- 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)爱泼斯坦(EPSTEIN,R.J.)著
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2005
- ISBN:7030146182
- 页数:623 页
Ⅰ From molecular biology to human genetics 7
1 Biomolecular evolution 9
2 Chromatin and chromosomes 49
3 Gene expression 77
4 RNA processing and translation 96
5 Protein structure and function 114
Ⅱ From molecular genetics to human biochemistry 145
6 Nutrition and energy 147
7 Membranes and channels 173
8 Cell-surface receptors and antigen recognition 193
9 Adhesion molecules and the extracellular matrix 209
10 Cytoskeletal proteins and molecular motors 235
Ⅲ From molecular biochemistry to human cell biology 251
11 Signal transduction 253
12 Bioactive lipids and inflammatory cytokines 288
13 Hormones and growth factors 312
14 Hemopoietins,angiogenins,and vasoactive mediators 337
15 Cell cycle control,apoptosis,and ageing 356
Ⅳ From molecular cell biology to human physiology 389
16 Development 391
17 Metabolism 415
18 Blood 449
19 Immunity 473
20 Neurobiology 491
Ⅴ From molecular physiology to human molecular biology 531
21 Genetic experimental systems 533
22 Gene and protein analysis 546
23 Genetic engineering,gene mapping,and gene testing 562
24 Gene knockouts,transgenics,and cloning 577
25 Gene therapy and recombinant DNA technology 587
Index 603
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