- 电子书积分:6 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)ELIZABETH LAIRD著;崔君方注
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:7560020739
- 页数:28 页
headaches头痛 2
smell sweet闻起来很香 2
purse钱包(多为女士所用;男士使用的钱夹等,多用wallet) 2
a bunch of flowers一束鲜花 2
vase花瓶 3
whisky威士忌酒 3
pour倒 3
shut up闭嘴 3
point to指向 3
shut the door with a bang砰地一声把门关上 3
come home drunk醉醺醺地回家 3
spend it on drink花钱买酒喝了 4
balcony阳台 4
gardener花匠,园丁 4
flat公寓房 4
some flower pots and some packets of seeds一些花盆和若干包种子 4
We filled them with earth and planted the seeds.我们把它们(指花盆)装满土,又撒下种子。 4
ask me for money向我要钱hit打 6
cough咳嗽 6
thin and weak瘦弱 6
He was lying in bed.他卧在床上。 6
touch触摸 6
I will miss him.我会想念他的。 6
silly愚蠢的,傻的 6
You don't care about me.你对我一点也不关心。 6
I've got a surprise for you,my girl.女儿,我要给你一个惊喜。 6
stare at瞪大了眼睛看着 6
Nobody else will marry you.没有别人愿意娶你的。 6
lock锁上 7
the plants were tom to pieces花草被撕扯成碎片 8
The garden was ruined.花园被毁了。 8
kill杀死 8
I banged and shouted.我又砸门又喊叫。 8
asleep睡着 8
pack将……装入 8
count数(钱) 8
the country农村 8
wake up醒来(过去式woke) 8
café小餐馆;咖啡店 9
market garden商品菜园 10
mile英里 10
notice告示 10
Fresh vegetables and fruit for sale出售新鲜蔬菜和水果 10
greenhouse温室 10
follow跟随 11
gardening园艺 11
pay me well for my work付给我不薄的酬金 11
with thick glasses戴着厚厚的眼镜 11
safe 安全 11
I pushed Harry away.我把哈里推开。 14
You drink,and fight,and break things.Leave me alone.你们酗酒,打人,摔东西。别缠着我! 14
have an idea有个想法 15
a small piece of ground一小块空地 15
I pulled out the weeds and dug the earth.我铲除了杂草,并翻了地。 15
sell卖 16
make more money赚更多的钱 16
remember记起 16
all the time一直 16
manager店主 16
think of想起(过去式thought) 16
comer角落 16
beggar乞丐 16
for ever永远 17
But I stood still.但是我站着没动。 17
tear眼泪 17
What happened to you,Father?父亲,你怎么了? 17
I was lonely without you.没有你,我孤苦伶仃。 17
furniture家具 17
I felt all round me the sadness of the city.我感到周围尽是城市生活的辛酸。 17
kitchen厨房 18
There was a bad smell of dirt and old food.有一股肮脏和剩饭的难闻的气味。 18
I began my old life once more.我再一次开始了以前的生活。 19
any more再也不 19
But he lived in the past.但他生活在过去的回忆中。 19
He was holding a large bunch of flowers.他手里捧着一大束鲜花。 19
balcony garden阳台花园 19
Sometimes he slept.Sometimes he talked to himself.有时他睡觉。有时他自言自语。 20
I was wrong about Harry我错怪哈里了。 21
kind善良 21
gentle温柔 21
kindness友善 21
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