孙云台风景油画 中英文本PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:孙云台绘
- 出 版 社:哈尔滨市:黑龙江美术出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:753181594X
- 页数:155 页
Simple Introduction to Sun Yuntai孙云台简历 代序 An artical used as a preface江轮(松花江) Steamship(Songhua Rivcr) 1
江上俱乐部 River Club 2
松花江船坞 Songhua River Bank 3
回春(松花江) Rejuvenation(Songhua River) 4
江心岛(松花江) The Island in the River(Songhra River) 5
松花江 Songhua River 6
渔村(松花江) Fishing Village(Songhua River) 7
松花江的船码头 The Wharf of Songhua River 8
夕照哈尔滨 Harbin in the Afterglow 9
造船厂 Dockyard 10
美丽的松花江 Beautiful Songhua River 12
斯大林公园(哈尔滨) Sidalin Park (Harbin) 14
哈尔滨近郊住宅区 Residential Area in Harbin Outskirt 16
哈尔滨老中央大街 Old Central Avenue of Harbin 17
哈尔滨动物园 Harbin Zoo 18
哈尔滨老街 Old Street of Harbin 19
江边人家 Household at Riverside 20
江畔人家 Household at Riverbank 21
哈尔滨老商亭 Old Booth of Harbin 22
太阳岛上初升月 The Rising Sun on the Sun Island 23
太阳岛青年之家 Youth's Home on the Sun Island 24
帽儿山车站 Maoer Mountain Railway Station 25
山顶寒风(漠河) Cold Wind on Top of the Mountain(Mo River) 26
苏州园林 Suzhou Gardens 27
虎跑(杭州) Tiger Run(Hangzhou) 28
望海(大连) Viewing the Sea(Dalian) 29
万寿山(北京) Wanshou Mountain(Beijing) 30
天坛(北京) The Temple of Heaven(Beijing) 31
漓江(桂林) Lijiang River(Guilin) 32
文笔峰(阳朔) Wenbi Mountain(Yangshuo) 33
兴坪人家(桂林) Residential House of Xingping(Guilin) 34
串山(桂林) Chuanshan Mountain(Guilin) 35
桂林七星岩 Seven Star Hill,Guilin 36
兴平山水美桂林 Guilin Is famous for Xingping Mountains and Rivers 37
船上人家(桂林) Boatnik (Guilin) 38
漓江小埠 Small Wharf at Lijiang River 39
泰山 Tai Mountain 40
桂林兴平民居 Folk House in Xingping,Guilin 41
南溪山(桂林) Nanxi Mountain(Guilin) 42
水上人家(无锡) Boatnik(Wuxi) 43
叠彩山(桂林) Folded Brocade Hill(Guilin) 44
阳朔一景 A View of Yangshuo 45
桃花江 Taohua River 46
阳朔水上渔家 Fishing Household of Yangshuo 47
阳朔山水甲桂林 Yangshuo Mountains and Rivers are the Best Views in Guilin 48
象鼻山(桂林) Elephant Trunk Hill(Guilin) 49
狮子林(苏州) The Lion Forest Garden(Suzhou) 50
拙政园(苏州) The Humble Administrator's Garden(Suzhou) 51
拙政园内(苏州) In the Humble Administrator's Garden(Suzhou) 52
虎丘塔(苏州) Huqiu Tower(Suzhou) 53
西园(苏州) Western Garden(Suzhou) 54
太湖之角(无锡) One Corner of Tai Lake(Wuxi) 55
太湖公园(无锡) Tai Lake Park(Wuxi) 56
三味书屋(绍兴) Sanwei Bookstore(Shaoxing) 57
灵隐寺大雄宝殿(杭州) The Grand Hall of the Temple of the Soul's Retreat(Hangzhou) 58
灵隐寺附近小亭(杭州) Booth near the Temple of the Soul's Retreat(Hangzhou) 59
灵隐寺山门(杭州) Gate of the Temple of the Soul's Retreat(Hangzhou) 60
花港观鱼(杭州) Viewing fish at the pound(Hangzhou) 61
朝天门码头(重庆) Chaotianmen Port(Chongqing) 62
鸟语枝头 Birds Are Singing on the Branches 63
油海飘香(大庆油田) Fragrant Smell ls Permeating in Oilfield(Daqing Oilfield) 64
渔村(松花江) Fishing Village(Songhua River) 65
林荫 Forest Shadow 66
蟋蟀歌唱不见影 The Singing Crickets Are Out of Sight 67
渔人归(松花江) Fishman's Return(Songhua River) 69
漠河之冬 The Winter of Mo River 70
晚归(松花江) Evening Return(Songhua River) 71
太阳岛之冬 Winter of the Sun Island 72
月夜 Moonlight 73
金色满园 Autumn Are Everywhere 74
江上俱乐部(哈尔滨) River Club(Harbin) 75
大草原 Prairie 76
黑龙江湿地 Heilongjiang Wetland 77
老树与小亭(松花江畔) Old Tree and Small Booth(Songhua River Bank) 78
北极拂照(漠河) The Sunlight at Daybreak in the North Pole(Mo River) 79
雪松 Pine Trees Covered with Snow 80
白雪映松林 White Snow Reflects Pine Trees 81
漠河冬日 Winter of Mo River 82
初雪白桦红 The Birch Trees Mirrors a Red Color on the First Snow 83
冬日松林 Pine Trees in Winter 84
边陲之冬 Winter of Borderland 85
雪地樟松 Camphor Trees on Snow 86
高山行云松林晚 The Flying Clouds over the Pine Forest in the Mountain at Nightfall 87
满园秋色 Autumn Is everywhere 88
向日葵 Sunflower 89
北国秋色 Northern Autumn Scenery 90
暖秋 Warm Autumn 91
故宫 Summer Palace 92
万紫千红 A Riot of Colors 93
云淡风轻近午天 Thin Clouds and Gentle Wind at Noon 94
金秋 Golden Autumn 95
兴安秋色 Autumn Sceneries of Xingan Mountain 96
幽静的伊敏河 Silent Yimin River 97
河流环抱岛千秋 The Island Surrounded by River Is Telling Its Past 98
朝霞(松花江湿地) Sunglow(Songhua River Wetland) 99
山间小溪 Brook Running Through the Mountain 100
太阳岛上 On the Sun Island 101
丰收 Harvest 102
秋意浓 A Deep Feeling of Autumn 103
黑土地 Black Land 104
秋日白桦 Birches in Autumn 105
金色飘香 The Autumn Air Is Filled With Fragrance 106
深秋 Late Autumn 107
云颂(松花江) Eulogy of Clouds(Songhua River) 108
冬夜 Winter Night 109
谁持彩练当空舞 Who Is Waving the Color Ribbon in the Sky? 110
光照林间夏日长 Long Time of Sunshine in the Forest in Summer 111
香草叶茂人间情 Fragrant Grass and Flourish Leaves Embody Humanistic Emotion 112
云卷云舒 Clouds Are Sometimes in Reeled Shape and Sometimes in Stretched Shape 113
兴安岭 Xingan Mountain 114
正阳河畔 Zhengyang River Bank 115
松嫩平原 Songnen Plain 116
夏 Summer 117
鸟语林 Forest of Bird's Language 118
绿草茂生 Prosperous Grass 119
密林深处 In the Depths of the Forest 120
晚霞 Sunset Glow 121
阿什河 A Shi River 122
云 Clouds 123
樟松(兴安岭) Camphor Trees(Xingan Mountain) 124
雨后 After the Rain 125
黄昏 Dusk 126
沃土 Fertile Land 127
漓江游 Visit to Lijiang River 128
春满漓江 Spring is Everywhere Along Li River 129
草地白云 Grassland under the White Clouds 130
静 Quietness 131
朝霞映山红(桂林) The Mountain is Coated With Red Sunglow(Guilin) 132
重游阳朔 Revisiting Yangshuo 133
漓江颂 Eulogy Lijiang River 134
兴坪山水(桂林) Xingping Mountains and Rivers(Guilin) 135
绿 Green 136
回春曲 The Melody of Rejuvenation 137
绿白桦 Green Birches 138
溪水长流 Stream Flows Continuously 139
樟松 Camphor Trees 140
春之歌 The Song of Spring 141
白桦之歌 The Song of Birch 142
云行千里水迢迢 The Flying Clouds and Flowing Water from Remote Place 143
冬游太阳岛 Visit to the Sun Island in Winter 144
雪地寒风对劲松 Strong Pine Trees on Snow Land Confront with Cold Wind 145
湖畔秋色 Autumn Scenery at Lakefront 146
金色满园 Golden Scenery Is Everywhere 147
云雾山中雨江林 Forest Bathed in the Rain of the Cloud and Mist Mountain 148
白桦洁净垦耕时 The Clean Birches Foretell the Beginning of Spring Plowing 149
附录一 俄罗斯著名画家M.M.罗巴洛夫赠与他的学生孙云台的部分风景油画作品 Appendix One Some of the oil paintings created by famous Russian Painter M.M.Luobanov,which were given to his student—Sun Yuntai. 150
附录二 张五常论孙云台风景油画 Appendix Two Zhang Wuchang'comments on landscape oil paintings created by Sun Yuntai. 152
附录三 孙云台先生生前剪影 Appendix Three Mr.Sun Yuntai'S Silhouette Before His Death. 154
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