幼儿钢琴教程 上 修订本PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李斐岚,董刚锐编著
- 出 版 社:北京:人民音乐出版社
- 出版年份:1999
- ISBN:7103015120
- 页数:114 页
上册Book Ⅰ 1
前言 Preface 1
致教师 To the Teacher 1
指法图示 Diagram of Fingering 4
弹奏姿势图示 Diagram of Posture and Hand Position 5
音乐人门辅助图示 Supplementary Diagram of Elementary Musical Knowledge 6
1.键盘的排列以及白键的名称 The Keyboard and the Name of the White keys 6
2.音符及其时值的识别 Notes and Their Time values 7
3.五线谱表、加线、小节线和终止线 The Staff, Leger Line, Bar Line and Double Bar Line 8
4.大谱表、谱号以及中央C The Grand Staff, Clefs and Middle C 9
5.级进音和跳进音 Stepping and Skipping of Notes 10
6.音符与休止符的时值对照 Notes and Rests in Comparison 11
7.大调音阶的组成 Structure of the Major Scale 12
8.升号、降号和还原号 Sharp, Flat and Natural Signs 13
9.拍号 Time Signatures 14
10.调号 Key Signatures 15
11.大谱表与键盘的对照(一) The Grand Staff and the Keyboard No.1 16
12.大谱表与键盘的对照(二) The Grand Staff and the Keyboard No.2 17
曲目 Pieces 19
非连音(全音符一四分音符) Non Legato(Whole Notes—Quarter Notes) 19
中央C(3指) Middle C (3 Finger) 19
1.小客人敲门 little Guest’s Rat—a—tat 19
距离中央C上下一个八度(3指) One Octave Higher or Lower from Middle C (3 Finger) 20
2.玩具小鼓手(听觉模仿) Toy Druummer (Learning by Ear) 20
从中央C上行和下行(3指) Up and Down from Middle C (3 Finger) 21
3.小熊上、下楼梯(听觉模仿) Little Bear Going up and Down stairs(Learning by Ear) 21
中央C左右各一音(1、2指) Around Middle C (1,2 Fingers) 22
4.荡木船 Swingboat 22
5.快乐的小鸡 The Happy Chicken 23
中央C左右各两音(1、2、3指) Around Middle C (1,2,3 Fingers) 24
6.月亮出来亮堂堂 Folk Song 24
7.草原小曲 Tune from the Grassland 25
8.小舞曲 Little Dance 26
9.老刺猬走路慢腾腾 Old Hedgehog Walks Slowly 27
10.打电话 Make a Phone Call 28
中央C左右各两、三个音(1、2、3、4指) Around Middle C (1,2,3,4 Fingers) 29
11.两只小猪 Two Little Pigs 29
12.新疆小曲 Tune from XinJiāng 30
13.攀登架上的小淘气 The Naughty Boy Climbs on the Jungle Gym 31
14.手拉手 好朋友 Hand by hand,Good Friends 32
15.布娃娃弹琴 Dolly Plays Piano 33
加人右手5指 Adding the 5 Finger of the R.H 34
16.荡秋千的小鸟 Little Bird Plaging on the Swing 34
17.小木工 Little Carpenter 35
临时降号的学习 Flat Sign Study 36
18.一只小羊 A Lamb 36
加人左手5指 Adding the 5 Finger of the L.H 37
19.小象拉大提琴 Little Elephant Plays Cello 37
临时升号及还原号的学习 Sharp and Natural Sign Study 38
20.明明扶老大爷过马路 Mingming Helps an Old Man Cross the Street 38
21.胖胖学车 Litte Fat Boy Learning to Ride the Bike 39
22.大熊猫吹喇叭 Panda Bugler 40
寻找较远距离的音 Finding Distant Keys 42
23.蜻蜓和蛤蟆(听觉模仿或视奏练习) A Dragonfly and A Frog(Learning by Ear or Sight - reading) 42
非连音(八分音符引人) Non Legato (Introducing Eighth Notes) 44
级进的八分音符 Eighth Notes in Steps 44
24.你来唱 我来跳 Singing and Dancing between You and Me 44
跳进的八分音符 Eighth Notes in Skips 45
25.红太阳 The Red Sun 45
〔引人F大调〕 〔Introducing F Major〕 46
26.小妹妹学走路 Little Girl Learning to Walk 46
27.好娃娃 Good Child 47
〔引人G大调〕 〔Introducing G Major〕 48
28.袋鼠妈妈和它的宝宝 Mother Kangaroo and Her Baby 48
29.拍拍手 The Clapping Dance 49
30.采茶姐姐的舞 Folk Dance 50
31.唱山歌 Folk Tune 51
32.春天到 Spring is Coming 52
33.生重病的小猩猩 Little Orangutan is Heavily Sick 53
两手交叉的手位 Cross-hand Position 54
34.爬上爬下的小猴 The Little Mokey Climbing Up and Down 54
35.彩虹 The Rainbow 56
〔引人D大调〕 〔Introducing D Major〕 58
36.仙鹤跳舞 The Dancing Red-Crowned Crane 58
37.小黄莺唱歌 The Oriole’s Song 59
38.小牧民 The Shepherd Boy 60
39.儿童团歌 Children’s Song 61
〔引人bB大调〕 〔Introducing B flat Major〕 62
40.小喇叭 The Little Bugle 62
41.小号手 Little Bugler 63
42.天山脚下把歌唱 Singing at the Foot of the Tian Mountain 64
43.儿童广播开始啦 Children’s Broadcast has Begun 65
44.秧歌舞 Folk Dance 66
45.陕北民歌 Folk Song 67
双手交替弹奏 Alternatively Playing of Two Hands 68
46.不倒翁 摇呀摇 The Tumbler 68
跳音、双音及三和弦 Staccato, Double Notes and Chords 69
引人双音 Introducing Double Notes 69
47.小蜜蜂(双音1、5指) Little Bee (Double Notes 1,5 Fingers) 69
48.小手绢 The Hankie 70
49.小朋友跳集体舞 Children’s Group Dance 71
引人跳音奏法 Staccato Playing 72
50.小青蛙 The Frog 72
51.拍皮球 Bouncing a Rubber Ball 73
52.小闹钟 The Alarm Clock 74
53.开汽车(双音1、3指) The Little Driver(Double Notes 1,3 Fingers) 75
54.快快睡 小宝贝(双音2、4指和1、4指) Sleep,Baby,Sleep(Double Notes 2,4 and 1,4 Fingers) 76
同向进行的练习 Parallel Motion study 77
55.小军舰 快快跑 Little Warship,Drive Quickly 77
含跳音的八度跳越 Staccato Skipping in Octaves 78
56.木偶戏 Puppet Show 78
57.芦笙舞(双音1、4指和2、5指与跳音的练习) Folk Dance(Double Notes 1,4and 2,5 Fingers and Staccato Study) 79
58.螳螂打鼓咚咚咚(双音,双手均2、5指) The Mantis Drummer(Double Notes 2,5 Fingers with Two Hands) 80
〔引入A大调〕 〔Introducing A Major〕 81
59.骑木马(双音3、5指等) Ride a Cockhorse(Double Notes 3,5 Fingrs etc.) 81
引人主和弦 Introducing I Chord 82
60.草原上的歌 The Song of the Grassland 82
61.英文字母歌(双音综合练习) The ABC’s Song(Mixed Double Notes Study) 83
连奏(二—五个音以上的连线) Legato(Two Notes Slur - Up to Five Notes Slur) 84
两个音的连线 Two Notes Slur 84
62.大水牛 Big Buffalo 84
主属音交替伴奏 Accompaniment by using Alternatively the Tonic and the Dominant Note 85
63.一二一 排队走 One Two one,Marching in line 85
用主和弦及属七和弦为旋律陪衬 Harmonizing Melody Using Ⅰ ,V 7 Chords 86
64.大轮船 A Ship 86
〔引人bE大调〕 〔Introducing E flat Major〕 87
65.小铃铛 The Handbell 87
双手均为低音谱表的练习 Bass Staves for both Hands 88
66.白熊 White Bear 88
旋律线的练习 Melody Study 89
67.天上的大雁 Wild Goose 89
跳音与连音的交替弹奏 Alternating Staccato and Legato Touch 90
〔引人E大调〕 〔Introducing E Major〕 90
68.新疆舞 XinJiāng Dance 90
反向进行的练习 Contrary Motion Study 91
69.小白兔 多欢喜 Happy Rabbit 91
同向进行的练习 Parallel Motion Study 92
70.小朋友 来做操 Children’s Morning Exercises 92
和弦的练习 Chord Study 93
71.天上星星亮晶晶 Stars Twinkling 93
含简单复调的练习 Simple Polyphonic Study 94
72.小花猫 Little Cat 94
节奏的练习 Rhythmic Study 95
73.小鸭子 Duckling 95
三个音的连线 Three Notes Slur 96
引人三连音 Introducing Triplets 96
74.金鱼 Gold Fishes 96
双手交叉的位置 Cross-hand Position 98
75.小松鼠(黑键游戏) Squirrel at Play (Black Keys Fun) 98
稳定而均匀的进行速度 Steady, Even March Tempo 100
76.玩具娃娃排队走 Toy’s March 100
相距八度的跳进音 Skipping Notes in Octaves 101
77.小狗跳圈 Puppies Jumping through the Circle 101
五个音的连线 Five Notes Slur 102
78.拉骆驼 The Camel’s Team 102
超过五个音的连线 More than Five Notes Slur 104
79.小花猫的对话 Little Cats’ s Dialogue 104
节奏的练习 Rhythmic Study 105
80.小鼓号队 The Little Marching Band 105
〔引人bA大调〕 〔Introducing A flat Major〕 106
81.开火车 Driving a Train 106
82.小轮唱曲 Little Canon 107
双手交叉的位置 Cross-hand Position 108
83.湖南花鼓 Hunan Flower-drum 108
双手均为低音谱表的练习 Bass Staves for both Hands 110
84.大象 The Elephant Melody and 110
旋律与节奏的练习 Rhythmic Study 112
85.藏族姐姐的舞 ZāngZú Dance 112
本教程所涉及的音乐术语译名对照表 Musical Signs and Terms Used in this Course 113
纪念页 Album Leaf 114
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