- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(澳)马德森著
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7560059678
- 页数:253 页
Introduction:Feminism in America 1
1 Gender and Rhetoric:Liberal Feminism and Mary Rowlandson 35
Survey of Liberal Feminist Theory:Elizabeth Cady Stanton,Charlotte Perkins Gilman,Betty Friedan 35
Liberal Feminism in Praxis:Mary Rowlandson's The Sovereignty and Goodness of God 47
References and Selected Further Reading 62
2 Gender and Work:Marxist Feminism and Charlotte Perkins Gilman 65
Survey of Marxist Feminist Theory:Emma Goldman.Michèle Barrett,Lillian Robinson 65
Marxist Feminism in Praxis:Charlotte Perkins Gilman's'The Yellow Wallpaper'and Selected Stories 76
References and Selected Further Reading 92
3 Gender and Consciousness:Psychoanalytic Feminism and Kate Chopin 94
Survey of Psychoanalytic Feminist Theory:Carol Gilligan,Jane Flax,Jane Gallop 94
Psychoanalytic Feminism in Praxis:Kate Chopin's The Awakening 108
References and Selected Further Reading 119
4 Gender and Nature:Ecofeminism and Wilia Cather 122
Survey of Ecofeminist Theory:Carol Bigwood,Carolyn Merchant,Carol Adams 122
Ecofeminism in Praxis:Willa Cather's Plains Fiction 135
References and Selected Further Reading 148
5 Gender and Sexuality:Radical Feminism and Adrienne Rich 152
Survey of Radical Feminist Theory:Shulamith Firestone,Andrea Dworkin,Mary Daly,Audre Lorde 152
Radical Feminism in Praxis:Adrienne Rich's Poetry 170
References and Selected Further Reading 180
6 Gender and Class:Socialist Feminism and Ann Beattie 184
Survey of Socialist Feminist Theory:Juliet Mitchell,Sheila Rowbotham,Zillah Eisenstein 184
Socialist Feminism in Praxis:Ann Beattie's Secrets and Surprises 196
References and Selected Further Reading 210
7 Gender and Race:Feminism of Colour and Alice Walker,Denise Chávez,Leslie Marmon Silko,Maxine Hong Kingston 213
Survey of Feminism of Colour:Angela Davis,bell hooks,Paula Gunn Allen,Gloria Anzaldúa 214
Third-World Feminism in Praxis:Alice Walker's The Color Purple,Denise Chávez's The Last of the Menu Girls,Leslie Marmon Silko's Storyteller,Maxine Hong Kingston's The Woman Warrior 220
References and Selected Further Reading 239
Index 247
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