长征路上的歌 中英文本PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李双江主编
- 出 版 社:北京:解放军文艺出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7503319739
- 页数:332 页
西江月·井冈山 Jinggang Mountains——创建军队与井冈山斗争 to the Tune of Xi Jiang YueThe establishment of the armed forces and the struggle in the Jinggang Mountains 3
工农兵联合起来 Unite! Workers, Peasants and Soldiers!&佚名填词 lyrics by an anonymous person 3
农友歌 Song of Fellow Peasants&张士燮词,劫夫编曲 lyrics by Zhang Shixie,music revised by Jiefu 9
就义歌 Song of a Martyr on Taking Penalty Sentence&夏明翰词,安波、时乐濛曲 lyrics by Xia Minghan,music by Anbo and Shi Lemeng 16
八一大天亮 The Bright Dawn of August 1&江西民歌,双江、云之改编 Jiangxi folk song,revised by Shuangjiang and Yunzhi 21
秋收起义歌 Song of the Autumn Harvest Uprising&张士燮编词,陈杰编曲 lyrics revised by Zhang Shixie,music revised by Chen Jie 27
三湾来了毛委员 Mao Zedong Came to Sanwan&山樵编词,焕之、颂刚、忠伯、向义编曲 lyrics revised by Shanqiao,music revised by Huanzhi,Songgang,Zhongbo and Xiangyi 32
毛委员领兵上了山 Mao Zedong Led Soldiers to the Mountains&兴国山歌,韩夏编曲 Xingguo folk song, music revised by Han Xia 43
西江月·井冈山 Jinggang Mountains——to the Tune of Xi Jiang Yue&毛泽东词,劫夫曲 lyrics by Mao Zedong, music by Jiefu 50
毛委员和我们在一起 Mao Zedong Is With Us&山樵编词,田颂刚编曲 lyrics revised by Shanqiao,music revised by Tian Songgang 56
送郎当红军 Sending My Lover to Join the Red Army&江西民歌 Jiangxi folk song 61
八月桂花遍地开 Sweet Osmanthus Flowers Blossom Everywhere in August&革命历史民歌,陈良运编词,李焕之编曲 revolutionary historical folk song,lyrics revised by Chen Liangyun,music revised by Li Huanzhi 68
请茶歌 Song of Asking to Drink Tea&文莽彦词,解策励曲 lyrics by Wen Mangyan,music by Xie Celi 79
红区干部好作风 Good Working Style of Cadres in Red Area&熊永立等词,贺大行编曲 lyrics by Xiong Yongli etc, music revised by He Daxing 86
上前线去 Go to the Frontline&肖华填词 lyrics by Xiao Hua 92
洪湖水,浪打浪 Waves upon Waves in the Honghu Lake——开辟农村革命根据地 The establishment of rural revolutionary base areas 99
我爱五指山,我爱万泉河 I Love the Wuzhi Mountain, I Love the Wanquan River&郑南词,刘长安曲 lyrics by Zheng Nan,music by Liu Chang’an 99
娘子军连歌 Song of Women’s Detachment&梁信词,黄准曲 lyrics b y Liang X, music by Huang Zhun 107
送别 Bidding Farewell&郑洪词,巩志伟曲 lyrics by Zheng Hong,music by Gong Zhiwei 113
一支人马强又壮 A Troop of Strong Army&郑洪词,巩志伟曲 lyrics by Zheng Hong,music by Gong Zhiwei 117
洪湖水,浪打浪 Waves upon Waves in the Honghu Lake&梅少山、张敬安、欧阳谦叔词,张敬安、欧阳谦叔曲 lyrics by Mei Shaoshan,Zhang Jing’an and Ouyang Qianshu, 123
没有眼泪,没有悲伤 No Tears, No Sadness&梅少山、张敬安、欧阳谦叔词,张敬安、欧阳谦叔曲 lyrics by Mei Shaoshan, Zhang Jing’an and Ouyang Qianshu,music by Zhang Jing’an and Ouyang Qianshu 130
看天下劳苦人民都解放 See the Liberation of All the Laboring People&梅少山、张敬安、欧阳谦叔词,张敬安、欧阳谦叔曲 lyrics by Mei Shaoshan, Zhang Jing’an and Ouyang Qianshu,music by Zhang Jing’an and Ouyang Qianshu 141
当兵就要当红军 Join the Red Army If You Want to Be a Soldier&佚名填词,朱正本改编 lyrics by an anonymous person, revised by Zhu Zhengben 159
刘志丹 Liu Zhidan&陕北民歌 Northern Shaanxi folk song 165
横山里下来些游击队 Guerrilla Forces Come down from Mount Heng&陕北民歌 Northern Shaanxi folk song 170
七律·长征 The Long March——to the Tune of Qi Lüi The Long March and the struggle in the Central Soviet Area after the transfer——长征及长征后中央苏区的斗争 Seeing off the Red Arrny for Ten Times 177
十送红军 revolutionary historical folk song, collected and revised by Zhu Zhengben and Zhang Shixie&革命历史民歌,朱正本、张士燮收集整理 Red Army Soldiers Miss Mao Zedong 177
红军战士想念毛泽东 lyrics by Ren Hongju,music by Shi Lemeng and Yanke&任红举词,时乐濛、彦克曲 Loushan Pass——to the Tune of Yi Qin Er 190
忆秦娥·娄山关 lyrics by Mao Zedong,music by Lu Zulong&毛泽东词,陆祖龙曲 Song of Crossing the Jinsha River Successfully 196
渡金沙江胜利歌 Song of Crossing the Jinsha River Successfully&彭加伦填词,傅晶编曲 lyrics by Peng Jialun,music revised by Fu Jing 204
情深谊长 Endless Friendship&王印泉词,臧东升曲 lyrics by Wang Yinquan,music by Zang Dongsheng 214
我站在铁索桥上 I Stand on the Chain Bridge&顾工词,方韧曲 lyrics by Gu Gong, music by Fang Ren 220
过雪山草地 Crossing the Snow-Capped Mountains and Plodding Through the Grassy Swamps&肖华词,晨耕、生茂、唐诃、遇秋曲 lyrics by Xiao Hua,music by Chengeng, Shengmao, Tang He and Yuqiu 230
七律·长征 The Long March——to the Tune of Qi Lü&毛泽东词,彦克、吕远曲 lyrics by Mao Zedong,music by Yanke and Lü Yuan 236
山丹丹开花红艳艳 The Blooming Morningstar Lily Is Brilliant Red&陕北民歌,李若冰、关鹤岩、徐锁、冯富宽词,刘烽编曲 Northern Shaanxi folk song, lyrics by Li Ruobing, Guan Heyan, Xu Suo and Feng Fukuan, music revised by Liu Feng 244
映山红 Azalea&陆柱国词,傅庚辰曲 lyrics by Lu Zhuguo,music by Fu Gengchen 258
红星照我去战斗 Red Star Enlightens My Way to Fighting&王汝俊等词,傅庚辰曲 lyrics by Wang Rujun etc. , music by Fu Gengchen 263
凤凰岭上祝红军 Best Wishes to the Red Army on the Phoenix Ridge&石汉词,张锐曲 lyrics by Shi Han, music by Zhang Rui 270
盼红军 Longing for the Red Army&四川民歌 Sichuan folk song 278
万里春色满家园 Boundless Spring Beauty Suffuses My Homeland&阎肃、贺东久词,王祖皆、张卓娅曲 lyrics by Yan Su and He Dongjiu, music by Wang Zujie and Zhang Zhuoya 284
血里火里又还魂 Escape Death from Blood and Fire&贺东久、阎肃词,王祖皆、张卓娅曲 lyrics by He Dongjiu and Yan Su, music by Wang Zujie and Zhang Zhuoya 303
沁园春·雪 Snow——to the Tune of Qin Yuan Chun&毛泽东词,生茂、唐诃曲 lyrics by Mao Zedong,music by Shengmao and Tang He 319
后记 Afterword 329
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