XML数据查询和检索技术 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陆嘉恒主编
- 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787302285632
- 页数:291 页
1 Introduction 1
1.1 XML Data Model 1
1.2 Emergence of XML Database 3
1.2.1 Flat File Storage 3
1.2.2 Relational and Object Relational Storage 3
1.2.3 Native Storage of XML Data 4
1.3 XML Query Language and Processing 5
1.4 XML Keyword Search 5
1.5 Book Outline 6
References 7
2 XML Labeling Scheme 9
2.1 Introducing XML Labeling Scheme 9
2.2 Region Encoding Scheme 10
2.3 Dewey and Extended Dewey Scheme 11
2.3.1 Dewey ID Labeling Scheme 11
2.3.2 Extended Dewey and FST 12
2.4 Dynamic Labeling Scheme 16
2.4.1 Region-Based Dynamic Labeling Scheme 17
2.4.2 Prefix-Based Dynamic Labeling Scheme 18
2.4.3 Prime Labeling Scheme 19
2.4.4 The Encoding Schemes 20
2.5 Summary 31
References 31
3 XML Data Indexing 33
3.1 Introducing XML Data Indexing 33
3.2 Indexes on XML Tree Structure 34
3.2.1 DataGuides 34
3.2.2 1-Index 39
3.2.3 F&B-Index 43
3.3 Index Based on XML Sequencing 54
3.3.1 PRIX:Indexing and Querying XML Using Prüfer Sequences 54
3.3.2 ViST:A Dynamic Index Method for Querying XML Data by Tree Structures 65
3.3.3 APEX:An Adaptive Path Index for XML Data 75
3.4 Summary 87
References 88
4 XML Tree Pattern Processing 91
4.1 Introducing XML Tree Pattern Processing 91
4.2 XML Structural Join 92
4.2.1 Tree-Merge Join Algorithms 94
4.2.2 Stack-Tree Join Algorithms 97
4.3 XML Holistic Twig Pattern Processing 103
4.3.1 Path Stack 104
4.3.2 TwigStack 108
4.3.3 TwigStackList 112
4.3.4 TJFast 122
4.3.5 Experimental Evaluation 128
4.4 XML Query Processing Based on Various Streaming Schemes 134
4.4.1 Tag+Level Streaming and Prefix-Path Streaming(PPS) 135
4.4.2 iTwigJoin Algorithm 144
4.5 Summary 155
References 155
5 Ordered and Generalized XML Tree Pattern Processing 157
5.1 Introducing Ordered and Generalized XML Tree Pattern Processing 157
5.2 XML Ordered Query Processing 158
5.2.1 Data Model and Ordered Twig Pattern 159
5.2.2 XML Ordered Query Processing Algorithm 160
5.2.3 Analysis of Ordered TJ 163
5.2.4 Experimental Evaluation 165
5.3 XML Generalized XML Tree Pattern 167
5.3.1 GTJFast Algorithm 168
5.3.2 Analysis of GTJFast 171
5.3.3 Experiments 173
5.4 Extended XML Tree Pattern 174
5.4.1 Extended Tree Pattern Query 176
5.4.2 Matching Cross 177
5.4.3 Holistic Algorithms 183
5.4.4 Experiments 193
5.5 Summary 200
References 200
6 Effective XML Keyword Search 203
6.1 Introducing Effective XML Keyword Search 203
6.2 XML Keyword Search Semantics 204
6.2.1 LCA and the Meet Operator 205
6.2.2 MLCA and MLCAS 205
6.2.3 SLCA 206
6.2.4 GDMCT 207
6.2.5 ICA(Interested Common Ancestor)and IRA(Interested Related Ancestors) 209
6.2.6 ELCA(Exclusive Lowest Common Ancestor) 210
6.2.7 VLCA(Valuable Lowest Common Ancestor) 210
6.2.8 MCN 211
6.2.9 Meaningful SLCA 211
6.2.10 LCEA(Lowest Common Entity Ancestor) 213
6.2.11 MLCEA (Meaningful LCEA) 213
6.3 XML Keyword Search Algorithms 213
6.3.1 DIL(Dewey Inverted List)Query Processing Algorithm 213
6.3.2 The Stack Algorithm 216
6.3.3 Basic Multiway-SLCA Algorithm(BMS) 218
6.3.4 Incremental Multiway-SLCA Algorithm(IMS) 220
6.3.5 Indexed Stack Algorithm 221
6.3.6 Stack-Based Query Refinement Algorithm 223
6.4 XML Keyword Search Ranking Strategy 224
6.4.1 TFIDF Cosine Similarity 225
6.4.2 Data Model 226
6.4.3 XML TF&DF 226
6.4.4 Inferring the Node Type to Search For 227
6.4.5 Inferring the Node Types to Search Via 227
6.4.6 Capturing Keyword Co-occtrrence 228
6.4.7 Relevance-Oriented Ranking 228
6.5 Summary 231
References 231
7 XML Keyword Pattern Refinement 233
7.1 Introducing XML Keyword Pattern Refinement 233
7.2 Related Work 237
7.3 Preliminaries 238
7.3.1 Meaningful SLCA 238
7.3.2 Refinement Operations 240
7.4 Ranking of Refined Queries 242
7.4.1 Similarity Score of a RQ 243
7.4.2 Dependence Score of a RQ 245
7.5 Exploring the Refined Query 247
7.5.1 Problem Formulation 247
7.5.2 Subproblems 247
7.5.3 Notations 247
7.5.4 Initialization 248
7.5.5 Recurrence Function 248
7.5.6 Time Complexity 248
7.6 Content-Aware Query Refinement 249
7.6.1 Partition-Based Algorithm 250
7.6.2 Short-List Eager Algorithm 253
7.7 Experiments 256
7.7.1 Equipment 256
7.7.2 Dataset and Query Set 256
7.7.3 Efficiency 257
7.7.4 Scalability 259
7.7.5 Effectiveness of Query Refinement 261
7.8 Summary 264
References 264
8 LCRA,XML Keyword Search System,and LotusX,Graphical Query Processing System 267
8.1 Introduction of LCRA and LotusX 267
8.2 LCRA:Search Semantics 268
8.2.1 SLCA and LRA 268
8.2.2 Background and Data Model 269
8.2.3 Search Semantics 270
8.3 LCRA,System Architecture,and Ranking Techniques 272
8.3.1 Tree Model 272
8.3.2 Ranking Techniques 273
8.3.3 System Architecture 274
8.3.4 Overview of Online Demo Features 274
8.4 A Position-Aware XML Graphical Search System with Auto-completion 276
8.4.1 System Features 276
8.4.2 LotusX:Architecture and Algorithms 278
8.5 Summary 282
References 283
9 Summary and the Road Ahead 285
9.1 Summary of This Book 285
9.2 Future Work 286
9.2.1 Full-Fledge dXML Query Engine 286
9.2.2 Directed Graph XML Model 286
9.2.3 Extended Dewey Labeling Scheme for Ordered Query 287
9.2.4 Index Structure Based on TJFast 287
9.2.5 MapReduce-Based XML Twig Pattern Matching 288
References 288
Index 289
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