- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:成应翠主编
- 出 版 社:北京:机械工业出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7111196503
- 页数:201 页
1.A Bad Memory 糟糕的记忆 2
2.A Nightmare 噩梦 3
3.Pay the Rent First 先交房租 4
4.The School Report Card 成绩单 5
5.Cook Eggs 煮鸡蛋 6
6.Take Medicine 吃药 7
7.Mothballs 卫生球 8
8.Wolf-Rabbit Race 狼兔赛跑 9
9.Spinach and the Magnet 菠菜和磁铁 10
10.Regret We Didn't Meet Earlier 相见恨晚 11
11.It All Depends on Cats 完全取决于猫 12
12.A Drug for Mice 老鼠药 13
13.Break Their Eggs 蛋摔破了 14
14.Who Runs Faster? 谁跑得快? 15
15.Chocolate 巧克力 16
16.Half-Time Rest 中场休息 17
17.A Policeman Seizing"a Thief" 警察抓“小偷” 18
18.Tell a Story 说谎 19
19.Mushroom 蘑菇 20
20.Shrink 缩水 21
21.Santa Claus 圣诞老人 22
22.The Iron 熨斗 23
23.The Difficult Questions 难题 24
24.Candies 奶糖 25
25.How Much Does the Baby Cost? 宝贝值多少钱? 26
26.God 上帝 27
27.Cock and Hen 公鸡与母鸡 28
28.Goat's Milk 羊奶 29
29.Miss Its Grandpa 思念爷爷 30
30.Take Advice 听话 31
31.Tire Me Out 把我累趴下 32
32.The Tiger Cage 老虎笼子 33
33.An Umbrella(1) 雨伞(1) 34
34.An Umbrella(2) 雨伞(2) 35
35.Borrow Money 借钱 36
36.The Sleep Medicine 安眠药 37
37.Put Some Oil 加油 38
38.My Bag Is Full 书包已经满了 39
39.Ride a Horse 骑马 40
40.The Gold Watch 金表 41
41.White Hair 白头发 42
42.A Ticket 入场券 43
43.Handsome Boy 帅哥 44
44 A Bike Is Better than a Car 自行车比汽车好 45
45.A Changeful Dog 多变的狗 46
46.A Big Head 大头 47
47.The Black Vase 黑色的花瓶 48
48.A Nice Jade Ring 漂亮的玉戒指 49
49 Catch Fish 钓鱼 50
50.Send My Dad to Her 把爸爸送给她 51
51.Police and Robber 警察与强盗 52
52.The Schoolmates' Album 留言本 53
53.Add Some Marks 加分 54
54.Nickname 绰号 55
55.Shining Points 闪光点 56
56.A Good Beating on the Bottom 屁股开花 57
57.Talk Bull 吹牛 58
58.Busy Mom 忙碌的妈妈 59
59.God Has Them 上帝才知道 60
60.Take a Nap 睡午觉 61
61.Come Here Again Tomorrow 明天再来 62
62.Honesty and Wisdom 诚实和智慧 63
63.The Earth Is Round 地球是圆的 64
64.Step on My Foot 踩着我的脚 65
66.18 Floors 18层 67
65.An Old Shirt 一件旧衬衫 68
67.Serve Badly 服务态度不好 68
68.It's Too Much! 太黑了吧! 69
69.Shark 鲨鱼 70
70.It's Very Delicious 味道好极了 71
71.The Last Two Pieces 最后两片 72
72.Be Sure Not to Drink Water 千万不要喝水 73
73.It Isn't Necessary to Wash the Fish 鱼没必要洗 74
74.A Beautiful Hat 漂亮的帽子 75
75.A Barber 理发师 76
76.A Perfume Store 香水商店 77
77.Little Pipi and the Doggy 小皮皮和小狗 78
78.A Poor Painter 贫穷的画家 79
79.Do You Have Any Teeth? 您还有牙吗? 80
80.The Cold-water Switch and the Hot-water One 冷水闸和热水闸 81
81.A Black Swan 一只黑天鹅 82
82.A Bird 一只小鸟 83
83.A Deaf Person 聋子 84
84.The Recorder 录音机 85
85.Paw at the Food 抓菜吃 86
86.It's Too Late Now 现在晚了 87
87.Get Drunk 喝醉 88
88.A Counterexample 反例 89
89.Why Aren't You Crying? 你怎么没哭? 90
90.An Easy Question 简单的问题 91
91.Bait 鱼饵 92
92.This Chair Painted Just Now 刚漆过椅子 93
93.Look Blurry 模糊 94
94.Talk with the Hen 与母鸡商量 95
95.Parents Know Our Names 父母知道我们的名字 96
96.I Thought It Was a Stone 我以为是石头呢 97
97.Mouse Teeth 鼠牙 98
98.60 Marks 60分 99
99.You Talk Bull! 你吹牛! 100
100.2 Kilograms of Chocolate 4斤巧克力 101
101.The Trumpet 大喇叭 102
102.The Egg Porridge 鸡蛋粥 103
103.Revenge 报复 104
104.The Candle Couldn't Breathe 蜡烛不能呼吸 105
105.No Wonder You Are Heavier 难怪你比我重 106
106.As Strong as a Bull 壮得像头牛 107
107.A Unique Shoes Show 特色鞋子展 108
108.By Airplane 坐飞机 109
109.Toss a Coin 抛硬币 110
110.The Foolish Old Man 愚公 111
111.The Other Foot 另一只脚 112
112.A Lost Notice 寻猪启事 113
113.The Inspiration for the Composition 写作灵感 114
114.The Difference 差别 115
115.Too Few Dining Halls 食堂太少 116
116.A Good Girl 听话的孩子 117
117.Nail Polish 指甲油 118
118.Bookshelf 书柜 119
119.A Fan 电风扇 120
120.Throw "Peanut" Away 扔花生 121
121.Whose Pen? 谁的钢笔? 122
122.A Good Baby 好宝宝 123
123.Find a Solution 想办法 124
124.License Plate Number 车牌号 125
125.The Cleverer Black Hen 聪明的黑鸡 126
126.Electricity and Lightning 电和闪电 127
127.Buy Shoes 买鞋子 128
128.Throw a Bad Eggplant 扔烂茄子 129
129.Just Now I Was Laughing 我刚才笑了 130
130.Do Homework on a Plane 在飞机上做作业 131
131.A Little Angel 小天使 132
132.Grandpa Didn't Eat Apples 爷爷不吃苹果 133
133.Take the Bus to School 坐公交车上学 134
134.Do Magic 变戏法 135
135.My Pen Has No Ears 我的钢笔没有耳朵 136
136.Whale 鲸鱼 137
137.A Little Cousin 小表妹 138
138.Pull the Tooth 拔牙 139
139.A Filial Girl 孝心女 140
140.Big "×" 大大的叉 141
141.The Unusual Offspring 特别的后代 142
142.Saliva 口水 143
143.Make Money 赚钱 144
144.A Slip of Paper 小抄 145
145.The Question Is Wrong 这道题是错的 146
146.Spoil All the Tickets 捣毁全部的车票 147
147.Fly Killing Paper 灭蝇纸 148
148.A Composition about Dogs 关于狗的作文 149
149.Take Your Prize 领奖 150
150.The Longest and the Shortest 最长和最短 151
151.The Four Great Inventions 四大发明 152
152.My Dad 爸爸 153
153.Swallow and Sparrow 燕子与麻雀 154
154.The Hope of Pandas 熊猫的愿望 155
155.Your Teacher Is So Great 你们老师真厉害! 156
156.Lullaby 催眠曲 157
157.How Many Legs Has an Ostrich? 鸵鸟有几条腿? 158
158."Discover" and "Invent" “发现”和“发明” 159
159.London Is Farther Away from Us 伦敦离我们更远 160
160.The Brotherly Spirit 兄弟般的精神 161
161.Oversleep 睡过了头 162
162.An Ugly Flower 难看的花 163
163.English Teacher 英语老师 164
164.My Parents Are the Same Age as Me 爸妈和我一样大 165
165.A Blonde Lady 金发女郎 166
166.Ten Heavy Claps on My Bottom 挨10下屁股 167
167.Ask for Leave 请假 168
168.Buried in the Same Grave 埋在一个墓里 169
169.Forget to Wash the Apple 忘了洗苹果 170
170.Four Gold Teeth 四颗金牙 171
171.The Importance of the "Foreign Language" “外语”的重要性 172
172.The Pan Is Small 煎锅太小 173
173.Scare Other Classmates Away 吓跑其他同学 174
174.A Professional Boxer 职业拳击手 175
175.Messy Handwriting 潦草的字 176
176.Gold 金子 177
177.Get Up Early 早起 178
178.Sign 签字 179
179.Birthday 生日 180
180.A Feather Duster 鸡毛掸子 181
181.Crab 螃蟹 182
182.Two Years Later 两年后 183
183.Four Groups 四大族 184
184.Act a Tourist 扮演游客 185
185.The Goldfish 金鱼 186
186.This Is 118 这里是118 187
187.You're Welcome 不用谢 188
188.Begin to Lie 开始说谎 189
189.Who Do You Look like? 你像谁? 190
190.Give back the Money Quickly 快还钱 191
191.Skills 经验 192
192.Like Crying 爱哭 193
193.The Ticket Seller 售票员 194
194.Have an Operation 动手术 195
195.See a Movie 看电影 196
196.Be Bitten by a Dog 被狗咬 197
197.So Happy 如此高兴 198
198.The Magic Lamp 神灯 199
199.Hear Nothing 听不到 200
200.A Fur Coat 一件皮大衣 201
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