钱钟书手稿集 外文笔记 3 第1辑PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:21 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:钱钟书著
- 出 版 社:北京:商务印书馆
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787100096447
- 页数:763 页
No.8 3
1.Louis Petit Julleville,Histoire de la langue et de la littérature francaise(1800-1850) 3
2.Salvador de Madariaga,Englishmen,Frenchmen,Spaniards 22
3.British Academy Papers 30
4.Van Wyck Brooks,John Addington Symonds 40
5.Maurice Hewlett,Last Essays 48
6.Hilaire Belloc,A Conversation with an Angel 51
7.A.E.Taylor,Philosophical Studies 52
8.Humbert Wolfe,Tennyson 60
9.Jonathan Swift,The Journal to Stella 63
10.John Wisdom,Problems of Mind and Matter 64
11.Viola Meynell,Alice Meynell 66
12.John Barley,Walt Whitman 70
13.Richard Le Gallienne,The Romantic Nineties 89
14.Virginia Woolf,The Common Reader 93
15.Anthony Hope,Memories and Notes 103
16.J.G.Robertson,Goethe 105
17.W.Pert Ridge,A Story Teller 111
18.R.G.Collingwood,An Essay on Philosophic Method 113
19.Ezra Pound,Make It New:Essays in the History of American Business 136
20.Alfred Noyes,The Opalescent Parrot 140
21.R.H.Thouless,Straight and Crooked Thinking 143
22.A.B.Walkley,More Prejudice 145
23.Osbert Sitwell,Triple Fugue 146
24.Maxime du Camp,Théophile Gautier 148
25.T.Earle Welby,A Study of Swinburne 150
26.John Eglinton,Irish Literary Portraits 155
27.Francis Gribble,Seen in Passing 158
28.A.S.-M.Hutchinson,Once Aboard the Lugger 160
29.G.Saintsbury,A History of the French Novel 161
30.Arthur St.John Adcock,Gods of Modern Grub Street 164
31.Aldous Huxley,Do What You Will 166
32.Wyndham Lewis,Time and Western Man 172
33.William Gerhardie,Anton Chekhov 179
34.W.T.Stace,The Philosophy of Hegel 182
35.Clemence Dane,A Bill of Divorcement 189
36.Clemence Dane,Legend 189
37.W.S.Maugham,The Magician 190
38.A.E.W.Mason,The Sapphire 190
39.Owen Barfield,Poetic Diction 191
40.Stephen Graham,The Death of Yesterday 221
41.David Daiches,The Place of Meaning in Poetry 221
42.Gerald Cumberland,Set Down in Malice 229
43.C.E.M.Toad,Return of Philosophy 232
44.Will Durant,The Mansions of Philosophy 235
45.Anatole France,Le Jardin d'Epicure 237
46.Dorothy Margaret Stuart,Horace Walpole 239
47.F.C.S.Schiller,Humanism 241
48.Sidney Hook,From Hegel to Marx 243
49.H.D.Trail,Sterne 266
50.F.Anstey,The Talking Horse 269
51.Marcel Prévost,Les Demi-Vierges 271
52.Henri Lavedan,Les Beaux Dimanches 272
53.J.Barbey D'Aurevilly,Les Diaboliques chez six Premières 273
54.Alphonse Daudet,L'Immortel 279
55.Remy de Gourmont,Une nuit au Luxembourg 281
56.Guy de Maupassant,La Maison Tellier 285
57.Edmond et Jules de Goncourt,Germinie Lacerteux 287
58.Gustave Larroumet,Etudes de Iittérature et d'Art 290
59.Paul Bourget,Etudes et Portraits 292
60.Théophile Gautier,Le Capitaine Fracasse 293
61.Anatole France,Monsieur Bergeret àParis 296
62.Charles Nodier,Contes Fantastiques 296
63.Remy de Gourmont,La Culture des Idées 297
64.Gérard de Nerval,Sylvie 302
65.Gustave Flaubert,Bouvardet Pécuchet 304
66.Gustave Flaubert,La Tentation de St.Antoine 305
67.Anatole France,Thais 306
68.Victor Hugo,Notre-Dame de Paris 307
69.Charles Monselet,Les Femmes qui font des Scènes 308
70.Clive Bell,Civilisation:An Essay 311
71.Emile Faguet,Dix-Neuvième Siècle 315
72.Bernard Bosanquet,A History of Aesthetic 323
73.Philip Guedalla,Masters and Men 328
74.J.B.Priestley,Wonder Hero 328
75.John Buchan,Homilies and Recreations 329
76.H.W.B.Joseph,Essays in Ancient and Modern Philosophy 330
77.T.Earle Welby,Arthur Symons 336
78.Hugh Kingsmill,Frank Harris 343
79.G.and W.Grossmith,The Diary of a Nobody 346
80.A.M.F.Duclaux,Victor Hugo 352
81.Ego,the Autobiography of James Agate 353
82.W.Somerset Maugham,Ashenden 356
83.Richard Hughes,A High Wind in Jamaica 357
84.E.C.Bentley,Trent's Last Case 357
85.G.Saintsbury,A Second Scrap Book 358
86.W.W. Jacobs,Dialstone Lane 359
87.W.J.Locke,Septimus 359
88.Clemence Dane,Tradition and Hugh Walpole 360
89.F.Anstey,The Brass Bottle 361
90.W.W.Jacobs,At Sunwich Port 361
91.John Masefield,Sard Harker 362
92.John Buchan,The Dancing Floor 362
93.John Buchan,Greenmantle 362
No.9 365
1.C.E.Vulliamy,James Boswell 365
2.Osbert Burdett,Critical Essays 373
3.George Saintsbury,A Last Scrap Book 377
4.Anthony Hope,Dolly Dialogues 381
5.Edmund Gosse,Aspects and Impressions 385
6.Alfred de Vigny,Journal d'un Poète 406
7.George Saintsbury,Miscellaneous Essays 411
8.T.Earle Welby,Back Numbers(of the Saturday Review) 427
9.F.L.Lucas,Studies French and English 435
10.Henry Sturt,Idola Theatri 460
11.G.K.Chesterton,The Wisdom of Father Brown 464
12.J.Agate,White Horse and Red Lion:Essay in Gusto 465
13.C.E.Montague,A Hind Let Loose 467
14.H.J.C.Grierson,Cross Currents in English Literature of the Xviith Century 469
15.Arthur Quiller-Couch,The Poet as Citizen 501
16.Edmund Gosse,More Books on the Table 508
17.Edmund Gosse,Flench Profiles 513
18.Max Beerbohm,The Works of Max Beerbohm 519
19.G.Saintsbury,The Peace of the Augustans 527
20.Desmond MacCarthy,Criticism 539
21.Edith Sitwell,The Pleasures of Poetry 565
22.Frank Harris,Contemporary Portraits 571
23.W.Robertson Nicoll,A Bookman's Letters 574
24.Leslie Stephen,Studies of a Biographer 577
25.Walter Raleigh,Style 578
26.Alfred Noyes,Some Aspects of Modern Poetry 584
27.Richard Garnett,Essays of an Ex-Librarian 593
28.E.V.Lucas,Reading,Writing and Remembering 600
29.H.W.B.Joseph,The Labor Theory of Value in Karl Marx 602
30.Edmund Gosse,Leaves and Fruit 608
31.Enid Starkie,Baudelaire 610
32.W.P.Ker,Collected Essays 639
33.A.C.Ewing,Idealism:A Critical Survey 660
34.David Nichol Smith,Shakespeare in the Eighteenth Century 680
35.Bonamy Dobrée,Modern Prose Style 684
36.E.F.Benson,As We Were:A Victorian Peep-Show 698
37.Lytton Strachey,Portraits in Miniature 708
38.Maurice Baring,The Puppet Show of Memory 712
39.Philip Guedalla,Bonnet and Shawl 713
40.Evan Charteris,The Life and Letters of Sir Edmund Gosse 714
41.Journal de Marie Bashkirtseff 720
42.P.G.Wodehouse,Bill the Conqueror 720
43.Compton Mackenzie,The Old Men of the Sea 721
44.A.E.W.Mason,The House of the Arrow 721
45.Shakespeare's Reputation in England(continued) 721
No.10 725
1.A.A.Roback,The Psychology of Character 725
2.Nathaniel Hirsch,Genius and Creative Intelligence 729
3.Knight Dunlap,Mysticism,Freudianism and Scientific Psychology 730
4.J.M.Robertson,Rationalism 735
5.J.Y.T.Greig,The Psychology of Laughter and Comedy 739
6.J.E.Turner,The Philosophic Basis of Moral Obligation 754
7.Julian Huxley,Essays in Popular Science 755
Author Index 759
Title Index 761
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