现代国际礼仪 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:周国宝,王莉莎,赵娜编著
- 出 版 社:北京:北京师范大学出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787303178261
- 页数:490 页
Introduction 1
Chapter One Why International Etiquette Matters 5
Ⅰ.Origin of Etiquette 5
Ⅱ.International Etiquette 8
Ⅲ.Differences between Chinese and Occidental Etiquette 11
Different Modes of Social Interaction 12
Different Personal Philosophies 13
Different Social Customs 15
Different Hierarchy of People Status 15
Ⅳ.Guidelines for Modern International Etiquette 18
Ⅴ.Why Modern International Etiquette Matters 21
Chapter Two Personal Manners 23
Ⅰ.Courtesy Begins at Home 23
Ⅱ.Elegant Appearance 28
Personal Hygiene 28
Hairstyle 34
Make-up 38
Perfume 40
Ⅲ.Clothing Etiquette 42
What Clothing Reveals 43
General Clothing Etiquette 44
Dress Code Guidelines 46
Elegant Jewelry and Accessories 49
Ⅳ.Speaking Manners 51
General Rules 51
Speaking Manners in Public 54
Ⅴ.Graceful Deportment 56
Elegant Posture 57
Graceful Body Language 65
Chapter Three Social Etiquette 68
Ⅰ.Etiquette of Introduction 68
The Order of Introduction 68
Steps for Introducing 69
Art of Business Introduction 70
How to Respond to an Introduction 71
Ways to Remember Names 72
Self-introduce 73
Ⅱ.Greeting Etiquette 75
Verbal Greetings 76
Greeting Gestures 76
Ⅲ.Manners to Address 82
Ⅳ.Visiting Homes and Receiving Guests 87
Host Manners 87
Guest Manners 90
Ⅴ.Party Manners 96
When You're the Host 96
When You're the Guest 97
Talking,Listening,Mingling 99
Ⅵ.Dating Manners 101
ProperDating Etiquette 102
Etiquette Tips for Dating 104
Ⅶ.Prom Etiquette 106
Invitations 106
Costs 107
Individual Costs—Who Pays for What 107
Getting to the Prom 109
Dinner 111
ForEveryone 113
Ⅷ.Manners in Public Place 115
Personal Space and Social Distance 116
General Rules of Manners in Public Place 121
Etiquette on Road/Street 124
Manners inside Public Buildings 128
Ⅸ.Gift Etiquette 139
Gift Giving at Home and in Workplace 139
Gift Giving across Cultures 142
Floral Etiquette 144
Tipping Etiquette 146
Ⅹ.Travel Etiquette 151
Travel Etiquette in General 151
Airplane Etiquette 153
Hotel Etiquette 158
Chapter Four Table Manners 161
Ⅰ.Table Manners in Occident 161
Seating Arrangement 161
Tableware 165
Occidental Dining Manners 168
Ⅱ.Table Manners in China 171
Seating Arrangement 172
Dinner Procedure 173
Tableware 174
Chinese Dining Manners 178
Ⅲ.Drinking Manners 180
Alcoholic Beverages 180
Tea 187
Coffee 189
Ⅳ.Entertaining Etiquette 191
Forms of Entertaining 191
Preparation and Organization of a Banquet 193
Banquet Attendance 197
Banquet Service 201
Chapter Five Business Etiquette 203
Ⅰ.National Flag Etiquette 203
Respect for Flag 203
Display Manners 205
Ⅱ.Business Attire Etiquette 206
Business Casual 207
Business Attire for Men 209
Business Attire for Women 210
Ⅲ.Business Card Etiquette 211
Business Card Layout 212
General Business Card Etiquette 214
Ⅳ.Business Telephone Etiquette 216
Getting through 216
On the Call 219
Telephone Tips 220
Ⅴ.Job Interview Etiquette 221
Before the Interview 222
During the Interview 223
After the Interview 224
Ⅵ.Job Etiquette 225
Ⅶ.Business Meeting Etiquette 228
Meeting Organization 228
Meeting Host Etiquette 230
Attendees Etiquette 232
Ⅷ.Business Writing Etiquette 233
Business Report 238
Business Proposal 241
Ⅸ.Business Entertaining Etiquette 244
Meetings Held in Restaurant 244
Meeting Alternatives 245
Ⅹ.Business Negotiation Etiquette 246
Negotiation Principles 247
Negotiation Stages and Skills 247
Negotiation Types 254
Negotiation Styles 256
Chapter Six Correspondence Etiquette 260
Ⅰ.Memo Etiquette 260
Ⅱ.Greeting Card Etiquette 262
Ⅲ.Invitation Etiquette 264
Ⅳ.Thank-you Note Etiquette 271
Ⅴ.Letter Writing Etiquette 276
Ⅵ.Telephone Manners 283
Ⅶ.Cell Phone Etiquette 285
Ⅷ.Email Etiquette 287
Chapter Seven Festival and Ceremony Etiquette 293
Ⅰ.Occidental Festivals 293
New Year's Day 294
Christmas 296
Easter 301
Thanksgiving Day 303
Mother's Day 305
Father's Day 306
Valentine's Day 307
April Fool's Day 308
Halloween 310
Ⅱ.Chinese Festivals 312
Chinese New Year(Spring Festival) 312
The Lantern Festival 314
Pure and Bright(Qingming) 316
Dragon Boat Festival 316
Chinese Valentine's Day(Qi Xi) 317
The Mid-autumn Day 317
The Double Ninth Festival 318
Ⅲ.Ceremonies 319
Baby-birth Celebration 319
Naming Ceremony 321
Baptism/Christening 323
Coming of Age 328
Getting Engaged 330
Wedding Anniversaries 334
Ⅳ.Wedding 337
Roles and Duties 338
Financial,Who Pays? 340
Traditions and Customs 340
Clothing 347
The Ceremony 349
The Reception 351
Wedding Guests 355
Ⅴ.Funeral 356
General Guidelines for Guests 357
General Guidelines for the Bereaved 361
Chapter Eight Cultural Etiquette around the World 364
Ⅰ.Etiquette in Asia 364
China 364
India 371
Indonesia 377
Japan 382
South Korea 389
Thailand 394
Ⅱ.Etiquette in Africa 399
Egypt 399
South Africa 405
Ⅲ.Etiquette in Europe 409
France 409
Germany 413
Greece 418
Italy 422
Russia 428
UK 433
Ⅳ.Etiquette in North America 438
Canada 438
Mexico 442
USA 446
Ⅴ.Etiquette in South America 450
Argentina 450
Brazil 454
Ⅵ.Etiquette in Oceania 458
Australia 458
New Zealand 462
Appendix Etiquette Video Clips 469
Bibliography 474
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