- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(荷)彼特·纳斯,郝时远,张小敏主编
- 出 版 社:北京:知识产权出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9787513008280
- 页数:183 页
1.Introduction&Peter J.M.Nas 1
2.Quo Vadis Homo Sapientissime? Transdisciplinary Perspectives of Human Ecology&Napoleon Wolanski 4
3.Human Evolution in China: Viewed from Multidisciplinary Records&Wu Xinzhi 13
4.The Origins of the Japanese People&Keiichi Omoto 22
5.Historical Foundation and Current Development of Anthropology and Ethnology in China&Hao Shiyuan 31
6.Globalization: The Anthropological Perspective&Soheila Shahshahani 73
7.Global Economy and Constructed Social Imagination:Intersection of Aesthetics,Race,Gender and Caste in South Asia&Subhadra Mitra Channa 84
8.Remapping Anthropology's Peripheral Zones&Faye V.Harrison 100
9.Symbols in Place: In Search of the Soul of the City&Peter J.M.Nas,Marlies de Groot and Rosalie de Bruijn 117
10.The Chinese High-Tech Professionals in Silicon Valley:From Scholars to Entrepreneurs&Bernard P.Wong 126
11.Citizenship and the Legitimacy of Governance:Why Anthropology&Italo Pardo 149
12.Dispossession and Displacement to Protect Nature:The Mobile Harasiis Tribe Faces the 21st Century&Dawn Chatty 163
13.Contributors 179
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