- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:江博编著
- 出 版 社:世界图书出版公司北京公司
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7506279134
- 页数:344 页
UNIT 1 Greetings and Introductions问候与介绍的地道表达 1
Section A 1
Situational Expressions情景定位 1
Greetings and Responses问候与答语 2
经典口语 2
Introductions and Responses介绍与答语 3
经典口语 3
Section B 5
Practical Dialogs实用对话 5
Section C 7
Background Knowledge文化互动 7
Section D 9
Verbal Description口头描述 9
Section E 11
Informative Reading享受美文 11
The Language of Social Occasions 11
江博点津坊 13
Secrets of Good Communication 14
江博点津坊 16
How to Break the Ice 17
江博点津坊 19
Section F 20
Idiomatic Expressions特色习语 20
Idioms on Kiss关于“吻”的习语 20
Section G 22
Cormmunication Skills交流法则 22
美国人怎样称呼男子 22
Section H 23
Received Pronunciation and General American英美发音差异 23
Section I 24
Everyday Proverbs每日谚语 24
UNIT 2 Thanks and Responses感谢与回答的地道表达 26
Section A 26
Situational Expressions情景定位 26
Thanks and Responses感谢与答语 27
经典口语 27
江博点津坊 29
Section B 30
Practical Dialogs实用对话 30
Section C 32
Background Knowledge文化互动 32
Section D 34
Verbal Description口头描述 34
Section E 36
Informative Reading享受美文 36
Live in Two Cultures 36
江博点津坊 38
People and Culture 39
江博点津坊 41
Section F 42
Idiomatic Expressions特色习语 42
Idioms on Life关于“生活”的习语 42
Section G 44
Communication Skills交流法则 44
请用委婉的说法 44
Section H 46
Received Pronunciation and General American英美发音差异 46
Section I 47
Everyday Proverbs每日谚语 47
UNIT 3 Giving and Answering Compliments赞美与回答的地道表达 48
Section A 48
Situational Expressions情景定位 48
Compliments and Responses赞美与回答 49
经典口语 49
江博点津坊 52
Section B 52
Practical Dialogs实用对话 52
Section C 56
Background Knowledge文化互动 56
Section D 58
Verbal Description口头描述 58
Section E 59
Informative Reading享受美文 59
American Family 59
江博点津坊 61
Chinese Family 63
江博点津坊 64
Section F 66
Idiomatic Expressions特色习语 66
Idioms on Family关于“家庭”的习语 66
Section G 67
Communication Skills交流法则 67
可别乱说这些词 67
Section H 69
Received Pronunciation and General American英美发音差异 69
Section I 70
Everyday Proverbs每日谚语 70
UNIT 4 Seeking and Giving Opinions询问与陈述观点的地道表达 72
Section A 72
Situational Expressions情景定位 72
Seeking and Giving Opinions询问及陈述观点 73
经典口语 73
Section B 75
Practical Dialogs实用对话 75
Section C 78
Background Knowledge文化互动 78
Section D 79
Verbal Description口头描述 79
Section E 81
Informative Reading享受美文 81
Language:Keep up with the Joneses 81
江博点津坊 83
Section F 85
Idiomatic Expressions特色习语 85
Idioms on Speaking关于“说话”的习语 85
Section G 87
Communication Skills交流法则 87
使你语言生动的story 87
Section H 89
Received Pronunciation and General American英美发音差异 89
Section I 90
Everyday Proverbs每日谚语 90
UNIT 5 Agreeing and Disagreeing赞成与异议的地道表达 91
Section A 91
Situational Expressions情景定位 91
Entire Agreement完全赞同 92
经典口语 92
Partial Agreement部分赞同 93
经典口语 93
Direct Disagreement直接表示反对 94
经典口语 94
Indirect Disappointment间接表示反对 94
经典口语 94
Section B 95
Practical Dialogs实用对话 95
Section C 97
Background Knowledge文化互动 97
Section D 98
Verbal Description口头描述 98
Section E 99
Informative Reading享受美文 99
What Love Means to Man and Woman 99
江博点津坊 100
Keep Love Alive 102
江博点津坊 103
Section F 107
Idiomatic Expressions特色习语 107
Idioms on Love关于“爱”的习语 107
Section G 110
Communication Skills交流法则 110
英语口语表达的多变性 110
Section H 112
Received Pronunciation and General Anerican英美发音差异 112
Section I 114
Everyday Proverbs每日谚语 114
UNIT 6 Requests and Responses请求与答复的地道表达 116
Situational Expressions情景定位 116
Requests and Responses请求和答复 117
经典口语 117
Section B 119
Practical Dialogs实用对话 119
Section C 121
Background Knowledge文化互动 121
Section D 123
Informative Reading享受美文 123
Women in the Nuclear Family 123
江博点津坊 124
Working Women 125
江博点津坊 127
Section E 129
Idiomatic Expressions特色习语 129
Idioms on Rose关于“玫瑰”的习语 129
Section F 130
Communication Skills交流法则 130
让你所说的更有吸引力 130
Section G 132
Received Pronunciation and General American英美发音差异 132
Section H 134
Everyday Proverbs每日谚语 134
UNIT 7 Making and Answering Apologies致歉与回答的地道表达 135
Section A 135
Situational Expressions情景定位 135
Apologies and Responses致歉与答语 136
经典口语 136
江博点津坊 138
Section B 139
Practical Dialogs实用对话 139
Section C 142
Background Knowledge文化互动 142
Section D 143
Informative Reading享受美文 143
American Education:The Ideal of Equality 143
江博点津坊 145
Wanted:The Fastest Educational Development Possible 146
江博点津坊 148
Section E 149
Communication Skills交流法则 149
去厕所的说法 149
Section F 151
Idiomatic Expressions特色习语 151
Idioms on Heart关于“心”的习语 151
Section G 152
Pronunciation and Intonation发音和语调 152
Section H 153
Everyday Proverbs每日谚语 153
UNIT8 Asking for and Giving Information询问与提供信息的地道表达 154
Section A 154
Situational Expressions情景定位 154
Asking for and Giving Information询问与答语 155
经典口语 155
Section B 157
Practical Dialogs实用对话 157
Section C 159
Background Knowledge文化互动 159
Section D 162
Verbal Description口头描述 162
Section E 163
Informative Reading享受美文 163
Help Yourself to Get a Job 163
江博点津坊 166
Section F 168
Communication Skills交流法则 168
别误解了这些“国家” 168
Section G 170
Received Pronunciation and General American英美发音差异 170
Section H 172
Everyday Proverbs每日谚语 172
UNIT 9 Seeking and Making Suggestions征求与提出建议的地道表达 173
Section A 173
Situational Expressions情景定位 173
经典口语 174
Section B 176
Practical Dialogs实用对话 176
Section C 178
Background Knowledge文化互动 178
Section D 180
Informative Reading享受美文 180
The Power of the Computer 180
江博点津坊 182
Computer Crime 184
江博点津坊 186
Section E 188
Idiomatic Expressions特色习语 188
Idioms on Trouble关于麻烦的习语 188
Section F 189
Communication Skills交流法则 189
最好少用had better 189
Section G 190
Received Pronunciation and General American英美发音差异 190
Section H 192
Everyday Proverbs每日谚语 192
UNIT 10 Likes and Dislikes喜欢与厌恶的地道表达 193
Section A 193
Situational Expressions情景定位 193
Likes and Responses喜欢与答语 194
经典口语 194
Dislikes and Responses不喜欢与答语 195
经典口语 195
江博点津坊 196
Section B 197
Practical Dialogs实用对话 197
Section C 200
Background Knowledge文化互动 200
Section D 201
Verbal Description口头描述 201
Section E 202
Informative Reading享受美文 202
Enjoying the Great Outdoors 202
江博点津坊 204
Weekend in America 206
江博点津坊 207
Section F 208
Idiomatic Expressions特色习语 208
Idioms on Big关于“大”的习语 208
Section G 210
Communication Skills交流法则 210
让你的口语魅力无穷 210
Section H 212
Pronunciation and Intonation发音和语调 212
Section I 213
Everyday Proverbs每日谚语 213
UNIT 11 Sympathy and Encouragement同情与鼓励的地道表达 214
Section A 214
Situational Expressions情景定位 214
Sympathy and Responses同情与回应 215
经典口语 215
Encouragement and Responses鼓励与回应 216
经典口语 216
Section B 218
Practical Dialogs实用对话 218
Section C 220
Background Knowledge文化互动 220
Section D 221
Verbal Description口头描述 221
Section E 222
Informative Reading享受美文 222
AIDS 222
江博点津坊 224
Public's Views on AIDS 225
江博点津坊 227
Section F 229
Idiomatic Expressions特色习语 229
Idioms on Errors and Making Mistakes关于“错误”的习语 229
Section G 230
Communication Skills交流法则 230
高明的名词用法 230
Section H 231
Pronunciation and Intonation发音和语调 231
Section I 232
Everyday Proverbs每日谚语 232
UNIT 12 Anger and Disappointment气恼与失望的地道表达 234
Section A 234
Situational Expressions情景定位 234
Feeling Disappointed感到失望 234
经典口语 234
Expressing Anger发泄怒气 235
经典口语 235
Section B 236
Practical Dialogs实用对话 236
Section C 239
Background Knowledge文化互动 239
Section D 242
Informative Reading享受美文 242
Health Is Wealth 242
江博点津坊 243
Keeping Fit 245
江博点津坊 246
Section E 247
Idiomatic Expressions特色习语 247
Idioms on Something关于“有点像”的习语 247
Section F 249
Communication Skills交流法则 249
如何去度假 249
Section G 252
Pronunciation and Intonation发音和语调 252
Section H 253
Everyday Proverbs每日谚语 253
UNIT 13 Invitations and Responses邀请与答复的地道表达 254
Section A 254
Situational Expressions情景定位 254
Invitations and Responses邀请与答复 255
经典口语 255
Section B 257
Practical Dialogs实用对话 257
Section C 259
Background Knowledge文化互动 259
Section D 261
Verbal Description口头描述 261
Section E 262
Informative Reading享受美文 262
How Americans Use Their Money 262
江博点津坊 264
How to Make Money 265
江博点津坊 267
Section F 270
Idiomatic Expressions特色习语 270
Idioms on Money关于“金钱”的习语 270
Section G 272
Communication Skills交流法则 272
英美语之间的差异 272
Section H 273
Pronunciation and Intonation发音和语调 273
Section I 274
Everyday Proverbs每日谚语 274
UNIT 14 Offers and Responses帮助与回答的地道表达 276
Section A 276
Situational Expressions情景定位 276
Offers and Responses帮助与回答 277
经典口语 277
Section B 279
Practical Dialogs实用对话 279
Section C 281
Background Knowledge文化互动 281
Section D 282
Informative Reading享受美文 282
"Time"in Americans'Eyes 282
江博点津坊 284
Know the Right Moment 285
江博点津坊 287
Section E 290
Idiomatic Expressions特色习语 290
Idioms on Time关于“时间”的习语 290
Section F 291
Communication Skills交流法则 291
让你的口语更形象生动 291
Section G 292
Pronunciation and Intonation发音和语调 292
Section H 293
Everyday Proverbs每日谚语 293
UNIT 15 Extending Conversation展开交谈的地道表达 295
Section A 295
Situational Expressions情景定位 295
Showing Understanding表达理解 296
经典口语 296
Showing Surprise表示惊讶 296
经典口语 296
Asking for Clarification请求澄清 297
经典口语 297
Getting Someone to Repeat or Slow Down请求重复或放慢速度 297
经典口语 297
Changing the Subject转换话题 298
经典口语 298
Section B 298
Practical Dialogs实用对话 298
Section C 301
Background Knowledge文化互动 301
Section D 302
Informative Reading享受美文 302
Television:How Does It Affect Our Lives 302
江博点津坊 303
Watch Television 304
江博点津坊 305
Section E 307
Idiomatic Expressions特色习语 307
Idioms on Fame关于“名声”的习语 307
Section F 308
Pronunciation and Intonation发音和语调 308
Section G 309
Everyday Proverbs每日谚语 309
UNIT 16 Congratulations and Best Wishes祝贺与祝愿的地道表达 310
Section A 310
Situational Expressions情景定位 310
Offering Congratulations祝贺 311
经典口语 311
Extending Best Wishes祝愿 312
经典口语 312
Section B 313
Practical Dialogs实用对话 313
Section C 315
Background Knowledge文化互动 315
Section D 318
Verbal Description口头描述 318
Section E 319
Informative Reading享受美文 319
Nuclear Tests Challenge the World 319
江博点津坊 321
Section F 323
Idiomatic Expressions特色习语 323
Idioms on War and Peace关于“战争与和平”的习语 323
Section G 324
Communication Skills交流法则 324
让你的口语更动听 324
Section H 326
Pronunciation and Intonation发音和语调 326
Section I 326
Everyday Proverbs每日谚语 326
UNIT 17 Pleasure and Enthusiasm喜悦与热情的地道表达 328
Section A 328
Situational Expressions情景定位 328
Expressing Pleasure喜悦 329
经典口语 329
Expressing Enthusiasm热情 329
经典口语 329
Section B 330
Practical Dialogs实用对话 330
Section C 333
Background Knowledge文化互动 333
Section D 335
Informative Reading享受美文 335
Control Your Moods 335
江博点津坊 338
Section E 340
Idiomatic Expressions特色习语 340
Idioms on Mood关于“心情”的习语 340
Section F 342
Communication Skills交流法则 342
简化你的语言 342
Section G 343
Pronunciation and Intonation发音和语调 343
Section H 344
Everyday Proverbs每日谚语 344
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