无性丝孢真菌分类研究 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张修国主编
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787030362094
- 页数:467 页
Fungal Biology 1
Sinomyces:a new genus of anamorphic Pleosporaceae 1
Mycologia 9
Two new species of Ulocladium from Southwest China 9
Three new species of Piricaudiopsis from southern China 14
New species and records of Shrungabeeja from southern China 20
Ulocladium cantlocus sp. nov. isolated from northwestern China:its morphology and molecular phylogenetic position 26
Molecular and morphological description of two new species of Stemphylium from China and France 36
A revision of the genus Lomaantha,with the description of a new species 46
Mycological Progress 50
Molecular and morphological description of a new species of Ulocladium from Southern China 50
Two new species of Stemphylium from Northwest China 58
Three new species of Neosporidesmium from Hainan,China 62
Three novel species of Stemphylium from Sinkiang,China:their morphological and molecular characterization 68
New species and record of Pseudoacrodictys from southern China 79
Two new species of Taeniolina from southern China 84
Sativumoides and Cladosporiopsis,two new genera of hyphomycetes from China 88
Three new species of Solicorynespora from Hainan,China 94
Mycoscience 101
Spadicoides camelliae and Diplococcium livistonae,two new hyphomycetes on dead branches from Fujian Province,China 101
Three new species of Sporidesmiella from southern China 107
Parablastocatena tetracerae gen. et sp. nov. and Corynesporella licualae sp. nov. from Hainan,China 114
New species and records of Heteroconium(anamorphic fungi)from southern China 119
Nova Hedwigia 124
Two new species of Stemphylium from Shandong,China 124
Pseudospiropes linderae sp. nov. and notes on Minimelanolocus(both anamorphic Strossmayeria)new to China 129
A new species of Quadracaea and new records of other dematiaceous hyphomycetes from southern China 138
A new species of Solicorynespora and new records(anamorphic fungi)from China 145
New species and record of Corynesporopsis and Hemicorynespora from southern China 158
Cryptogamie Mycologie 167
A new species of Corynesporella and two new records from southern China 167
New species or records of Endophrangmiella and Heteroconium from southern China 173
Sydowia 182
Ulociadium capsicuma,a new species identified by morphological and molecular phylogenetic data 182
New species of Phaeodactylium and Neosporidesmium from China 200
Mycotaxon 206
Taxonomic studies of Corynespora from China 206
Taxonomic studies of Corynespora from Yunnan,China 213
Taxonomic studies of Corynespora from Guangxi,China 218
Three new species of Stemphylium from China 224
Two new species of Corynespora from Guangdong,China 229
Three new species of Corynespora from China 234
Taxonomic studies of Sporidesmium from Guangxi,China 240
Taxonomic studies of Sporidesmium from China 248
Taxonomic studies of Pseudospiropes from Yunnan,China 253
Two new Corynespora species from Jiangsu,China 258
Two new species of Sporidesmium from Yunnan,China 262
Anew species of Corynespora from Yunnan,China 266
Two new Ellisembia species from Hainan,China 269
Two new species of the genus Minimelanolocus in China 274
Taxonomic studies of Corynespora from Hainan,China 279
Two new species of Corynespora from Hainan,China 284
Taxonomic studies of Sporidesmium from Hainan,China 289
A new species of Berkleasmium from Chongqing,China 294
A new hyphomycete species from Guangxi,China 297
Taxonomic studies of Corynespora from Hainan,China 300
Taxonomic studies of Minimelanolocus from Yunnan,China 309
Two new species of Stemphylium from Sinkiang,China 316
Three new species of Stemphylium from Sinkiang,China 321
Anew species of Spadicoides from Yunnan,China 328
Taxonomic studies of Dactylella from Fujian,China 332
A new species of Heteroconium from Fujian,China 335
Two new species of Kylindria from Fujian,China 339
A new species of Minimelanolocus from Fujian,China 344
A new species of Podosporium and a new record from southern China 348
Taxonomic studies of Ellisembia from Hainan,China 353
New records of Corynesporopsis from China 358
New records of Digitoramispora from China 364
A new species and new records of Endophragmiella from China 370
Two new Minimelanolocus species from southern China 378
Three new hyphomycetes from southern China 383
Taxonomic studies of Endophragmiella from southern China 390
Craspedodidymum and Corynespora spp. nov. and a new anamorph recorded from southern China 397
Two new species of Exserticlava and Spiropes on decaying wood from Guangdong,China 405
New species and record of Sporidesmium from southern China 410
Anew Corynesporella species and two first records from China 419
New species and a new record of Solicorynespora from southern China 425
Two new species of Endophragmiella from southern China 433
Two new Heteroconium species and two other forest microfungi newly recorded from China 438
Acrogenospora hainanensis sp. nov. and new records of microfungi from southern China 445
Mycosystema 453
Notes on dead wood dematiaceous hyphomycetes Ⅰ.Two newly recorded species from China 453
Notes on dematiaceous hyphomycetes from dead wood Ⅱ.Three new records for China 456
Journal of Fungal Research 460
A Preliminary Report of Dead Wood Dematiaceous Hyphomycetes From South of China I 460
Listeromyces New to Mainland China 462
Elegantimyces New to Mainland China 465
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