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京城皇迹  英文
京城皇迹  英文

京城皇迹 英文PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:秦永超编著;王宗引,金绍卿,曲磊等英文翻译
  • 出 版 社:北京:外文出版社
  • 出版年份:2008
  • ISBN:9787119054537
  • 页数:303 页
《京城皇迹 英文》目录

Imperial Palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties 11

About the Forbidden city 15

A Tour of the Forbidden City 22

The Central Route of the Outer Court 22

Wumen(Meridian Gate)—the main entrance to the Forbidden City 22

Taihemen(Gate of Supreme Harmony)—where Ming emperors heard ministerialreports 25

Taihemen Square—a fengshui square 27

Taihedian(Hall of Supreme Harmony)a sacred place where emperors conducted grand ceremonies 29

Taihedian Sqaure—the largest square in the Forbidden City 33

Zhonghedian(Hall of Complete Harmony)—where emperors rested briefly en route to sessions of court 35

Baohedian(Hall of Preserving Harmony)—where the Palace Examinations were held during the Qing Dynasty 36

The Dragons-and-Clouds Stone Carving—the largest in the Forbidden City 39

The Central Route of the Inner Court 40

Qianqingmen(Gate of Celestial Purity)—the dividing line between the Outer and Inner Courts of the Forbidden City 40

The Council of State—a confidential place in the Forbidden City 42

Qianqinggong(Hall of Celestial Purity)—an important administrative office during the Ming and Qing dynasties 43

Jiaotaidian(Hall of Celestial and Terrestrial Union)—the site of birthday celebrations for empresses 47

Kunninggong(Hall of Terrestrial Tranquility)a Shamanist shrine 50

The Imperial Garder—a private retreat for the imperial family 53

Qin'andian(Hall of Imperial Peace)—the only religious building on the axis of the Forbidden City 55

Jiangxuexuan(Crimson Snow Pavilion)—a nanmu wood structure in the Imperial Garden 57

Yangxingzhai(Hall of Temperament Cultivation)—where Puyi studied English 58

Famous Pavilions in the Imperial Garden—Wanchun,Fubi,Qianqiu and Chengrui 59

Shunzhenmen(Smooth and Pure Gate)—the north entrance of the Imperial Garden 61

Shenwumen(Gate of Divine Might)—the rear exit from the Imperial Palace 62

The Eastern Route of the Outer Court 64

The Target Practice Pavilion—where the imperial family practiced archery in the palace 64

The Eastern Route of the Inner Court 65

Fengxiandian(Hall of Ancestral Worship)—a palace shrine dedicated to imperial ancestors 65

Zhaigong(Hall of Abstinence)—where the emperor practiced rituals of abstinence 67

Jingrengong(Hall of Great Benevolence)—the birthplace of Emperor Kangxi 68

Yanxigong(Hall of Lasting Happiness)—a crystal palace in the Forbidden City 69

Chengqiangong(Hall of Celestial Favor)—the birthplace of Emperor Xianfeng 71

Yonghegong(Hall of Eternal Harmony)—the birthplace of Emperor Yongzheng 72

Zhongcuigong (Hall of Purity)—where Empress Dowager Ci'an died 74

Jingyanggong(Hall of Great Brilliance)—a library in the Forbidden City during the Qing Dynasty 75

The Ningshougong(Hall of Tranquil Longevity)Area—built for the retirement of Emperor Qianlong 76

Huangjimen(Gate of Imperial Supremacy)—the most beautiful glazed-tile gate in the Forbidden City 77

The Nine-Dragon Screen Wall—one of China's three surviving ancient nine-dragon screen walls 78

Ningshoumen(Gate of Tranquil Longevity)—the top-status gate in the Inner Court of the Forbidden City 79

Huangjidian(Hall of Imperial Supremacy)—a hall second only to the Hall of Supreme Harmony in the architectural hierarchy 81

Ningshougong(Hall of Tranquil Longevity)—an important building featuring Manchu customs 82

Yangxingdian(Pavilion of Temperament Cultivation)—living quarters for the retired emperor 83

Changyinge(Pavilion of Flowing Music)—the biggest theater stage in the Qing court 85

Leshoutang (Hall of Joyful Longevity)—Empress Dowager Cixi's living quarters 87

Yihexuan(Pavilion of Sustained Harmony)—where Emperor Qianlong read and spent leisure time 90

Jingqige(Pavilion of Great Auspiciousness)—where Concubine Zhen was kept confined 91

Ningshougong(Hall of Tranquil Longevity)Garden—a fine example of palace gardening 93

The Western Route of the Outer Court 94

Wuyingdian(Hall of Martial Valor)—where the insurgent leader Li Zicheng proclaimed himself emperor 94

Yudetang(Hall of Virtue Cultivation)—the bathhouse of Xiangfei(Fragrant Concubine) 96

Xihuamen (West Flowery Gate)—the western entrance of the Forbidden City 98

The Western Route of the Inner Court 99

Yangxindian(Hall of Mental Cultivation)—the center of supreme power of the Qing Empire 99

Yongshougong(Hall of Eternal Longevity)—a residence for empresses and concubines during the Ming and Qing dynasties 102

Taijidian(Hall of Supremacy)—a residence for empresses and concubines during the Ming and Qing dynasties 104

Yikungong(Hall of the Queen Consort)—where Empress Dowager Cixi's 50th birthday was celebrated 105

Changchungong(Hall of the Eternal Spring)—Dowager Cixi's living quarters 107

Chuxiugong(Hall of Gathering Elegance)—the birthplace of Emperor Tongzhi 108

Xianfugong(Hall of Universal Happiness)—residence of empresses and concu-bines during the Ming and Qing dynasties 110

The Palace Walls and Palace Moat 112

The Palace Moat—the Forbidden City's first line of defense 112

The Palace Walls—the Forbidden City's second line of defense 112

The Watch Towers—hybrid tower-non-tower structures 113

Permanent Displays of the Palace Museum 115

Palace Halls Kept as They Were in the Old Days 116

Places for Temporary Thematic Exhibitions 116

Opening Hours Admission Transportation 116

TheTemple of Heaven 117

About the Temple of Heaven 120

A Tour of the Temple of Heaven 125

Yuanqiutan(Circular Mound Altar)—the altar for emperors to Pray to heaven 125

The Heaven's Heart Stone—where the emperor stood while reading the ceremonial message 128

The Furnace for Burning Sacrifices 129

Huangqiongyu(Imperial Vault of Heaven)—for storing spirit tablets for use during heaven-worshiping ceremonies 130

The Triple-Sounding Stones—one of the three acoustic miracles of the Temple of Heaven 133

The Echo Wall—a famous acoustic attraction 134

The Nine-Dragon Cypress—the oldest cypress in urban Beijing 134

Danbi(Red Walkway)Bridge—the path leading to the Heavenly Palace 135

Qinianmen(Gate of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest)—the main entrance to the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest 136

Qigutan(Altar of Prayer for Grain)—a sacred place where Ming and Qing emperors conducted grand ceremonies for praying for grain 137

Qiniandian(Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest)the symbol of the Temple of Heaven 138

Huangqiandian(Hall of Zenith)the bedchamber dedicated to the heavenly god 143

The 72-Bay Continuous Building—the passage for delivering sacrifices 143

The Slaughterhouse—where sacrificial cattle were slaughtered 144

The Double-Ring(Longevity)Pavilion—built by Emperor Qianlong for his mother 145

The Fasting Palace—a small imperial palace in the Temple of Heaven 147

Shenyueshu(Divine Music Administration)—a royal organization for playing ancient music 148

Opening Hours Admission Bus Routes 152

The Summer Palace 153

About the Summer Palace 156

A Tour of the Summer Palace 163

Court Area 163

Donggongmen(East Gate)—the main entrance to the Summer Palace 163

Renshoudian(Hall of Benevolence and Longevity)—where emperors attended to administration 164

Yulantang(Hall of Jade Ripples)—where Emperor Guangxu was placed under house arrest 166

Yiyunguan(Hall of Fragrant Grass)—the residence of Empress Longyu 167

Deheyuan(Garden of Virtue and Harmony)—where Empress Dowager Cixi watched performances of Peking Opera 169

Leshoutang (Hall of Joyous Longevity)—the residence of Empress Dowager Cixi 172

Longevity Kitchens—the private kitchens of Empress Dowager Cixi 174

Yongshouzhai(Eternal Longevity Chamber)—the residence of the Imperial Eunuch Li Lianying 174

Front-Hill Area 176

The Long Corridor—the longest gallery in the world 176

Paiyunmen(Gate for Dispelling Clouds)—main gate of the Paiyundian 177

Paiyundian(Hall for Dispelling Clouds)—the place for celebrating Empress Dowager Cixi's birthday 178

Foxiangge(Pavillon of Buddhist Incense)—the landmark building of the Summer Palace 180

Zhihuihai(Sea of Wisdom)—the Buddhist world on the highest point of Longevity Hill 182

Baoyunge(Pavilion of Precious Clouds)—a cast bronze religious structure 182

Tingliguan(Hall for Listening to Orioles)—a small theater for Empress Dowager Cixi 184

Huazhongyou(Strolling through a Scroll Painting)—a group of buildings lined with Chinese landscape paintings 185

Zhuanlunzang(Revolving Sutra Repository)—a religious structure where Qing emperors and expresses came to attend religious services and recite sutras 186

Kunming Lake Area 189

YelüChucai Temple—the Tomb of one of the founding fathers of the Yuan Dynasty 189

Zhichunting(Harbinger of Spring Pavilion)—the earliest herald of spring 189

Wenchangge(Pavilion of Cultural Prosperity)—a classical city-gate structure 190

Bronze Ox—a cultural highlight on the eastern causeway 191

Kuoruting(Pavilion of Broad Vistas)—the largest ancient pavilion in China 192

17-Arch Bridge—the biggest bridge in the Summer Palace 192

Nanhudao(South Lake Islet)the biggest islet in Kunming Lake 193

Xiuyiqlao(Wavy Tapestry Bridge)—the Number One Bridge on Kunming Lake 194

Xiti(West Causeway)—the green necklace of Kunming Lake 195

Jingminglou(Bright Scenery Mansion)—the largest building complex on the West Causeway 197

Qingyanfang(Boat of Purity and Ease or Marble Boat)—the largest stone boat in China 197

Xingqiao—Open Pavilion Bridge 198

Suyunyan(Cloud Entertaining Eaves)—a city-gate structure 199

Rear-Hill and Back-Lake Area 200

Catur-dvipa(Four Inhabited Continents)—a group of mysterious religious buildings 200

Duobao(Multi-Treasure)Glazed Pagoda—the most treasured glazed pagoda in the Qing Dynasty 201

Suzhou Street—Business street of the Qing Dynasty 203

Xiequyuan(Garden of Harmonious Interests)—the Garden within the Garden 204

Opening Hours Admission Bus Routes 206

Jingshan Park 207

About Jingshan Park 210

A Tour of Jingshan Park 213

Qiwanglou(Beautiful View Tower)—where the imperial court paid homage to Confucius 213

Guanmiaoting(Pavilion of Wonderful Views)—one of the five major pavilions on Jingshan Hill 215

Zhoushangting(Pavilion of Surrounding Views)—one of the five major pavilions 215

Wanchunting(Everlasting Spring Pavilion)—central pavilion with the best view 215

Fulanting(Panoramic View Pavilion)—one of the five major pavilions 215

Jifangting(Fragrance Gathering Pavilion)—one of the five major pavilions 216

Shouhuangdian(Imperial Longevity Hall)Building Cluster—the hall for paying homage to ancestors 216

The spot where Emperor Chongzhen hanged himself 217

Opening Hours Admission Bus Routes 218

Beihai Park 219

About Beihai Park 222

A Tour of Beihai Park 225

Jade Flowery Islet Scenic Area 225

Jade Flowery Islet—the fairy hill on the lake 225

Yong'anqiao(Bridge of Eternal Peace)—a pathway to the southern bank 226

Yong'ansi(Temple of Eternal Peace)—a place for emperors and empresses to worship 227

White Dagoba—the landmark building of Beihai Park 229

Qiongdaochunyin(Jade Flowery Islet in Shady Springtime)Tablet—inscriptions by the emperor 232

Covered Corridor—a colorful ribbon skirting the northern part of the hill 232

Yuegulou(Hall of Ancient Scripts)—a treasure collection of the most famous ancient calligraphic works 233

Xianren Chenglupan(Immortal's Plate for Containing Dews) 234

Eastern Bank Scenic Area 236

Haopujian(Haopu Creek Garden)—a garden within a garden 236

Xiancantan(Altar of the Goddess of Silkworms)—where the Empress and concubines offered sacrifices to the Goddess of Silkworms 237

Northern Bank Scenic Area 238

Jingxinzhai(Peaceful Heart Garden)—a garden within a garden 238

Xitianfanjing(Hall of Western Paradise) 240

Dacizhenrudian(Hall of Great Mercy and the True and Genuine Suchness)—the main hall of the Hall of Heavenly Kings 241

The Iron Screen Wall—a legacy of the Yuan Dynasty 241

Chengguantang(Hall of Clear Vision)—where eunuchs stood on duty during the Ming Dynasty 243

The Hall of Quick Snowfall 243

Nine-Dragon Screen Wall 246

Five Dragon Pavilions—structures on water 247

Chanfusi(Temple for Bestowing Blessings) 248

Fangdian(Square Hall)—China's largest extant wooden pavilion-style structure 249

Round City Area 251

Tuancheng(Round City)—an imperial garden raised high 251

Chengguangdian(Hall for Receiving Light)—the main structure of the Round City 252

White Jade Buddha—the biggest jade Buddha image in Beijing 252

White Robe General—shady place of cool 254

Opening Hours Admission Bus Routes 254

Yuanmingyuan Garden 255

About Yuanmingyuan Garden 258

A Tour of the Yuanmingyuan 264

Jianbiting(Pavilion in a Blue Mirror) 264

Bieyoudongtian (Palace of Unique Beauty) 264

Jiexiushanfang(Enchanting View Cottage) 265

Pengdaoyaotai(immortal Abode on Penglai Island) 265

Haiyuekaijin(Sea of Magnanimity) 266

Hanjingtang(Scripture-Conservation Hall) 266

Shizilin(Lion Forest Garden) 268

Xiyanglou(European-style Palaces)—the Versailles of China 268

Xieqiqu(Harmonious Wonder)—a European-style fountain 269

Huanghuazhen(Labyrinth)—a European-style maze 271

Fangwaiguan(Belvedere)—a place for the religious observances of the Uygur concubine 272

Haiyantang(Hall of National Peace)—the biggest European-style garden 272

Yuanyingguan(Immense Ocean Observatory)—the most magnificent European-style scenic spot 273

Guanshuifa(Throne for Viewing the Waterworks) 276

Opening Hours Admission Bus Routes 276

Yonghegong Lama Temple 279

About Yonghegong Lama Temple 282

A Tour of Yonghegong 287

Archway group and screen wall—a group of structures at the southern extremity of the Yonghegong 287

Zhaotaimen(Gate of Radiance and Peace)—the main gate of the Yonghegong 288

Yonghemen(Gate of Harmony and Peace)—the first major hall of Yonghegong 288

Giant Bronze Ding—one of the three rarities of Beijing 290

Imperial Stele Pavilion—inscribed in four languages 292

Bronze Mount Sumeru—a rare artwork 292

Daxiongbaodian(Mahavira Hall)—the main hall of Yonghegong 294

Yongyoudian(Hall of Everlasting Protection)—where the coffin of deceased Emperor Yongzheng was placed 296

Falundian(Hall of the Wheel of the Law)—a place for reading scriptures and conducting religious services 298

Sandalwood 500-Arhats Hill—one of the three rarities of Yonghegong 300

Life Story of Sakyamuni—a large mural 300

Wanfuge(Pavilion of 10 Thousand Happinesses)—the tallest structure in Yonghegong 300

Sandalwood Giant Buddha—one of the three rarities of Yonghegong 302

Opening Hours Admission Bus Routes 302

Appendix:Emperors of the Ming Dynasty&Emperors of the Qing Dynasty 303
