294

(3)排球 volleyball 298

(4)棒球和垒球 baseball and softball 301

(5)橄榄球 rugby 303

(6)网球 tennis 305

(7)羽毛球 badminton 307

(8)高尔夫球 golf 308

(9)乒乓球 table tennis 310

(10)曲棍球 hockey 312

(11)台球 billiards 312

(12)板球 cricket 313

(13)槌球 croquet 314

(14)保龄球 bowling 314

(15)冰球 ice hockey 315

(16)水球 water polo 315

(17)其他球类运动 other ball games 315

(18)水上运动 aquatic sports 316

(19)冬季运动 winter sports 319

(20)田径运动 track and field 321

(21)体操 gymnastics 325

(22)武术 martial arts 326

(23)击剑 fencing 327

(24)拳击 boxing 328

(25)其他 other sports 329

30.旅行社 travel agency 331

31.学校 school 340

32.图书馆 library 358

33.博物馆 museum 373

(1)馆名 names 373

(2)考古与古物 archaeology and histori-cal relics 375

(3)字画 calligraphy and painting 384

34.报刊杂志社 newspaper and magazine office 391

35.广告社和出版社 advertising agency and publishing house 404

(1)广告社 advertising agency 404

(2)出版社 publishing house 407

36.电台和电视台 radio station and television station 415

37.医院 hospital 430

(1)部门人员 departments and personnel 430

(2)常见病症 common symptoms 434

(3)疾病 diseases 437

(4)药物 medicine 446

(5)医疗用品器具 articles and instruments for medical use 449

(6)医疗方法 medical treatment 452

(7)中药成药 patent herbal medicine 459

(8)针灸治疗 acupuncture and moxibus-tion therapy 462

(9)人体器官 human organs 464

38.邮电局 post and telegraph office 473

(1)邮政 postal service 473

(2)电话 telephone 476

(3)电报 telegram 480

39.银行 bank 485

40.海关 customhouse 492

(1)海关手续 customs formalities 492

(2)关税 duty 494

(3)移民 immigration 498

(4)走私 smuggling 500

41.市政厅 city hall 501

(1)处理日常事务 dealing with routine matters 501

(2)选举 election 506

(3)政府编制 government establishment 513

42.保险公司 insurance corporation 518

(1)保险类别 categories of insurance 518

(2)保险单 insurance policy 523

(3)保险条款 insurance policy 524

(4)费用 expenses 526

(5)保险人员 insurance personnel 530

(6)保险一般用语 general terms of insu-rance 532

(7)灾区 disaster area 538

43.房地产公司 real estate company 540

(1)房地产买卖 real estate business 540

(2)借房 renting a house 550

44.证券交易所 stock exchange 554

(1)证券 securities 554

(2)股票 stock 558

(3)债券 bond 564

45.外贸公司 foreign trade corporation 566

(1)会计名称 names of accounting 578

46.会计科 accounting department 578

(2)查账 auditing 579

(3)帐户 account 580

(4)结算 settling accounts 587

(5)工资福利 wages and benefits 592

(6)成本 cost 593

(7)款项 funds 594

(8)数字 figures 599

47.计算机房 computer room 601

48.气象台 meteorological observatory 615

49.环境保护所 environmental protection agency 624

(1)污染 pollution 624

(2)环境的保护 environmental protection 630

50.油田 oil field 641

(1)石油工业 petroleum industry 641

(2)油类和副产品 oil and byproducts 648

51.矿山 mine 650

(1)勘探与采矿 prospecting and mining 650

(2)煤矿 coal mine 659

52.发电厂 power plant 662

53.工业企业 industrial enterprise 677

(1)工业类型 types of industry 677

(2)工厂机构 factory organization 682

(3)工厂管理 factory management 686

54.公安局 bureau of public security 690

55.消防队 fire brigade 699

56.法院 court 707

57.监狱 prison 720

58.军队 army 726

59.教堂与佛寺 churches and Buddhist tem-ples 742

(1)基督教 Christianity 742

(2)佛教 Buddhism 747

60.庆典礼仪 celebrations and protocol 753

(1)四季节庆 holidays and festivals 753

(2)婚礼 wedding 759

(3)葬礼 funeral 766
