- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:黄利军主编
- 出 版 社:北京:金盾出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7508239806
- 页数:579 页
A 1
a/an 1
a bit/a little 2
a(n)/one 2
about/around/or so/some 3
about/on/over 4
above/over/on/upon 5
accept/receive 6
ache/pain 7
accident/incident/event 7
a Chinese/the Chinese 8
across/through/over 9
a Chinese map/a map of China 9
act/action 10
add...to/add to/add up to 11
act/act as 11
a few/few 12
admire/respect 12
affair/matter/business/thing 13
affect/effect 14
afraid/fear/fearful/frightened/yellow/terrified/scared/chicken 15
after/behind 17
a friend of my father/a friend of my fathe's 17
after/since 18
after a week/in a week/a week later 19
ago/before 20
a great many/a great many of 21
a great deal/a great deal of 21
agree on/agree to/agree with 22
aid/help/assist/support 23
ain't/am not 24
alike/like/similar 25
alive/live/living 26
all/both 27
all/all of 27
all/whole/entire/total/complete/full 28
allow/admit/let/permit 30
All right/That's all right/That's right 31
almost/nearly 32
alone/lone/lonely 33
along/down 34
aloud/loud/loudly 35
a lot/a lot of 35
already/yet 37
already/all ready 37
also/too/as well/as well as/either 38
although/though/as/when/while 40
altogether/all together 42
always/usually/often/frequently 43
always/all ways 43
among/between 44
a most/the most 45
and/or 46
animal/beast/creature 47
an English teacher/a teacher of English 47
another/the other/others/the others 48
answer/reply 50
a number of/the number of 51
anxious/eager 52
any/some 53
anyway/any way 54
anyone/any one 54
apologize to/apologize for 55
a paper/a piece of paper 55
appreciate/enjoy 56
around/round 57
argue about/argue with 57
arrive/reach/get 58
arrive at/arrive in 59
article/composition/writing 60
as/because/since/for 61
as/like 62
as...as/so...as 63
as a result/as a result of 63
ashamed/shameful 64
ask/ask for/ask…for 65
as if/as though 65
ask/beg/demand/request/require 66
asleep/sleeping/sleepy 68
as many as/as much as 69
as soon as/hardly...when.../no sooner...than.../scarcely...when.../themoment(that)/immediately/directly 70
as much/much as 70
as such/such as 72
astonish/surprise/shock 73
astonishment/surprise/shock 74
at a time/at one time/at times/at the time/at any time/at all times/at no time/at the same time 75
at all/not at all 75
at first/first 77
at ease/with ease 77
at last/in the end/finally 78
at hand/in hand/on hand 78
at table/at the table 79
attempt(n.)/try/go 80
attempt(v.)/try 80
attend/attend to 81
at the end/in the end 82
at the beginning/in the beginning 82
at the front of/in front of/at the head of 83
baggage/luggage 84
bad/badly 84
B 84
ball/dance 85
battle/campaign/fight/fighting/struggle/war 86
bath/bathe 86
be/become/turn 88
be about to do/be to do/be going to do 89
be afraid of doing/be afraid to do 90
be angry at sth./be angry with sb 91
be against/go against 91
beat/hit/knock/strike 92
beautiful/pretty/handsome/lovely/fair 93
beat/defeat 93
because/because of 95
be busy doing/be busy with 95
be covered by/be covered with 96
be familiar to/be familiar with 97
be expert in/be an expert on 97
be fit for/be fit to do/fit 98
be famous as/be famous for 98
begin/start 99
before long/long before 99
begin doing/begin to do 100
be ill/fall ill 101
begin...with/to begin with 101
be interested in/become interested in/take an interest in 102
be late for/come late to 103
believe/believe in/trust 104
be late with/be late(in)doing 104
be likely to do/be possible to do 105
below/under/beneath 106
be made of/be made from/be made out of 107
be pleased at/be pleased with 108
be out/go out 108
beside/besides 109
besides/except/except for/but/apart from 110
besides/again/also 112
be sure to do/be sure of doing 113
be strict with/be strict in 113
be tired of/be tired up with/be tired with/be tired from/be tired out 114
be willing to do/be ready to do/be content to do 115
be used for/be used as/be used by 115
beyond/above 116
big/large/huge/great 117
boat/ship 118
born/borne 119
bookshop/bookstore 119
both/either 120
borrow/lend 120
brave/fearless/bold/daring 122
brief/short 123
bright/clever/wise 124
bring/take/fetch/carry/get/collect 125
bring down/go down 126
broad/wide 127
build/construct/put up/set up/found 128
buy/afford/get 129
by/in/on 130
by/through/with/in 132
by/till 133
by hand/with one's hand(s) 134
by day/by the day 134
by oneself/for oneself/to oneself 135
by the age of/at the age of 136
by sea/by the sea 136
by the end of/at the end of 137
by turns/in turn 138
call/call at/call on/call in/drop in/visit 139
C 139
call sb.'s name/call sb.names 140
can/be able to 141
can/may 142
can/could 142
can't help doing/can't help(to)do 144
can but/cannot but 144
cap/hat 145
carry on/carry out/carry through/carry off 146
care about/care for/care of 146
catch/seize/hold/grasp/snatch/grab/catch hold of 148
catch(a)cold/have a cold 149
catch up with/keep up with 150
catch fire/(be)on fire 150
celebrate/observe 151
center/middle/heart 152
certain/sure/confident 153
chance/opportunity/occasion 154
character/role 155
change...for.../change into/change...into 155
charge/bargain 156
cheat/fool 157
cheap/inexpensive 157
chick/chicken/hen/cock 158
Chinese/China 159
city/town 160
choose/select/pick out 160
class/lesson 161
clean/sweep/wipe/clear 162
clear away/clear up/clean up 163
climate/weather 164
close/near 165
close/closely 165
close/shut 166
clothes/clothing/dress 167
coin/cash/change/note/bill 168
collect/gather 169
college/university/institute/school 170
come/go 171
come over(to)/come around 172
come in/come into/enter 172
come to do/get to do 173
common/ordinary 174
complete/finish 175
compare...with/compare...to 175
conference/meeting 176
conquer/overcome 177
connect/join/unite 177
consider/think/regard 178
continent/land 179
continue/last 180
correct/right 181
cook/cooker 181
cost/take/pay/spend 182
country/nation/state/land 183
country/countryside 184
couple/pair 185
course/subject 186
cry/weep/sob 187
cure/treat 188
cup/glass/mug 188
custom/habit 189
cut off/cut up/cut through/cut down 190
damage/destroy/ruin 191
D 191
dare/dare to 192
dangerous/in danger 192
date/day 193
dead/die/death 194
dear/expensive 195
deal with/do with 195
decide/determine/make up one's mind 196
declare/announce 197
deep/deeply 199
depend/rely/trust 200
delighted/delightful 200
die/pass away 201
die down/die for/die out/die away/die off 202
die of/die from 203
different/various 204
dinner/meal/supper 205
difficult/hard 205
direct/directly 206
directions/instructions 207
discover/find/invent/create 208
disease/illness/sickness 209
dislike/hate 210
divide/separate 211
disturb/interrupt 211
don't have/have not 212
door/gate/entrance 213
do sb.a favour/do sb.the favour 213
dozen/score 214
drag/draw/pull 215
dress/dress up 216
dream/dream of 216
dress/wear/have on/put on/get dressed/pull on 217
drill/exercise/practice 219
drug/medicine 220
drive/ride 220
due to/owing to/thanks to/because of/as a result of/on account of 221
during/for 222
each/every 223
E 223
early/soon 224
each other/one another 224
earth/ground/soil/land/field/mud 225
earth/world 225
eat/eat up 227
easily/easy 227
eat/take/have 228
elder/older 229
electric/electrical 230
error/mistake/fault 231
end/end up 231
especial/special/particular 232
especially/specially/particularly 233
everyone/every one 234
everyday/every day 234
examination/test/quiz 235
examine/check/test 236
excite/exciting/excited 237
example/instance 237
factory/plant/works 239
face-to-face/face to face 239
F 239
fail in/fail to do 240
fairly/rather 241
fall in love(with)/be in love(with) 242
fall/drop 242
fall off/fall down 243
famous/well-known 244
family/home/house 244
far away/faraway/far and away 245
far from/from far 246
farming/agriculture 247
farmer/peasant 247
farther/further 248
fear/dread/fright/alarm/horror/terror 249
fear/be afraid of 249
feed/feed on/feed...to 251
fight for/fight with 252
feel/feel like 252
find/look for/search for 253
find/find out 254
first/firstly/first of all/above all 255
fit/suit 256
fit on/try on 257
fit/suitable 257
flesh/meat 258
follow/obey 259
floor/storey 259
follow/copy 260
foolish/silly/stupid 261
force/make/oblige 262
forbid sb.to do/forbid sb.doing 262
forget/leave 263
free of/free from 264
forget to do/forget doing 264
frighten/terrify 265
from then on/since then 266
from/out of 266
funny/fun/interesting/amusing 267
gain/win/get/earn/obtain/make 269
G 269
get sb.to do/make sb.do 271
get ready for/be ready for 271
get to/get into 272
gift/present 273
get up/be up 273
give/offer 274
give off/give out/send out 275
give in/give up 275
glare/stare/look 276
go for a holiday/go on holiday/take a holiday/have a holiday/(be)on holiday 277
glasses/a pair of glasses 277
go on doing/go on to do/go on with/continue to do/continue doing/continue with 279
gold/golden 279
go over/review/revise 281
go on strike/be on strike 281
go to bed/go to sleep/get to sleep/get into sleep/fall asleep 282
go to church/go to the church 283
go to bed/(be)in bed 283
grow/plant/raise 284
grow/turn/get/become/go 285
grow up/grow into 286
guess/believe/suppose/think/consider/regard/recognize/find/feel/expect 287
guest/customer 289
had better/had best/had rather 290
H 290
half/half of 291
hanged/hung 292
hand in hand/hand to hand 292
happen/take place/occur/come about 293
hare/rabbit 294
hard/hardly 294
harvest/crop 295
have a talk with/have talks with 296
have/there be 296
have...do/have...doing/have...done/have...to do 297
have to/must 299
have gone to/have been to 299
he/she 300
healthy/fit/well/fine 301
hear/listen to 302
hear from/hear of/hear about 303
heaven/sky/air 304
hear of/know of 304
help sb.(to)do/help sb.with 305
here/in here 306
here it is/here you are 307
high/tall 308
hill/mountain/mount 309
high/highly 309
hire/rent/let 310
hire/employ 311
holiday/vacation/leave 312
hit sb.'s head/hit sb.on the head 312
home/at home 313
homework/housework 314
hope/wish/want 315
hour/o'clock 316
however/how ever 317
how/what 317
however/but/though 318
how far/how long/how often/how soon/how many times 319
human being/human/man/mankind 320
how many/how much 320
hurt/wound/injure 322
hundred/hundreds of 322
if/whether 324
I 324
if only/only if 325
if only/as long as/so long as 326
in/into 327
ill/sick 327
in battle/at war 328
in all/all in all 328
in class/in the class 329
in charge of/in the charge of 329
include/contain 330
include/including/included 331
increase/add/raise 332
in fact/in actual fact/as a matter of fact/in point of fact 333
influence/affect 334
in order to/in order that 335
in future/in the future 335
in point of/on the point of/to the point 336
insist on/stick to 337
intend/mean 338
instead/in stead of 338
interesting/interested 339
in the east/to the east/on the east 340
in the evening/on the evening of 341
in the 1870s/in the year 1870 341
in the past/in the past few years 342
in the field/on the field 342
in this way/in the way/in a way/by the way/on the way 343
in the possession of/in possession of 343
in time/on time 345
in word/in a word/in words/in other words 346
invite sb.to/invite sb.to do 346
It seems(that)/It seems as if 347
It's time to do/It's time for/It's(high)time(that) 348
join/join in/take part in/attend/participate in 349
job/work 349
J 349
journalist/reporter/newsman 351
journey/trip/travel/tour/voyage 352
keep/raise/feed 354
K 354
keep/celebrate/observe 355
keep doing/keep on doing 356
keep...from doing/keep...doing/keep from doing 357
keep in touch with/stay in touch with/be in touch with/get in touch with 358
keep healthy/be healthy 358
kill/murder/shoot 359
kind/sort/type/variety 360
kind of/of a kind 361
know/know of/know about 362
know/learn/understand 363
lady/woman/madam 364
labour/work 364
L 364
last/at last 366
large quantities of/a large quantity of 366
last/last time 367
lately/recently 368
late/lately 368
laugh/smile 369
lay/lie 370
lay/put/place/set 371
lead/guide 372
learn/study 373
leave/leave for 374
learning/knowledge 374
let's/let us 375
like/love/enjoy/be fond of/care for 376
light/bright 376
likely/probable/possible 378
like doing/like to do 378
little/small/tiny 379
little/a little 380
little/few 381
live by/live on 382
live/stay 382
load/burden 383
look/seem/appear 384
long/a long time 384
look out/take care/be careful 386
look up/look up to 387
lose heart/lose one's heart to 388
lose/miss 388
lost/missing/gone 389
mail/post 391
M 391
manage to do/try to do 392
many/a lot of/many a 393
many/much 394
marry/be married/get married 395
matter/the matter 396
meet/meet with 397
maybe/may be 397
mend/repair/fix 398
merely/only/just 399
method/way/manner 400
more and more/the more...the more 401
most/mostly 402
more than/more...than 402
most/most of 403
most/very 404
mouse/rat 405
Mother/mother 405
movie/film/picture 406
move/remove 406
Mrs./Ms./Miss 407
much/very 408
my/mine 409
myself/(all)by myself 410
need/want 411
near/nearby 411
N 411
need to do/need do/need doing 412
neither...nor.../either...or 413
new/newly 414
night/evening 415
next+时间/the next+时间 415
no/not 416
noise/voice/sound 418
no/non- 418
no less than/not less than 419
no more/no longer 420
no matter what.../whatever 420
none/neither 421
no more than/not more than 421
noon/midday 422
no one/none 423
not...at all/at all 424
not only...but(also)/not just...but/not...but 425
note/notice 425
not only...but(also)/as well as 426
observe/watch/see/look/notice 428
O 428
officer/official 429
on/in/at 430
of one's own/one's own 430
once.../as soon as 431
once again/again and again/once and again 432
one/it/that/those 433
one by one/one after another 434
on fire/on the fire/in the fire 435
one day/some day/someday 435
on one's way to/on one's way to do/on one's way to doing 436
on the air/on the radio 437
on Sunday/on Sundays 437
on the coast/off the coast/along the coast/by the coast 438
on the edge of/at the edge of 439
operate/operate on 440
on top of/at the top of 440
or/or else/otherwise 441
operate/run 441
out of question/out of the question 442
packet/parcel/package 443
P 443
party/gathering 444
page/leaf 444
passed/past 445
path/road/street/way/track 446
pay/pay for/pay...for 447
people/the people 449
pay back/pay off 449
percent/per cent 450
people/person 450
perhaps/maybe/possibly/probably 451
persuade sb.to do/advise sb.to do/try to persuade sb.to do 452
pick/pick out/pick up 453
picture/photo/drawing/portrait 454
pity/shame 455
play/sport/game 456
play/play with 456
pleasant/pleasing 458
play a part in/play a part of 458
pleased/delighted/happy/glad/cheerful/joyful 459
point/score/mark/grade 461
point to/point at 462
power/strength/force/might 463
practical/actual 464
prepared/ready 465
prepare/get ready/prepare for 465
presently/at present 466
prevent...from doing/stop...from doing/keep...from doing 467
previous/former 468
provide sb.with sth./provide sth.for sb 469
problem/question 469
publish/come out 470
pupil/student 471
quick/fast/swift/rapid 472
Q 472
quiet/silent/still/calm 473
raise/bring up 474
raise/improve 474
R 474
rather than/would rather...than 475
read/say 476
reach/reach to 476
real/true 477
reason/cause 478
realize/come true 478
recognize/know 479
reject/refuse/decline/turn down/turn away 480
remain/stay/keep 481
remain/stay/keep/continue 482
remember doing/remember to do 484
research/study 485
remind sb.of.../remind sb.to do 485
rest/left/remaining 486
right away/right now/immediately 488
result/effect/influence 488
ring off/ring up/ring through to/ring for/ring back 489
rise/raise/lift 490
rob/steal 491
room/space 492
run out/run out of 493
salary/wage/pay/income/fee 494
S 494
save/rescue 495
satisfied/satisfactory 495
say/speak/tell/talk 496
Scots/Scottish/Scotch 497
search/in(one's)search for/in search of/search for/search...for 498
seat/sit 499
see...doing/see...do 500
set/fall/sink 501
send/post/deliver 501
shade/shadow 502
shake/tremble 503
shall/will 504
shape/form/figure 505
shop/store/department 507
shoot/shoot at 507
shore/coast/beach/bank 508
should/ought to 509
should have done/ought to have done/must have done/might have done/needn't have done/could have done 510
shout/cry 512
sign/signal 513
silently/quietly 514
similar/same 514
since/when 515
situation/condition/state/shape 516
so as to/so...as to 518
so do.../so...do/...do so/so it is(the same)with 519
so far/as far as/so far as 520
so long as/as long as/so long 521
some+单数可数名词/some+复数名词 522
sometime/sometimes/some time 523
soon/shortly/presently 523
sorry/excuse me/pardon 524
so...that/so that 525
so...that/such...that 526
sound/sound like 527
speech/lecture/talk 528
spend...on/spend...(in)doing 529
stand for/on behalf of 529
stop/pause 530
stop doing/stop to do/stop...(from)doing 531
such as/for example/for instance/like 532
suggest/advise/propose 533
support/keep/feed 534
table/desk 536
take pride in/be proud of 536
T 536
take the place of/in place of 537
talk/chat/discussion/conversation 538
than any other.../than any 539
that/which 540
the entrance to/the entrance of 542
the last/the latest/the latter 542
therefore/so 543
the same as/the same...as 544
the same...as/the same...that 544
this/that 545
till/until 546
to/toward 547
to/with 548
too...to/only too...to 549
topic/subject 549
trade with.../trade...for 550
troops/army/force 550
trouble/bother/disturb 551
try to do/try doing 552
turn on/turn off/turn up/turn down 553
U 555
uncertain/unsure/doubtful 555
unless/if...not 556
used to do/be used to doing/be used to do 557
V 558
value/price/charge 558
very/right/just 559
view/sight/scenery/scene 559
view/opinion 560
W 562
wake/waken/awake/awaken 562
walk/step 563
wallet/purse 563
want to do/want doing 564
warn...against/warn...of/warn...not to do 565
weed/grass 565
what/who 566
when/while/as 567
who/whom/whose 568
Why not do...?/Why do...? 569
with a pen/in pen 569
within/in 570
with pleasure/my pleasure 571
work/writings 571
work on/work at 572
worth/worthy/worthwhile 573
would/used to 574
would like to do/would like to have done 575
would rather do/would like 575
wrong/incorrect/false/mistaken 576
year by year/year after year 578
youth/the youth/the young/a young man 578
Y 578
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