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适航工程英语  泛读教程
适航工程英语  泛读教程

适航工程英语 泛读教程PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:李建瑂等编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国民航出版社
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7801104021
  • 页数:272 页
图书介绍:本教材各课均配有词汇表、注释、思考题,书后附有总词汇表、常用英语缩略语。这样既有利天提高读者阅读过程中的分析、归纳、综合和推断的能力,又可以提高本教材对继续工 程教育与养成教育的适用性,并提高其可自学性。本书具有选材精细、内容新颖、题材广泛、词汇丰富;知识性、趣味性和产用性强等特点。本书可作为对民航系统从事航空器适秀管理的各类监察人员和航空维修人员及有关工程技术人员实施适航工程英语培训/考试的教材;也可作为民航校有关专业开设《适航工程英语》课程的教材;并可供希望提高专业英语水平及了解民用航空器适和现代航空修管理基本知识和航空界其他人员阅读参考。
《适航工程英语 泛读教程》目录

Lesson 1 The Civil Aviation Authority and Its Legislation 1

Lesson 2 JAA Convention 8

Lesson 3 Aircraft Maintenance Engineer's Licensing 14

Lesson 4 A Brief History of Federal Agencies Regulating Aviation 25

Lesson 5 FAA's Publications 32

Lesson 6 Aircraft Evaluation Group(AEG) 41

Lesson 7 Airworthiness Certification of Prototype Products 46

Lesson 8 Canadian Supplemental Type Approval(STA) 51

Lesson 9 MSG-3 in Practice 55

Lesson 10 Minimum Equipment Lists(MEL) 62

Lesson 11 The Aviation Safety Environment 70

Lesson 12 Address by the Secretary General of the ICAO on the Occasion of the Launch of the ICAO Strategic Action Plan 78

Lesson 13 Structure Design Criteria and Maintenance Activities 86

Lesson 14 Aircraft Maintenance Management Overview 92

Lesson 15 Maintenance 101

Lesson 16 Aviation Maintenance Management Functions 111

Lesson 17 The US Foreign Repair Stations Act 118

Lesson 18 Engineering Support 125

Lesson 19 Maintenance Quality Assurance 138

Lesson 20 Outsourcing Maintenance 146

Lesson 21 Safety in the Maintenance Hangar and on the Ramp 153

Lesson 22 Maintenance Requirements of EROPS 164

Lesson 23 777 Maintenance Training 172

Lesson 24 Cost of Aircraft Maintenance 180

Lesson 25 Costs and Safety 188

Lesson 26 Product Support and Spares 198

Lesson 27 Solving No Fault Founds 208

Lesson 28 Identifying Parts with the 8130-3 Form 214

Lesson 29 Human Factors in Airline Maintenance 221

Lesson 30 Computers in Aircraft Maintenance 231

Appendix 238

Ⅰ.Vocabulary 238

Ⅱ.Abbreviations 264
