商务会议语言 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)汉德福德(HandfurdM.)著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787544636872
- 页数:271 页
1 CANBEC:Corpus and context 1
1.1 Data collection 3
1.2 Corpus constituency 7
1.3 Contextual information 8
1.4 Transcription and anonymization 15
1.5 Corpus size and generalizability 18
1.6 Outline of the book 19
References 20
2 Background:Theory and methodology 23
2.1 Theory 25
2.2 Methodology 37
2.3 Summary 52
References 53
3 The business-meeting genre:Stages and practices 60
3.1 Applying Bhatia's multi-perspective model of discourse to business meetings 62
3.2 The meeting matrix 68
3.3 Applying the meeting matrix 78
3.4 Summary 88
References 90
4 Significant meeting words:Keywords and concordances 93
4.1 Institutional language and everyday English 93
4.2 Lexico-grammatical theoretical considerations 96
4.3 Word frequencies 98
4.4 Keywords 102
4.5 Summary 113
References 115
5 Discourse marking and interaction:Clusters and practices 118
5.1 Defining clusters 119
5.2 Clusters in business research 122
5.3 Cluster lists 125
5.4 Categorization of clusters 131
5.5 Clusters in context 137
5.6 Summary 144
References 146
6 Interpersonal language 150
6.1 The transactional/relational linguistic distinction 151
6.2 Pronouns 155
6.3 Backchannels 159
6.4 Vague language 162
6.5 Hedges 166
6.6 Deontic modality 171
6.7 Summary 178
References 181
7 Interpersonal creativity:Problem,issue,if,and metaphors and idioms 185
7.1 Problem and issue 188
7.2 If 195
7.3 Metaphors and idioms 200
7.4 Summary 213
References 215
8 Turn-taking:Power and constraint 218
8.1 Turn-taking in internal meetings 222
8.2 Turn-taking in external meetings 229
8.3 Summary 241
References 242
9 Teaching and learning implications 245
9.1 Who is the learner? 246
9.2 Teaching materials:What do they teach? 250
9.3 How can a corpus such as CANBEC be exploited? 253
9.4 Summary 259
References 261
Appendix 265
Index 266
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