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货物买卖与租赁  第3版  民商法精要系列影印注释本
货物买卖与租赁  第3版  民商法精要系列影印注释本

货物买卖与租赁 第3版 民商法精要系列影印注释本PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:〔美〕约翰·斯托克顿、弗
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国人民大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2003
  • ISBN:7300048617
  • 页数:442 页
《货物买卖与租赁 第3版 民商法精要系列影印注释本》目录

Chapter 1.Subject Matter and Selected Important Definitions 1

1.Scope and Applicability of Articles 2 and 2A;Revision of Articles 2 and 2A 1

2.Contract for Sale and Sale Defined;Lease Agreement,Lease Contract and Lease Defined 8

3.Goods Defined;Mixed Sales and Leases of Goods and Services 13

4.Price Defined;Rent 19

5.Terms Used to Describe Goods 21

a.Identified Goods 21

b.Future Goods 22

c.Existing Goods 22

d.Fungible Goods 22

6.Merchant Defined 23

7.Consumer Lease and Finance Lease Defined;Relation of Code to Other Law 26

Chapter 2.Formation of the Contract 30

1.Introduction 30

2.The Offer 31

3.The Acceptance:Battle of the Forms 34

4.The Acceptance:Other Problems 41

a.Means of Acceptance:Generally 42

b.Act or Promise as Acceptance 42

c.Acceptance and Non-Conforming Goods 44

d.Acceptance in Unilateral Contracts 45

Chapter 3.Statute of Frauds,Parol Evidence,end Modification 47

A.The Statute of Frauds 48

1.Introduction 48

2.Contracts Covered 51

3.Sufficiency of the Writing 52

a.In General 52

b.Must Be Signed 53

c.Other Contents 54

4.Exceptions 56

a.Writing Signed Only by Party Seeking Enforcement 56

b.Specially Manufactured Goods 58

c.Admission in Pleadings,Testimony or Otherwise in Court 60

d.Partial Performance 61

5.Estoppel 62

B.Parol Evidence 64

1.The General Problem 64

B.Parol Evidence—Continued 67

2.Code Provisions 67

C.Modification 74

1.The General Problem 74

2.Code Provisions 76

3.Good Faith 77

4.Modification and the Statute of Frauds 79

5.Modification and Waiver 80

Chapter 4.Terms of the Contract 83

1.Introduction 83

2.Express Tems 84

3.Course of Performance,Course of Dealing and Usage of Trade 87

a.Course of Performance 87

b.Course of Dealing 89

c.Usage of Trade 90

d.Legal Effect 91

4.Open Price and Other Terms 93

5.Unconscionable Terms 101

a.Introduction 101

b.Historical and Commercial Setting 103

c.Application in the Courts 105

Chapter 5.Documents of Title and Letters of Credit 109

1.Introduction 109

2.Bills of Lading 110

3.Warehouse Receipts 114

Chapter 5.Documents of Title and Letters of Credit—Continued 116

4.Letters of Credit 116

Chapter 6.Performance 119

1.General Obligations 119

2.Tender Obligations 121

a.Non-Shipment Contracts 123

b.Shipment Contracts 125

c.Destination Contracts 128

d.Under Mercantile Terms 129

e.Time for Tender 131

3.Obligation to Pay the Price or the Rent 136

a.Right of Inspection 138

b.Manner of Payment 147

Chapter 7.Title and Rights of Third Parties 149

A.Passage of Title 150

1.Introduction 150

2.Manner of Identification 154

a.Specific Goods 155

b.Future Goods 156

c.Fungible Goods 156

d.Crops and the Unborn Young of Animals 157

3.Rules for Passage of Title Under Article 2 159

a.Destination Contracts 159

b.Shipment Contracts 160

A.Passage of Title—Continued 161

c.Other Circumstances 161

4.Passage of Title and Reservation of a Security Interest 161

5.Effect of Rejection or Revocation of Acceptance 162

6.Sale on Approval and Sale or Return 163

7.Consignments 164

B.The Rights of Third Parties 165

1.Introduction 165

2.Entrusting 166

a.Generally 166

b.Apparent Ownership,Apparent Authority,and Estoppel 167

c.Delivery of Possession Without Indicia of Title or Authority 169

3.Voidable Interests 176

a.Cash Transactions 178

b.The Imposter Problem 185

c.Voidable Interests and Entrusting Compared 186

4.Possession and Rights of Creditors 187

5.Assignment 190

6.Negotiable Documents of Title 194

Chapter 8.Risk of Loss 195

1.Introduction 195

2.Rules Governing Risk of Loss in the Absence of Breach 199

a.Goods Shippod by Carrier 199

b.Goods in Possession of Bailee 203

Chapter 8.Risk of Loss—Continued 205

c.Other Situations 205

3.Effect of Breach on Risk of Loss 207

a.Seller's or Lessor's Breach 207

b.Buyer's or Lessee's Breach 210

4.Sale on Approval and Sale or Return 212

Chapter 9 The Warranty Obligations 213

1.Introduction 214

2.Express Warranties 215

a.Affirmation of Fact or Promise 216

b.Opinion 218

c.Express Warranty by Description 220

d.Warranty by Sample or Model 221

e.Basis of the Bargain 223

3.Warranty of Title or Against Interference and Warranty Against Infringement 225

a.Warranty of Title or Against Interference 225

b.Warranty Against Infringement 231

4.Implied Warranties 232

a.Generally 232

b.Warranty of Merchantability 234

c.Establishing Liability 239

d.Implied Warranty of Fitness 242

e.The Duty to Examine the Goods 244

5.Exclusion or Modification of Warranties 246

a.Express Warranties 247

Chapter 9.The Warranty Obligations—Continued 249

b.Warranty of Title or Against Interference 249

c.Other Implied Warranties 250

6.Privity in Regard to Warranty 255

7.Magnuson-Moss 260

8.Other Theories of Liability 263

a.Public Misrepresentation 264

b.Negligent Tort 267

c.Strict Tort Under 402A of the Restatement(Second)of Torts 269

Chapter 10.Repudiation,Breach and Excuse 274

1.Introduction 275

2.Anticipatory Repudiation 276

a.Generally 276

b.Immediate Right to Any Remedy for Breach or Default 279

c.Right to Await Performance 280

d.Right to Suspend Performance 282

e.Right to Retract 282

3.Adequate Assurance of Performance 285

a.Generally 285

b.Reasonable Grounds for Insecurity and Written Demand 287

c.Adequate Assurance 288

4.The Perfect Tender Rule 291

5.Breach of Installment Contracts 292

a.Generally 292

Chapter 10.Repudiation,Breach and Excuse—Continued 293

b.Buyer's or Lessee's Right to Reject a Non-Conforming Delivery(Installment) 293

c.Right of Aggrieved Party to Cancel Whole Contract 295

6.Seller's or Lessor's Right to Cure 301

7.Buyer's or Lessee's Right on Improper Tender 306

a.Rejection 306

b.Rights Regarding Goods Rightfully Rejected 309

c.Acceptance 312

d.Revocation of Acceptance 320

e.Comparison:Rejection and Revocation of Acceptance 325

8.Excuse for Nonperformance 326

a.Generally 326

b.Destruction of the Specific Subject Matter 327

c.Commercial Impracticability 330

d.Partial Excuse 337

e.Substituted Performance 339

Chapter 11.The Seller's and the Lessor's Remedies 342

1.Introduction 342

2.Monetary Remedies 348

a.Generally 348

b.Resale or Re-lease Standard 349

Chapter 11.The Seller's and the Lessor's Remedies—Continued 355

c.Market Value Standard 355

d.The Profit Standard 359

e.Price or Rent Standard 363

f.Incidental and Liquidated Damages 365

g.Seller's or Lessor's Right to Continue Performance After Breach 368

3.Non-monetary Remedies 372

a.Generally 372

b.Right to Withhold Delivery 374

c.Right to Stop Delivery 376

d.Right to Reclaim or Repossess 379

Chapter 12.Buyer's or Lessee's Remedies 386

1.Introduction 386

2.Monetary Remedies 389

a.Generally 389

b.Recovery of the Price or Rent 390

c.Cover 391

d.Market Price or Rent 395

e.Damages When Goods Are Retained 400

f.Incidental and Consequential Damages 404

g.Liquidated Damages 416

h.Security Interest in the Goods 416

3.Non-monetary Remedies 418

a.Specific Performance 418

b.Replevin 422

Chapter 12.Buyer's or Lessee's Remedies—Continued 423

c.Insolvency of the Seller or Lessor 423

