![新世纪基础英语 2 学生用书](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/32/s6b0ae83.jpg)
![新世纪基础英语 2 学生用书](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/32/s6b0ae83.jpg)
新世纪基础英语 2 学生用书PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张伯香,张福林总主编;艾丹,胡慧主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:781095282X
- 页数:239 页
Unit 1 People around you 1
Text A Look carefully and learn 4
Dialogue Keep in touch 9
Text B Bill Gates 10
Grammar 1.Present and past continuous tenses 15
2.Auxiliary verbs 17
Unit 2 Around the world 20
Text A England and Britain 22
Dialogue We want to go to Spain 27
Text B Impressions of the British 28
Grammar The comparatives and superlatives of adjectives and adverbs 33
Unit 3 Life stories 38
Text A Excuses 40
Dialogue A birthday gift 46
Text B "Whatever you need" 47
Grammar Word formation 51
Unit 4 News and media 54
Text A Surviving a plane crash 56
Dialogue What a mess! 61
Text B Different types of media 62
Grammar Types of sentences 67
Unit 5 Dealing with money 70
Text A Money and the meaning of life 72
Dialogue Making ends meet 77
Text B The history of money 78
Grammar Present perfect tense 82
Unit 6 Words and stories 86
Text A The dumbest of grammas in the world 88
Dialogue Seeing eye to eye 94
Text B Where are the words from 95
Grammar Modal verbs—can,may,must 100
Unit 7 Fairy stories 104
Text A The eagle and the beetle 106
Dialogue The moral of a fable 113
Text B Walking in the woods 115
Grammar When-clause and if-clause 120
Unit 8 Social matters 124
Text A FBI teams up with business to fight cyber crime 126
Dialogue A chat on line 134
Text B Good intentions aren't enough 135
Grammar Restrictive attributive clause 140
Unit 9 Science and future 144
Text A Why we must venture into space 146
Dialogue A difficult job to do 153
Text B How computers came about 154
Grammar Expressions of simple future tense:"will"and "be going to" 158
Unit 10 Customs 162
Text A A national holiday 164
Dialogue Dinner invitation 170
Text B April Fool's Day 171
Grammar Passive voice 176
Unit 11 Dilemmas 180
Text A A working woman's dilemma 182
Dialogue A student's dilemma 187
Text B The prisoner's dilemma:a fable 189
Grammar Direct and indirect speeches 193
Unit 12 Cultural difference 198
Text A Walls 200
Dialogue Italian food 208
Text B What are good manners? 210
Grammar Present and past participles 214
Appendix:Glossary 219
Useful Expressions 230
proper Names 233
Irregular Verbs 235
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