中华葬甲 平装PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:计云著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国林业出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787503868504
- 页数:309 页
总论 1
一、概述Introduction 1
(一)葬甲的命名Naming 1
(二)葬甲的分类地位Systematic status 3
(三)葬甲科的分类系统Classification 5
(四)葬甲科的研究概况Historical review 6
1.国外研究概况International researches 6
2.国内研究概况Researches in China 8
二、葬甲的形态特征Morphology 10
(一)成虫Adult 10
(二)幼虫、蛹和卵Immature stages 16
三、葬甲的生物学和生态学特性Biology and ecology 19
(一)食性和栖息环境Food habits and habitat 19
(二)世代和发育历期Generations and life history 20
(三)成虫的行为习性Behavior 20
(四)天敌与保护Natural enemies and conservation 23
四、葬甲的研究意义Practical application 24
(一)法医昆虫学应用Forensic entomology 24
(二)作为生态指示类群Arapid bioassessment method 24
(三)经济意义Economic importance 25
五、葬甲的演化与化石证据Evolution and the fossil evidence 26
六、葬甲的地理分布和系统发育Biogeography and phylogeny 28
(一)世界地理分布和系统发育Geographic distribution of world fauna 28
(二)中国地理分布Geographic distribution in China 30
七、中国葬甲科昆虫名录A catalog of the Silphidae of China 33
八、研究材料和方法Material and methods 46
各论Systematic Account 48
葬甲科Silphidae Latreille 51
一、葬甲亚科Silphinae Latreille 54
(一)干葬甲属Aclypea Reitter 55
(1)裸干葬甲Aclypea calva(Reitter) 56
(2)达乌里干葬甲Aclypea daurica(Gebler) 58
(3)暗色干葬甲Aclypea opaca(Linnaeus) 60
(4)中亚干葬甲Aclypea turkestanica(Ballion) 61
(二)树葬甲属Dendroxena Motschulsky 63
(5)六脊树葬甲Dendroxena sexcarinata Mstschulsky 63
(三)盾葬甲属Diamesus Hope 66
(6)二点盾葬甲Diamesus bimaculatus Portevin 67
(7)横纹盾葬甲Diamesus osculans(Vigors) 68
(四)尸葬甲属Necrodes Leach 71
(8)滨尸葬甲Necrodes littoralis(Linnaeus) 72
(9)黑角尸葬甲Necrodes nigricornis Harold 74
(五)丧葬甲属NecrophilaKirby&Spence 77
1.丽葬甲亚属Calosilpha Portevin 80
(10)红胸丽葬甲Necrophila(Calosilpha)brunnicollis(Kraatz) 81
(11)纶丽葬甲Necrophila(Calosilpha)cyaneocephala(Portevin) 84
(12)蓝腹丽葬甲Necrophila(Calosilpha)cyaniventris(Motschulsky) 86
2.双脊葬甲亚属Deutosilpha Portevin 89
(13)细双脊葬甲Necrophila(Deutosilpha)luciae R?i?ka & Schneider 90
3.真葬甲亚属Eusilpha A. Semenov 92
(14)安氏真葬甲Necrophila(Eusilpha)andrewesi Portevin 93
(15)蓝带真葬甲Necrophila(Eusilpha)cyaneocincta(Fairmaire) 93
(16)亚氏真葬甲指名亚种Necrophila(Eusilpha)jakowlewi jakowlewi(A.Semenov) 96
(17)日本真葬甲Necrophila(Eusilpha)japonica(Motachulsky) 98
(18)露尾真葬甲Necrophila(Eusilpha)subcaudata(Fairmaire) 100
(19)西藏真葬甲Necrophila(Eusilpha)thibetana(Fairmaire) 102
(六)媪葬甲属Oiceoptoma Leach 105
(20)黑媪葬甲Oiceoptoma hypocrita(Portevin) 106
(21)红领媪葬甲Oiceoptoma nakabayashii(Miwa) 108
(22)红鞘媪葬甲Oiceoptoma picescens(Fairmaire) 108
(23)红胸媪葬甲Oiceoptoma subrufum(Lewis) 110
(24)皱鞘媪葬甲Oiceoptoma thoracicum(Linnaeus) 111
(七)缶葬甲属Phosphuga Leach 114
(25)黑缶葬甲指名亚种Phosphuga atrata atrata(Linnaeus) 115
(八)葬甲属Silpha Linnaeus 119
(26)隆葬甲Silpha businskyorum Háva,Schneider & R?i?ka 121
(27)脊葬甲Siliha carinata Herbst 122
(28)暗葬甲指名亚种Silpha obscura obscura Linnaeus 124
(29)隧葬甲Silpha perforata Gebler 126
(30)秦岭葬甲Silpha quinlinga Schawaller 128
(31)瘦葬甲Silpha schawalleri Háva,Schneider & R?i?ka 130
(九)亡葬甲属Thanatophilus Leach 132
(32)齿亡葬甲Thanatophilus dentigerus(A.Semenov) 134
(33)异亡葬甲Thanatophilus dispar(Herbst) 136
(34)侧脊亡葬甲Thanatophilus latericarinatus(Mstschulsky) 137
(35)小亡葬甲Thanatophilus minutus Kraatz 139
(36)绒亡葬甲Thanatophilus pilosus (Jakovlev) 139
(37)长亡葬甲Thanatophilus porrectus(A.Semenov) 141
(38)寡肋亡葬甲Thanatophilus roborowskyi(Jakovlev) 144
(39)皱亡葬甲Thanatophilus rugosus(Linnaeus) 145
(40)曲亡葬甲Thanatophilus sinuatus(Fabricius) 147
(41)红梢亡葬甲Thanatophilus terminatus(Hummel) 148
二、覆葬甲亚科Nicrophorinae Kirby 152
(十)覆葬甲属Nicrophorus Fabricius 155
(42)黄角覆葬甲Nicrophorus antennatus(Reitter) 163
(43)亮覆葬甲Nicrophorus argutor Jakovlev 166
(44)典型覆葬甲Nicrophorus basalis Faldermann 168
(45)丽覆葬甲Nicrophorus chryseus Mazokhin-Porshnyakov 170
(46)黑覆葬甲Nicrophorus concolor Kraatz 172
(47)淆覆葬甲Nicrophorus confusus Portevin 175
(48)达乌里覆葬甲Nicrophorus dauricus Motschulshy 177
(49)长脊黑覆葬甲Nicrophorus humator(Gleditsch) 180
(50)扰墓覆葬甲Nicrophorus interruptus Stephens 183
(51)仵作覆葬甲Nicrophorus investigator Zetterstedt 186
(52)日本覆葬甲Nicrophorus japonicus Harold 191
(53)基纹覆葬甲Nicrophorus lunatus Fischer von Waldheim 194
(54)前星覆葬甲Nicrophorus maculifrons Kraatz 196
(55)墨黑覆葬甲Nicrophorus morio Gebler 199
(56)尼[泊尔]覆葬甲Nicrophorus nepalensis Hope 202
(57)两裆覆葬甲Nicrophorus oberthuri Portevin 204
(58)普氏覆葬甲Nicrophorus przewalskii A. Semenov 206
(59)后星覆葬甲Nicrophorus quadraticollis Portevin 209
(60)四星覆葬甲Nicrophorus quadripunctatus Kraatz 211
(61)理氏覆葬甲Nicrophorus reichardti Keiseritzky 212
(62)魔黑覆葬甲Nicrophorus satanas Reitter 214
(63)衿覆葬甲Nicrophorus schawalleri Sikes & Madge 218
(64)超高覆葬甲Nicrophorus semenowi(Reitter) 220
(65)埋覆葬甲Nicrophorus sepultor Charpentier 224
(66)中国覆葬甲Nicrophorus sinensis Ji,sp.n 226
(67)浅色覆葬甲Nicrophorus smefarka Háva,Schneider & R?i?ka 231
(68)细腿黑覆葬甲Nicrophorus tenuipes Lewis 235
(69)细纹覆葬甲Nicrophorus ussuriensis Portevin 238
(70)壮覆葬甲Nicrophorus validus Portevin 239
(71)蜂纹覆葬甲Nicrophorus vespillo(Linnaeus) 240
(72)拟蜂纹覆葬甲Nicrophorus vespilloides Herbst 243
(十一)冥葬甲属Ptomascopus Kraatz 248
(73)黑冥葬甲Ptomascopus morio Kraatz 249
(74)双斑冥葬甲Ptomascopus plagiatus(Ménétriés) 250
(75)漳腊冥葬甲Ptomascopus zhangla Háva,Schneider & Ruzicka 258
参考文献References 261
致谢Acknowledgments 284
英文摘要English abstract 287
中名索引Index of Chinese names 297
学名索引Index of scientific names 301
图版Plates 310
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