曹辅銮 中英文本PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:曹辅銮绘画
- 出 版 社:上海:上海人民美术出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7532249131
- 页数:172 页
鸡冠花 Cockscomb 90×60cm 1980 7
序一 潘长臻 PrefaceⅠ Pan Changzhen 8
序二 朱国荣 Preface Ⅱ Zu Guoron 10
灯光下的玫瑰 Rose in the lamplight 53×38cm 1995 13
丁香的芬芳/读曹辅銮水粉静物画 撰文/沈行工 Fragrance of Clove On reading Cao Fuluan's gouache painting of still life By Shen XingGong 14
丁香花 Lilac 54×74cm 1978 15
白丁香 White Lilac 56×54cm 1980 17
牡丹 Peony 54×79cm 1980 19
丁香75号 No.75 Lilac 60×80cm 2005 21
玉米花 Corn Flower 54×39cm 1975 23
感受艺术的诱惑 撰文/郭廉夫 Experiencing Arts' Temptation By Guo lianfu 24
丁香62号 No.62 Lilac 60×80cm 2005 25
瓶菊 Vase Chrysanthemum 33×65cm 1982 26
枫 Maple 50×60cm 2006 28
丁香5号 No.5 Lilac 70×70cm 1979 29
彩蝶 Coloured Butterflies 75×55cm 1975 31
野菊 Chrysanthemum Indicum 59×45cm 1963 33
白绣球 White Embroidered Ball 60×54cm 1993 35
写意 Free-sketch 52×71cm 1995 36
朝夕相处 撰文/毕颐生 Stay Together By Bi Yisheng 36
春光 Spring Sunshine 63×74cm 2003 39
激情如火的艺术/读《鸡冠花》有感 撰文/唐俊德 Burning Passions of Arts Sense after reading"Cockscomb" By Tang Junde 40
喜洋洋 Jubilant 54×39cm 1993 41
芦丛花 Reedy Flower 50×60cm 2006 42
迎春花 White Jasmine 70×70cm 1980 43
牡丹二号 Peony 2 50×60cm 1980 44
月季三号 Monthly Rose 3 39×54cm 2005 45
鸡冠花二号 Cockscomb 2 54×39cm 1980 46
牡丹三号 Peony 3 60×80cm 2006 47
荷 Water Lily 60×50cm 2006 48
林 Woods 54×39cm 1986 49
港口 Sea Port 39×54cm 1978 51
浪 Wave 39×54cm 1983 52
云海 Clouds Sea 39×54cm 1981 53
小鸟的天堂 Birds'Paradise 31×54cm 1984 54
大栅栏二号 Large Fence 2 74×39cm 1956 56
永远的学长 撰文/陈希旦 My Senior Member By Chen Xidan 57
山坡 Brae 35×72cm 1996 57
风芦 Reed in Wind 60×90cm 2003 58
苏州虎丘 Suzhou Huqiu 30×23cm 1961 60
雁荡钟声 Toll in Remote Mountains 27×54cm 1984 61
岁月如銮 撰文/丁山 Time goes like a tinkling bell By Dingshan 62
南海夕阳 Setting Sun over South China Sea 40×54cm 1979 62
黄山松 Pines on Mt.Huangshan 54×54cm 1991 63
狂 Wave 60×50cm 2006 65
绍兴老街 Aged Street in Shaoxing 54×54cm 1993 66
广东阳江 River in Guangdong 39×54cm 1991 67
海上细雨 Flurry above the sea 39×54cm 1994 68
美与美的集合/曹辅銮先生的艺术教育与美术创作 撰文/邢庆华 Beauty and Collective of Beauties/Art Education and Art Production of Mr.Cao Fuluan By Xing Qinghua 70
人生怎无浪 No Life Excluding Hardship 39×54cm 1990 70
雁荡飞瀑 Waterfalls of Yandang Mountains 55×78cm 1982 71
金树连云 Golden Trees Extending to the clouds 65×88cm 1978 72
百年白果 Antiquated Gingkgo 39×53cm 1978 73
雁荡深山 Yan Dang Mountain 55×78cm 1982 74
井冈峭壁 Jinggang Cliff 27×37cm 1977 75
黎明前 Predawn 40×40cm 1978 77
拙政园 Zhuo Zheng Garden 39×54cm 1976 78
江南山丘 Southern Hills 39×54cm 1972 79
矿山小道 Byway of Mine 10×17cm 1971 80
我的好老师 撰文/马晓星 My Good Teacher By Ma Xiaoxing 80
第186年的结束 The 186th Year's Knot Escort 33×39cm 1978 81
沧浪亭之春 Spring of Canglang Pavilion 54×54cm 1984 83
亚欧通道东港忙 Busy at east edge of Asia-Europe Channel 40×54cm 1978 84
平和·宁静·致远/曹辅銮教授的人与画 撰文/韩巍 Placidity-Tranquility-Farness/Professor Cao Fuluan and His Paintings By Han Wei 86
红枫 Red Maple 39×54cm 1978 87
江南水城 Southem Water Cities 35×51cm 1991 89
天平红叶 Red Leaf in Tianping 39×54cm 1991 90
那就是水粉画/曹辅銮和他画的《丁香花》《牡丹花》《鸡冠花》 撰文/邬烈炎 That is Gouache./Cao Fuluan and his Lilacs,Peonies,Coxcomb By Wu Lieyan 90
无浪静悄悄 Quiet Without Waves 39×54cm 1978 92
水巷琵琶声 Lute Tone on Water Alleys 40×21cm 1974 95
山 Mountain 28×40cm 1977 96
夏荷 Water Lily in Summer 50×60cm 2006 97
石路河之二 The Second Stone Pad River 70×70cm 1985 98
中国水粉第一笔/有感曹辅銮创制水粉画笔 撰文/高柏年 The first gouache brush in China/on the gouache brush designed by Cao Fuluan By Gao Bonian 98
夏 Summer 39×54cm 1986 99
静物 Still Life 80×60cm 1962 101
南海 South China Sea 39×54cm 1977 102
他一直是我心中的好老师 撰文/毕鸣雯 He is always a good teacher in my mind By Bi Mingwen 102
山岚 Haze in Mountain 47×55cm 1982 103
留园古松 Ancient Pines on Liu Park 36×52cm 1985 104
湖边 Lakeside 39×54cm 1980 105
记五十年前的一段往事/致曹辅銮先生 撰文/庄弘醒 Something happened before 50 years ago still in memory——To Mr.CaoFuLuan By Zhuang HongXing 106
冷月似火 Fire-like Cold Moon 60×80cm 2005 107
曹叔叔 撰文/罗戟 Uncle Cao By Luo Ji 108
谭东山村 Tandong Mountain Village 13×18cm 1972 108
渡口 Ferry 23×34cm 1974 109
飞雾 Mist 39×54cm 1981 110
庐山别墅 Villa on Mt.Lu 39×54cm 1992 111
瑰丽的色彩/关于曹辅銮绘画艺术的话语 撰文/丁涛 Magnificent Colors/Comment on Mr.Cao Fuluan's Drawing Skills By Ding Tao 112
大栅栏 Large Fence 54×39cm 1955 113
南海山歌 Folk Songs over South China Sea 42×54cm 1978 114
叶 leaf 50×60cm 2006 115
山间新寓 New Apartments among Mountains 40×55cm 1978 116
知交未零落 撰文/李留根 The friendship will never wither By Li Liugen 116
小站 Waystation 39×54cm 1978 117
形真意涵 撰文/冯信群 By Feng Xinqun 119
秋暮 Autumn Dusk 40×54cm 1978 119
马尾岛 Horsetail Island 34×54cm 1979 120
象鼻山下 The Foot of Elephant Trunk Hill 27×37cm 1977 122
巴拿马货轮 Panama Cargo Ship 40×54cm 1978 123
山雨欲来 Before the Rain 40×54cm 1979 124
金陵松道 Nanjing Road with Pines on Two sides 20×29cm 1974 125
水岸边 Water Bank 51×35cm 1987 126
百年古杏 Hundred Years' Almond 40×54cm 1978 127
井冈主峰 Highest Peak of Jinggangshan 27×37cm 1977 128
暮歌 Songs in the Dusk 26×38cm 1977 129
海风 Sea Breeze 42×54cm 1981 130
泊击 Wave Attack 39×54cm 1981 131
荒石坡 Desolate Rock Slope 54×39cm 1987 133
后院 Back yard 23×18cm 1976 134
姑苏水巷 Gusu Water Alleys 54×39cm 1994 135
太湖滩田 Beach Field besides Lake Taihu 14×27cm 1972 136
水粉画的产生与发展 撰文/曹辅銮 Roduction and Development of Gouache Cao Fuluan 138
连云港老站 Old Railway Station of Lian Yungang 39×54cm 1978 138
松林小村 Village Full of Pine Trees 39×54cm 1988 139
上海外滩 Waitan,Shanghai 7.5×13cm 1951 140
海岛一号 Island 1 39×54cm 1982 141
雨二号 Rain 2 39×54cm 1998 142
海岛二号 Island 2 39×54cm 1982 143
海岛要塞 Insular Fortress 39×53cm 1992 144
海 Ocean 39×54cm 1994 146
冬至西湖 Strolling along West Lake in Winter 27×54cm 1976 148
池边蛙声 Frog Sound on the brink of pool 34×54cm 1992 150
沉稳·持勤 撰文/黄尚恒 Cahm Diligence By Huang Shangheng 152
摹画在于神 The Essense of Tracing Fresco lies in Air 70×70cm 1977 152
冷月照莫愁 No Worry When the Cold Moon Emerging 54×39cm 1980 153
小汛 Xiaoxun 54×39cm 1996 155
关爱·奉献 撰文/黄乃康 Pass love and offer By Huang Naikang 156
酣 Sweet Dream 19×27cm 1956 156
渔童戏水(草图) Splashing Fish boy(Partial sketch) 44×58cm 1959 157
哀思(局部) Mourning for the Dead(Partial) 57×76cm 1962 159
光阴似箭 真情永存 撰文/陈世宁 Time passes like an arrow while the true feeling stays forever By Chen Shining 160
大胡子约翰(局部) John with Thick Beard(Partial) 69×69cm 1980 161
踏遍青山 Crossing these blue hills 54×66cm 1983 163
雨 Rain 77×55cm 1995 164
小漫 Xiaoman 27×19cm 2006 165
艺术之路 撰文/陈乃秋 Road of art By Chen Naiqiu 166
幽谷古庙 Naos 60×80cm 2006 166
秋艳 Colourful of Autumn 54×98cm 2001 167
红 Red 60×50cm 2006 168
静 Whisht 60×50cm 2006 169
叶 Leaf 60×50cm 2006 170
曹辅銮先生的唯美精神再认识 撰文/莫雄 To Recognize Mr.Cao's"art for art"spirit By Mo Xiong 171
幻一号 Dream One 50×60cm 2006 172
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