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  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:王林著
  • 出 版 社:北京:国防工业出版社
  • 出版年份:2015
  • ISBN:9787118107395
  • 页数:311 页
图书介绍:本书从跨学科的视角,运用翻译学、语言学、文体学等理论对伍尔夫意识流文学作品Mrs. Dalloway (《达罗维夫人》)和 To the Lighthouse(《到灯塔去》)的汉译问题进行了较为全面的分析,从句子的角度对伍尔夫这两部重要的意识流小说的几个汉译本中的文体失落和变形问题及其背后的潜在原因进行了较为系统和客观的考察。本书可供高等院校或科研院所从事翻译学、文学、比较文学学习和研究的教师、科研人员、学生及对该领域感兴趣的其他读者参考使用。

Chapter 1 Introduction 1

1.1 Research Background 1

1.2 Why the Perspective of Syntax 3

1.3 Research Focus and Research Questions 8

1.4 Why the Choice of MD and TL as Case Studies 10

1.5 Research Methodology and Theoretical Framework 12

1.6 Contents of the Book 13

Chapter 2 Literature Review 16

2.1 A General Survey on the Topic of Translating Virginia Woolf 16

2.2 A Brief Review of the Concept of Norms from Descriptive Translation Studies 30

2.3 A Brief Introduction of Functional Stylistics 46

Chapter 3 Woolf's Major Poetic Syntactic Structures and What Happens to them in the Chinese Versions 50

3.1 Woolf's Major Poetic Syntactic Structures and Their Stylistic Effects 52

3.1.1 Structure of Abbreviation 53

3.1.2 Structure of Interruption 58

3.1.3 Structure of Inversion 63

3.1.4 Structure of Balance 66

3.1.5 Repetition Structure 70

3.1.6 Cataphoric Personal Reference 73

3.1.7 Deviating Adverb Cluster 75

3.1.8 For-Structure 77

3.2 Syntax and Stylistic Effects of Higher Textual Levels 79

3.2.1 Syntax and Focalization 79

3.2.2 Syntax and Mode of Speech and Thought Presentation 88

3.2.3 Syntax and Narrative Voice 94

3.2.4 Syntax and Rhythm 101

3.2.5 Syntax and Ekphrasis 107

3.3 What Happens to Woolf's Poetic Sentences and Related Stylistic Effects in the Chinese Versions 113

3.3.1 Fragmentary Sentences Being Rendered Fluently 114

3.3.2 Inversion Structure Being Normalized 125

3.3.3 Deformation of Sentence Structure Resulted from Alteration of Punctuation 128

3.3.4 Abbreviated Structure Being Supplemented 135

3.3.5 Balance Structure Being Destroyed 138

3.3.6 Repetitions Being Cut or Omitted 142

3.3.7 Improper Rendering of Adverb Cluster 144

3.3.8 Disruption of Cataphoric Personal Reference 148

3.3.9 Improper Treatment of For-structure 149

3.4 Damage to Stylistic Effects of Higher Textual Levels 151

3.4.1 Destruction of Rhythmical Effect 152

3.4.2 Distortion of Focalization 153

3.4.3 Distortion of Narrative Voice 157

3.4.4 Alteration of Mode of Speech and Thought Presentation 162

3.4.5 Destruction of Ekphrastic Effect 179

3.4.6 Summary 181

Chapter 4 Behind Loss and Distortion:Potential Factors Responsible for the Problems 183

4.1 A Translation Experiment 188

4.2 Impact from Literary Tradition in the Target Culture 199

4.3 Influence of Ideological Norms in the Target Culture 213

4.4 Constraints of Target Language Norms 216

4.5 Interference from the Punctuation Convention in the Target Language 222

4.6 Negative Effect of Translational Norms 231

4.7 Translators'Lack of Stylistic Awareness 244

4.8 Summary 257

Chapter 5 Towards Better Rendition of Fictional Style:Present Research's Implications for Literary Translator Training 260

5.1 The Significance of the Theory of Norms for Translators 263

5.1.1 Essential Change and Development of Chinese Syntax under the Influence of Translation 266

5.1.2 Evolution of Chinese Punctuation under the Influence of Translation 268

5.1.3 The Change of Narrative Patterns of Chinese Fiction under the Influence of Translation 271

5.1.4 Variation of Translation Criteria in China 273

5.2 The Significance of Stylistics for Literary Translation 278

5.3 Summary 283

Chapter 6 Conclusion 286

6.1 Major Findings 286

6.2 Contributions 289

6.3 Limitations and Future Research 290

6.3.1 Limitations 290

6.3.2 Future Research 291

Appendix Ⅰ Materials to be translated by the subjects 293

Appendix Ⅱ Translations by the Subjects 294

Bibliography 305
