- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陈杰美主编
- 出 版 社:北京:电子工业出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7121035545
- 页数:346 页
0.1 科技英语中的几个关键问题(Some Key Problems in Scientific and Technical English) 1
0.1.1 词汇(Vocabularies or Words) 1
Lesson 0 科技英语的基础知识(The Basic Knowledge of Scientific and Technical English) 1
0.1.2 虚义词(Form Words) 4
0.1.3 长句(Long Sentences) 6
0.2 翻译的准则(Criteria of Translation) 8
0.3 翻译中的变换(Changes in Translation) 9
0.3.1 词类的变换(Changes Between Word Classes) 9
0.3.2 词序的变换(Changes in Word Order) 10
0.3.3 省略(Ellipsis) 11
0.3.4 补充(Supplements) 11
0.3.5 引申(Extensions) 12
0.4 关于数量(Numbers and Quantities) 12
0.4.1 数制(Number Systems) 12
0.4.2 量词的缩写(Abbreviations about Numbers) 13
0.5 数学符号与数学式(Mathematic Symbols and Expressions) 14
0.5.1 常用数学符号(Mathematic Symbols) 14
0.4.3 关于数量的增减(About Increase and Decrease) 14
0.5.2 常用希腊字母(Grecian Letters) 15
0.5.3 常用数学式(Mathematic Expressions) 15
0.6 论文标题与摘要的写作(How to Write a Thesis) 15
0.6.1 论文标题(How to Write the Title) 15
0.6.2 论文摘要(How to Write the Abstract) 16
0.6.3 论文摘要的常用句型(Some Useful Patterns Used in the Abstract) 16
0.6.4 例子(Examples) 17
1.1 Historical Perspective 18
Lesson 1 Introduction to Electronic Communications 18
1.2 Electronic Communications Systems 20
1.3 The Electromagnetic Spectrum 22
1.4 Bandwidth and Information Capacity 23
Reading Material 29
Lesson 2 Information Sources 31
2.1 Speech and Music 31
2.2 Pictures 32
2.3 Computer Data 35
2.4 JPEG and MPEG 37
Reading Material 43
Lesson 3 Signals and Noise 45
3.1 Physically Realizable Waveforms 45
3.2 Signal Power 47
3.3 Noise 49
Reading Material 55
Lesson 4 Signal Generation 57
4.1 LC Circuits 57
4.2 Oscillators 59
4.3 Integrated-Circuit Waveform Generation 64
Reading Material 68
Lesson 5 Random Processes 70
5.1 Introduction 70
5.2 Mathematical Definition of a Random Process 70
5.3 Stationary Process 71
5.4 Mean,Correlation,and Covariance Functions 73
5.5 Ergodic Processes 74
5.6 Gaussian Process 75
Reading Material 80
Lesson 6 Amplitude Modulation Transmission 82
6.1 Principles of Amplitude Modulation 82
6.2 AM Modulator Circuits 87
Reading Material 95
Lesson 7 Single-side Band Modulation 97
7.1 Introduction 97
7.2 Generation of SSB Waves 101
7.3 Demodulation of SSB Waves 104
Reading Material 110
Lesson 8 Angle Modulation 112
8.1 Representation of PM and FM Signals 112
8.2 Spectra of Angle-Modulated Signals 115
8.3 Narrowband Angle Modulation 116
8.4 Wideband Frequency Modulation 117
8.5 Preemphasis and Deemphasis in Angle-Modulated Systems 118
Reading Material 123
9.1 Types of Transmission Lines 124
Lesson 9 Transmission Lines 124
9.2 Transmission-line Wave Propagation 127
9.3 Time-domain Reflectometry 128
Reading Material 134
Lesson 10 Electromagnetic Wave Propagation 137
10.1 Introduction 137
10.2 Optical Properties of Radio Waves 138
10.3 Terrestrial Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves 141
Reading Material 146
Lesson 11 Antennas and Waveguides 148
11.1 Introduction 148
11.2 Antenna Terminology and Definitions 149
11.3 Antenna Arrays and Array Antenna[14] 152
11.4 Waveguides 154
Reading Material 159
Lesson 12 Optical fiber communications 161
12.1 Fibers in communications 161
12.2 Fiber-Optic Communication Equipment 162
12.3 Transmitter's Operational Considerations 164
12.4 WDM Systems 167
Reading Material 172
Lesson 13 Digital Modulation 174
13.1 Introduction 174
13.2 Factors That Influence the Choice of Digital Modulation 174
13.3 Binary Modulated Bandpass Signaling 176
13.4 Multilevel Modulated Bandpass Signaling 180
Reading Material 187
Lesson 14 Data Communications,Codes Error Control 189
14.1 Introduction 189
14.2 Data Communications Circuits 189
14.3 Data Communications Codes 192
14.4 Error Control 193
Reading Material 201
Lesson 15 Communication Networks 203
15.1 Telephone Networks 203
15.2 Computer Networks 205
15.3 Cable Television Networks 208
15.4 Wireless Networks 209
Reading Material 216
Lesson 16 Speech Coding 219
16.1 Introduction 219
16.2 Characteristics of Speech Signals 221
16.3 Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation(ADPCM) 223
16.4 Frequency Domain Coding of Speech 223
16.5 Performance Evaluation of Speech Coders 225
Reading Material 233
Lesson 17 Microwave Radio Communications 235
17.1 Introduction 235
17.2 Frequency-Modulated Microwave Radio System 236
17.3 Digital Radio Systems 238
Reading Material 243
Lesson 18 Satellite Communication Systems 245
18.1 Introduction 245
18.2 Design of the Satellite Link 246
18.3 Network Architecture 248
18.4 Geostationary Satellite Systems 250
Reading Material 256
Lesson 19 Multiple Accessing 259
19.1 Introduction 259
19.2 Frequency Division Multiple Access 260
19.3 Time Division Multiple Access and ALOHA 261
19.4 Code Division Multiple Access 264
Reading Material 270
Lesson 20 Mobile Telephone Service 272
20.1 Introduction 272
20.2 Basic Cellular Telephone Concepts 273
20.3 Digital Cellular Telephone 274
20.4 Code-division Multiple Accessing 276
Reading Material 281
参考译文 283
参考文献 345
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