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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:杜慧颖,李维,马嘉编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:金盾出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:7508244745
  • 页数:262 页

Unit One New to the Company 公司新成员 3

Ⅰ.We need a new hand. 我们需要个新人手。 3

Ⅱ.We've gotta get the right person. 我们得挑出合适的人选。 7

Ⅲ.I'd love to work for the company. 我愿意为公司效力。 10

Ⅳ.Today's my first day. 今天是我工作的第一天。 14

Ⅴ.Let me show you around. 我来带你参观一下。 17

Unit Two Commuting 乘车上下班 23

Ⅰ.How do you get to work? 你怎么去上班? 23

Ⅱ.You were late. 你迟到了。 26

Ⅲ.I couldn't find a parking space. 我找不到停车位。 29

Ⅳ.I want to share your car with you. 我想和你共用汽车。 33

Ⅴ.I've got my own car. 我自己买了车。 37

Unit Three At Work(Ⅰ) 工作中(Ⅰ) 43

Ⅰ.I've got a busy day ahead. 我今天会很忙。 43

Ⅱ.I'm going on a business trip. 我要去出差。 47

Ⅲ.We have to work overtime. 我们得加班。 51

Ⅳ.Please arrange a meeting for me. 请帮我安排会议。 55

Ⅴ.You need to be more careful. 你需要再认真些。 59

Ⅰ.We need some office supplies. 我们需要一些办公用品。 65

Unit Four At Work(Ⅱ) 工作中(Ⅱ) 65

Ⅱ.It's time to give an annual report. 该写年度报告了。 68

Ⅲ.Congratulations! 祝贺你! 72

Ⅳ.I have to ask for a half day off. 我不得不请半天假。 75

Ⅴ.It'll be much tougher next year. 明年任务会更艰巨。 79

Unit Five Modern Office 现代化办公 85

Ⅰ.I can take a message for you. 我可以帮您记下留言。 85

Ⅱ.We have the voice mail system. 我们安装有语音信箱系统。 88

Ⅲ.Could you send the fax for me? 你能帮我发这份传真吗? 92

Ⅳ.My computer went out of order. 我的电脑坏了。 95

Ⅴ.Internet is really great. 因特网真的很棒。 99

Unit Six Improvement 提升 105

Ⅰ.He'll get a promotion. 他要升职了。 105

Ⅱ.You can apply for the training program. 你可以申请这个培训项目。 109

Ⅲ.I want to further my study. 我想在学业上得到进一步深造。 113

Ⅳ.Can I get a pay raise? 我能加薪吗? 117

Ⅴ.He is the right person for job-hopping. 他适合跳槽。 121

Ⅰ.This is my family album. 这是我的家庭相册。 127

Unit Seven Getting to Know More about Each Other 增进了解 127

Ⅱ.Is your father any better? 你父亲身体好些了吗? 131

Ⅲ.Our boss gives a lot to charity. 我们老板参加了许多慈善活动。 135

Ⅳ.I love cats. 我喜欢猫。 139

Ⅴ.Let's go to the concert! 我们去听音乐会吧! 143

Unit Eight Leisure Time Activities 休闲娱乐 149

Ⅰ.Have you seen a great movie recently? 最近看什么好电影了吗? 149

Ⅱ.How about getting together for dinner tonight? 152

今晚一起去吃饭好吗? 152

Ⅲ.Let's practice yoga. 我们练瑜伽吧。 157

Ⅳ.I'm learning golf. 我在学打高尔夫。 160

Ⅴ.This is the most popular bar. 这是最受欢迎的酒吧。 164

Unit Nine Traveling Around 旅游 169

Ⅰ.Let's go camping.(Ⅰ) 我们去野营。(Ⅰ) 169

Ⅱ.Let's go camping.(Ⅱ) 我们去野营。(Ⅱ) 173

Ⅲ.Where shall we go for this vacation? 我们这次去哪儿度假? 177

Ⅳ.Do you know how to prepare for a trip abroad? 你知道如何准备去国外旅游吗? 181

Ⅴ.We had a wonderful vacation. 我们过了一个愉快的假期。 185

Ⅰ.Shares have rocketed. 股票大涨了。 191

Unit Ten Money Management 理财 191

Ⅱ.What's the best investment? 最好的投资方式是什么? 195

Ⅲ.I need a VIP card. 我想办张贵宾卡。 199

Ⅳ.It's wise to buy a life insurance policy when you're young. 年轻时买人寿保险是明智之举。 203

Ⅴ.I've bought a house with a mortgage. 我用按揭方式买了套房子。 207

Unit Eleven E-Life 网络生活 213

Ⅰ.Why not try an on-line purchase? 为什么不尝试一下网上购物? 213

Ⅱ.How can I chat on QQ? 我怎么用QQ聊天呢? 218

Ⅲ.I am fond of reading blogs. 我喜欢读博客。 223

Ⅳ.Something must be done against net game addiction. 应当采取措施对付网络游戏成瘾。 228

Ⅴ.The on-line catalogs help me a lot. 网上图书目录帮了我大忙。 233

Unit Twelve Family Issues 家庭事务 239

Ⅰ.I'm moving in. 我要搬家。 239

Ⅱ.My daughter will go to school this year. 我女儿今年上学。 243

Ⅲ.I'm having a blind date. 我要相亲。 246

Ⅳ.What do your parents do after retirement? 你父母退休后都做些什么? 250

Ⅴ.Family structure in China has changed greatly. 中国的家庭结构发生了很大变化。 254

Appendix 附录 259
