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时尚英语主题阅读  商务英语篇

时尚英语主题阅读 商务英语篇PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:翁云凯主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国石化出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:780229097X
  • 页数:322 页
《时尚英语主题阅读 商务英语篇》目录

1.WTO世贸组织 1

2.Merger and Acquisition合并和收购活动 2

3.Globalization全球化 4

4.Business Letter Writing商务书信的撰写 6

5.An Offer Without Engagement无约束力的报盘 8

6.Confirming An Order确认订货 10

7.The Container Service集装箱业务 11

8.Documents Against Payment(D/P)付款交单 13

9.Documents Against Acceptance(D/A)承兑交单 14

10.Britain Squeezes Juice Deal Out Of EC英国巧榨欧共体橙汁 15

11.Special Drawing Rights特别提款权 17

12.International Trade and The Theory of Comparative Ad-vantage国际贸易和比较成本论 19

13.International Marketing Research and Steps国际营销调研及步骤 21

14.What Is E-Commerce?什么是电子商务 29

15.No One Story Fits All of Asia?没有一条能适用于全亚洲的规则? 34

16.Competition and Cooperation竞争与合作 38

17.Asset and Cash Flow Management资产和现金流动管理 44

18.Benefits and High price of Globalizing Economy经济全球化的好处和代价 48

19.Who owns Company's Stock?谁能持有公司股票? 52

20.The Pattern of Problem Solving in Business商业决策模式 56

21.HR 400 Bill HR 400法案 59

22.Receiving Guest接待顾客 62

23.What Is Inquiry?什么是询盘? 68

24.Negotiation协商价格 74

25.Customer Relationship Management客户关系管理 78

26.International Business and Cross-cultural Communication国际商业和跨文化交流 82

27.Pol icy of Nonintervention of Governments政府的不干涉政策 84

28.Administration of the Trade Regime(1)贸易制度的实施(1) 88

29.Administration of the Trade Regime(2)贸易制度的实施(2) 91

30.Recession Results in Cuts—Haircuts货币贬值政府削减进口商品逼上梁山国人“削减”头发 94

31.Online Transaction网上交易 96

32.Nike Purchasing Converse for $ 305 Million耐克斥资3.05亿美元收购匡威 98

33.Myths About the Internet因特网之谜 100

34.Country's Capacity to Produce Wealth国家创造财富的能力 105

35.Google Leading Role of Internet网络业的龙头 108

36.Essential to Open a French Bank有必要开一个法国账户 111

37.System of Banking Secrecy and Numbered Accounts of Swiss Banks瑞士银行的保密系统和记账单 113

38.Consumers and Their Motives消费者和消费动机 116

39.Employers'Influence on the Earnings雇主对收入的影响 119

40.The Definition of"Price"“价格”的定义 122

41.Top-Earning Fictional Characters最赚钱的虚拟人物 124

42.Motorola to Invest Billions in Booming China Market摩托罗拉拟向欣欣向荣的中国市场投资数十亿 130

43.Mutton on the Menu at India's McDonald's印度麦当劳:牛肉换羊肉 132

44.The History of P&G宝洁公司的历史 134

45.Brand It Like Beckham像贝克汉姆一样造势 137

46.What keeps U.S.Brands Aloft?美国品牌成功的秘诀 141

47.To Be Rich你应该致富 144

48.Spy Satellites of a Different Sort另类“间谍”卫星 146

49.The History of Nokia诺基亚的发展史 148

50.Refrigerator And Oven in One冰火相容其乐无穷 150

51.Nokia's Camera-Mobile Phone诺基亚7650 152

52.The Wal-Mart Story沃尔玛的传奇 153

53.Do You Know Joe Girard?你知道乔·吉拉德吗? 157

54.Airline Jobs Lose Luster“飞”不起来的航空业 159

55.Are They Worth It?他们值得你拥有吗? 161

56.Oprah Gets on Forbes欧普拉跻身“福布斯” 163

57.Is it Unethical To Purposely Distort Information故意歪曲信息道德吗? 164

58.Theaters Going Digital影院进入数字化时代 167

59.What Characteristics Should Entrepreneurs Possess?企业家应该具备什么素质? 169

60.Brand Value品牌价值 171

61.Apple Goal:Easy Access To Interent苹果公司的目标:轻松入网 173

62.Upside Down Pyramid:American Style of Management倒过来的金字塔:美国式企业管理方法 175

63.Telephone电话 177

64.How to Seek Jobs?怎样求职? 179

65.Advertisement广告 183

66.Mercedes and Benz梅塞德斯和奔驰 187

67.Chile's Tourist Sector智利旅游业 190

68.Marketing and Sales销售和减价出售 195

69.The War for Talent天才雇员争夺战 199

70.How to Harness New Technologies怎样利用新技术 203

71.Preparing a Good Resume准备一份好的简历 206

72.How to Succeed in Applying for a Job?怎样在申请工作中获得成功? 210

73.Telemedicine远程医学 215

74."Lemons"in Used Car Market旧汽车市场的蹩脚货 217

75.David Jones and His Salary大卫·琼斯和他的薪金 219

76.Packaging包装 221

77.Brands品牌 224

78.Online Selling网上销售 227

79.Digital Wallets数字钱夹 230

80.Internet Explorer 6 IE6 234

81.Virtual Enterprise虚拟企业 239

82.Insurance保险 241

83.Marketing营销 245

84.Financial Planner理财顾问 250

85.Managing the Business Enterprise管理企业 254

86.Microsoft Monopolistic Abuses微软垄断性恶意竞争 257

87.E-Business电子商务 261

88.Travelers Debate Value of Business-Class Rooms旅行者对商务客房价值的对话 266

89.Web Ads Getting"In Your Face"网络广告扑面而来 271

90.Ideas about Equality平等思想 276

91.Acer's Approach:Employee Investors宏碁策略:雇员持股 279

92.Different Corporate Cultures不同的企业文化 286

93.What Should Boards Do When in Trouble处于困境时,董事会何去何从? 290

94.Teenager hopes his firm will become another Microsoft少年经理梦想他的公司成为第二个微软 293

95.Hotel Management:A Five-Star Career旅店管理:五星级的职业 297

96.Over-capacity in the Car Business汽车业生产能力过剩 303

97.Securities Markets证券市场 307

98.Outstanding Cultural Diversity Programs多元文化连着我和你 312

99.Business Law商法 317
