![经济学前沿影印丛书 经济学 价值和组织](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/76/s6c0f643.jpg)
![经济学前沿影印丛书 经济学 价值和组织](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/76/s6c0f643.jpg)
经济学前沿影印丛书 经济学 价值和组织PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)avberBen-ner,louisputterman主编
- 出 版 社:北京:北京大学出版社
- 出版年份:2005
- ISBN:9787301092361
- 页数:523 页
Introduction 3
1 Values and institutions in economic analysis&Avner Ben-Ner and Lonis Putterman 3
Part Ⅰ The formation and evolution of social norms and values 73
2 Normative expectations:the simultaneous evolution of institutions and norms&Robert Sugden 73
3 A utilitarian theory of political legitimacy&Ken Binmore 101
4 Why do we care what others think about us?&Chaim Fershtman and Yoram Weiss 133
5 Starting with nothing:on the impossibility of grounding norms solely in self-interest&Jane Mansbridge 151
Part Ⅱ The generation and transmission ofvalues in families and communities 171
6 Did Father know best?Families,markets,and the supply of caring labor&Nancy Folbre and Thomas E. Weisskopf 171
7 How communities govern:the structural basis of prosocial norms&Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis 206
8 Moral overload and its alleviation&Timur Kuran 231
9 Moral diversity and specialized values:some observations&John Michael Montias 267
Part Ⅲ Social norms and culture 275
10 Social norms as positional arms control agreements&Robert H. Frank 275
11 Bribes and gifts&Susan Rose-Ackerman 296
12 How do we know whether a monetary transaction is a gift,an entitlement,or compensation?&Viviana Zelizer 329
Part Ⅳ The organization of work,trust,and incentives 337
13 How effective are trust-and reciprocity-based incentives?&Ernst Fehr and Simon G?chter 337
14 Worker trust,system vulnerability,and the performance ofwork groups&Andrew Schotter 364
15 Trust:beliefs and morality&Jonathan Baron 408
16 Institutional commitment:values or incentives?&Russell Hardin 419
Part Ⅴ Markets,values,and welfare 437
17 Institutions and morale:the crowding-out effect&Bruno S. Frey 437
18 The joyless market economy&Robert E. Lane 461
Epilogue 491
19 Where have we been and where are we going?&Douglass C. North 491
Index 509
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