小学英语阅读120篇 四年级 双色版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:严军,公延霞,宋文娟主编
- 出 版 社:长春:吉林教育出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:7538346619
- 页数:223 页
蜗牛学步 1
1.The Karate Kid 1
2.A Famous Tennis Athlete 3
3.A Good Boy 5
4.My Father 7
5.A Football Match 9
6.A Shop 11
7.John 13
8.Mike's Day 15
9.On Sports Day 17
10.Seasons 19
11.Venice 21
12.A Good Teacher 23
13.Our Good Friends 25
14.Helen Grant 27
15.Walking Or Not 29
16.He Likes My Class 31
17.People Need Weather Forecasts 33
18.Making Toys from Wood 35
19.A Clever Rat 37
20.A Story Teller 39
21.Frank 41
22.The Bird and the Fox 43
23.Sea Horses 45
24.Brothers and Sisters 47
25.What Do They Do after School? 49
26.A Happy Day 51
27.My School 53
28.Wu Xinchun's Family 55
29.A Cat and a Mouse 57
鹦鹉学舌 59
30.A New Start,A Good Win 59
31.Clocks 61
32.Drunk 64
33.A Wolf and a Man 66
34.Life after Death 68
35.Dick 70
35.What a Nice Room! 72
37.A Good Example 74
38.Betty 76
39.A Frenchman in New York 78
40.Like My Father's 80
41.The Weather in Britain 82
42.A Polite Young Man 85
43.The Hotel at the Seaside 87
44.A Story about Mrs Black 89
45.A Wolf Is Coming 91
46.We Don't Have Textbooks 93
47.Interesting Bats 96
48.It Is My Train 98
49.The Desert 100
50.Christmas Day 102
51.In a Park 104
52.Mr Green and Mrs Brown 106
53.Naughty Bee 108
54.Camping 110
55.School Isn't Very Bad 112
56.A Naughty Boy 114
57.A Riddle 117
58.Adding Feet to a Snake 119
百鸟朝凤 121
59.A Bia Win 121
60.How Much Is the Moon? 123
61.Quick Service 126
62.The Wind and the Sun 129
63.Look at the Sky from the Bottom of a Well 131
64.A Smart Tortoise 134
65.A Real Apple? 137
66.The Sea 139
67.The Great Wall of China 142
68.Go Fishing 145
69.NO Closses on Tuesday Afternoon 148
70.Mr Smith 150
71.George's Favourite TV Channel 152
72.Behave Yourself 155
73.The Season of Spring 157
74.A Busy Street 159
75.Our House 161
76.A New Kite 163
77.His Father Eats a Fly 165
78.A Clever Dog 167
79.Only One Left 169
80.Telling the Truth 171
81.Mr and Mrs White's Living Room 173
82.A New Use for Kites 175
83.National Flags 178
84.Signs 180
85.Our New House 182
86.The Monkeys Get the Moon 184
87.Looking for a Home 186
88.Animals at the Zoo 188
89.Jim Is an Octopus 190
90.David's Birthday Present 192
91.Bruce and the Horse 194
92.The Tiger and the Monkey 196
迷你英语 199
儿歌 199
93.Rain 199
94.Never Give Up 199
95.The Cuckoo 200
96.Boats Sail on the Rivres 201
97.Dreams 202
98.Spring Is Gay with Flower and Song 202
99.Role of Conduct 203
100.When the Wind Is in the East 204
101.Daddy,Mummy I Love You 205
102.Stray Birds 206
103.What Language Is Thine,Sea? 207
104.The Fish in the Water Is Silent 208
谜语 209
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