历史研究 英文 10PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)汤因比著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国社会科学出版社
- 出版年份:1999
- ISBN:7500426496
- 页数:448 页
6.Universal States 11
ⅩⅩⅢ.Ends or Means? 11
ⅩⅩⅣ.The Mirage of Immortality 14
ⅩⅩⅤ.Sic vos non vobis 21
1.The Conductivity of Universal States 21
2.The Psychology of Peace 25
3.The Serviceability of Imperial Institutions 32
Communications 32
Garrisons and Colonies 38
Provinces 44
Capital Cities 49
Official Languages and Scripts 57
Law 63
Calendars;Weights and Measures;Money 68
Standing Armies 78
Civil Services 82
Citizenships 88
7.Universal Churches 91
ⅩⅩⅥ.Alternative Conceptions of the Relation of Universal Churches to Civilizations 91
1.Churches as Cancers 91
2.Churches as Chrysalises 97
3.Churches as a Higher Species of Society 103
a.A New Classification 103
b.The Significance of the Churches'Past 109
c.The Conflict between Heart and Head 111
d.The Promise of the Churches'Future 120
ⅩⅩⅦ.The Role of Civilizations in the Lives of Churches 126
1.Civilizations as Overtures 126
2.Civilizations as Regressions 128
ⅩⅩⅧ.The Challenge of Militancy on Earth 131
3.Heroic AgesⅩⅨ.The Course of the Tragedy 137
1.A Social Barrage 137
2.The Accumulation of Pressure 141
3.The Cataclysm and its Consequences 148
4.Fancy and Fact 155
NOTE:'The Monstrous Regiment of Women' 161
9.Contacts Between Civilizations in Space 163
ⅩⅩⅩ.An Expansion of the Field of Study 163
ⅩⅩⅪ.A Survey of Encounters between Contemporary Civilizations 166
1.A Plan of Operations 166
2.Operations according to Plan 170
a.Encounters with the Modern Western Civilization 170
ⅰ.The Modern West and Russia 170
ⅱ.The Modern West and the Main Body of Orthodox Christendom 173
ⅲ.The Modern West and the Hindu World 179
ⅳ.The Modern West and the Islamic World 187
ⅴ.The Modern West and the Jews 192
ⅵ.The Modern West and the Far Eastern and Indigenous American Civilizations 201
ⅶ.Characteristics of the Encounters be-tween the Modern West and its Con-temporaries 207
b.Encounters with Medieval Western Christ-tendom 210
ⅰ.The Flow and Ebb of the Crusades 210
ⅱ.The Medieval West and the Syriac World 214
ⅲ.The Medieval West and Greek Orthodox Christendom 216
c.Encounters between Civilizations of the First Two Generations 223
ⅰ.Encounters with the Post-Alexandrine Hellenic Civilization 223
ⅱ.Encounters with the Pre-Alexandrine Hellenic Civilization 227
ⅲ.Tares and Wheat 234
ⅩⅩⅫ.The Drama of Encounters between Contemporaries 236
1.Concatenations of Encounters 236
2.Diversities of Response 238
ⅩⅩⅩⅢ.The Consequences of Encounters between Contemporaries 243
1.Aftermaths of Unsuccessful Assaults 243
2.Aftermaths of Successful Assaults 244
a.Effects on the Body Social 244
b.Responses of the Soul 252
ⅰ.Dehumanization 252
ⅱ.Zealotism and Herodianism 256
ⅲ.Evangelism 262
NOTE:'Asia'and'Europe':Facts and Fantasies 264
10.Contacts Between Civilizations in Time 267
ⅩⅩⅩⅣ.A Survey of Renaissances 267
1.Introduction—'The Renaissance' 267
2.Renaissances of Political Ideas and Institutions 268
3.Renaissances of Systems of Law 270
4.Renaissances of Philosophies 274
5.Renaissances of Languages and Literatures 276
6.Renaissances of Visual Arts 282
7.Renaissances of Religious Ideals and Institutions 285
11.Law and Freedom in History 289
ⅩⅩⅩⅤ.The Problem 289
1.The Meaning of'Law' 289
2.The Antinomianism of Modern Western Historians 290
ⅩⅩⅩⅥ.The Amenability of Human Affairs to'Laws of Nature' 297
1.A Survey of the Evidence 297
a.The Private Affairs of Individuals 297
b.The Industrial Affairs of a Modern Western Society 298
c.The Rivalries of Parochial States:the Bal-ance of Power 299
d.The Disintegrations of Civilizations 301
e.The Growths of Civilizations 303
f.'There is no armour against Fate' 306
2.Possible Explanations of the Currency of 'Laws of Nature'in History 309
3.Are Laws of Nature current in History inexor-able or controllable? 319
ⅩⅩⅩⅧ.The Recalcitrance of Human Nature to Laws of Nature 324
ⅩⅩⅩⅧ.The Law of God 331
12.The Prospects of the Western Civilization 334
ⅩⅩⅩⅨ.The Need for this Inquiry 334
ⅩL.The Inconclusiveness of"a priori"Answers 339
ⅩLⅠ.The Testimony of the Histories of the Civilizations 344
1.Western Experiences with Non-Western Precedents 344
2.Unprecedented Western Experiences 352
ⅩLⅡ.Technology,War,and Government 354
1.Prospects of a Third World War 354
2.Towards a Future World Order 359
ⅩLⅢ.Technology,Class Conflict,and Employment 365
1.The Nature of the Problem 365
2.Mechanization and Private Enterprise 367
3.Alternative Approaches to Social Harmony 372
4.Possible Costs of Social Justice 374
5.Living happy ever after? 379
13.Conclusion 384
ⅩLⅣ.How this Book came to be Written 384
Argument 390
Index 431
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