- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:姚坤明,苏亚杰,唐俊莉等编
- 出 版 社:北京:石油工业出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787518302741
- 页数:289 页
Chapter 1 Oil and Economy 1
1.1 Natural Resource Wealth and Poor Economic Development 1
1.2 High Oil Prices and Economic Development in Africa 10
1.3 Potential for Asian-Pacific Markets 18
1.4 The Economic Impacts of GOM Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S.Economy 26
1.5 Venezuela's Oil-Based Economy 35
Chapter 2 Status of Oil Industry 47
2.1 The Oil Industry in the Middle East 47
2.2 Africa's oil refinery 56
2.3 Profile of Australian Oil 64
Chapter 3 Development of Oil Industry 74
3.1 Caspian Oil and Gas:Production and Prospects 74
3.2 Russian Oil and Gas Challenges 82
3.3 Global Perspective and Status of Oil and Gas Resources in Africa 90
Chapter 4 Oil,Politics and Economy 100
4.1 Oil and the International Relations of the Middle East 100
4.2 The Main Diplomatic Policies of the United States and Britain in the Middle East 108
4.3 China Oil Demand and the Geopolitics of Oil in the Asian Pacific Region 117
Chapter 5 Petroleum Supervision 126
5.1 Fiscal Rules and Fiscal Responsibility Legislation in Oil-Producing Countries 126
5.2 Oil Production and Oil policy of the Middle East 135
5.3 Legal Grounds for Resolving the Issues over Oil and Oil Management of the Caspian Sea 143
Chapter 6 Oil Funds 151
6.1 Oil Funds 151
6.2 Integration with Budget Systems and Asset Management on Oil Funds 160
6.3 Norwegian Oil Fund 169
Chapter 7 Oil Transportation 179
7.1 Central Asian Oil Transportation 179
7.2 Pipelines in the Caspian Sea 188
7.3 American Oil Pipeline Transportation 197
Chinese Translation and Key to Exercises 205
References 288
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