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温馨美文  简约而时尚
温馨美文  简约而时尚

温馨美文 简约而时尚PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:钟玮等编译
  • 出 版 社:杭州:浙江工商大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:7811401059
  • 页数:265 页
《温馨美文 简约而时尚》目录

社会风俗 1

Beer, beer, everywhere: Oktoberfest 1

The History of Valentine’s Day 6

Hangzhou’s Rich Gastronomic History 14

Easter Gifts, Multiplying on the Loose 21

Five ways to entertain the family this Thanksgiving 28

时尚 33

Can a Mixed-Race Contestant Become a Chinese Idol? 33

Chanel Farmer Karl Lagerfeld’s Ecological Hit 39

Put Some Match in Your Dot-com 45

Simple yet stylish 52

教育 59

U.S.college recruiters find growing market overseas, in Vietnam 59

M.I.T.Taking Student Blogs to Nth Degree 66

Colleges Often Turn a Blind Eye to Student Gambling Problems 71

Cursive Writing: A Fading Skill 77

Who You Are Makes A Difference 84

科普 89

Bringing Solar Power to Africa’s Poor 89

New Google Ocean Takes Google Earth Beyond the “Dirt” 95

Greenhouse gases predicted to make 2007 hottest ever 101

For the Overweight, Bad Advice by the Spoonful 107

Watching your own TV, thousands of miles away 115

旅游 122

Eight ways to save on holiday travel 122

Come, see and conquer ancient Rome 129

There is only one chez Panisse 135

End of the Road 141

The Dolphin’s Gift 147

明星趣闻 152

Jackson lost will to live, confidante says 152

New Documents Suggest Mozart Wasn’t Poor 158

The Girl on the Train 165

Never Argue with an Aphorism 172

经济 179

Too Rich to Worry? Not in This Downturn 179

Winners in the recession 185

The Great Illusion 193

Tips to start a business in a recession 200

Barack Obama’s Victory Speech (Part One) 209

Barack Obama’s Victory Speech (Part Two) 217

社会万象 224

Getting the Most from Your Summer Interns 224

Swine Flu Spread Prompts Move on Vaccine 232

Heroes: Rescue in the Water 238

Facing up to violence in America 225

Subtle Cues Can Tell an Interviewer‘Pick Me’ 253

How To Walk Like A Runway Model 261
