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英语口语魔法丛书  外贸英语口语
英语口语魔法丛书  外贸英语口语

英语口语魔法丛书 外贸英语口语PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:沈婵,方志仁主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国石化出版社
  • 出版年份:2011
  • ISBN:9787511409454
  • 页数:269 页
《英语口语魔法丛书 外贸英语口语》目录

Chapter One Preparatory Work 准备工作 1

Ⅰ Ticket Booking 票务预订 3

Ⅱ Overseas Trip 海外出差 7

Ⅲ Visiting a Factory 参观工厂 11

Ⅳ Company Introduction 公司介绍 15

Ⅴ Preparing for a Trade Show 准备展会 19

Ⅵ Arranging Meetings 安排会议 22

Ⅶ Entertainment with Clients 陪客户娱乐 25

Chapter Two Establishing Trade Relations 建立外贸联系 29

Ⅰ Appointing and Visiting Clients 预约、拜访客户 31

Ⅱ Welcome in the Airport 机场迎接 35

Ⅲ Introduction 介绍相识 39

Ⅳ Dining with Clients 与客户进餐 42

Ⅴ Arranging Activities 安排活动 47

Ⅵ Presenting Gifts 赠送礼物 50

Ⅶ Seeing Customers off 送别客户 53

Chapter Three Foreign Trade 对外贸易 57

Ⅰ Tax Ratepaying 报税纳税 59

Ⅱ World Trade Organization 世贸组织 64

Ⅲ Consumer Complaint 消费者投诉 68

Ⅳ Trade Negotiation 外贸谈判 72

Ⅴ Insurance Business 保险业务 76

Ⅵ Claim 索赔 81

Ⅶ Inspection 商检 86

Chapter Four Foreign Trade Practices 外贸实务 91

Ⅰ Client Meeting 客户会议 93

Ⅱ Mercantile Partnership 贸易伙伴 96

Ⅲ Trade Target 贸易对象 100

Ⅳ Sign a Treaty 签署协议 104

Ⅴ Investment Environment 投资环境 108

Ⅵ Foreign Investment 外商投资 111

Ⅶ Registration of Trade Mark 商标注册 115

Chapter Five Trade Conversation 外贸会谈 119

Ⅰ Inquiry 询盘 121

Ⅱ Counter-offer 还盘 125

Ⅲ Commission and Discount 佣金与折扣 130

Ⅳ Packing Terms 包装条款 134

Ⅴ Delivery Date 交货日期 138

Ⅵ Delivery Methods 运输方式 143

Ⅶ Unloading Port 卸货港 146

Chapter Six Marketing Topics 营销话题 149

Ⅰ Marketing Surveys 市场调查 151

Ⅱ Developing the Market 市场开发 155

Ⅲ Attending Trade Fair 参加商展 158

Ⅳ Promotional Events 促销活动 162

Ⅴ Advertisement 广告创意 166

Ⅵ Product Launch 产品发布 170

Ⅶ After-sale Service 售后服务 174

Chapter Seven Forms of Trade 合作形式 179

Ⅰ Agent 代理 181

Ⅱ Compensation Trade 补偿贸易 186

Ⅲ Processing and Assembling Trade 加工贸易 190

Ⅳ Consignment Sale and Barter Sale 寄售与易货贸易 195

Ⅴ Technology Transfer 技术转让 198

Ⅵ International Trade 国际贸易 202

Ⅶ Bid and Tender 招标与投标 208

Chapter Eight Business Negotiations 业务洽谈 213

Ⅰ Sales over the Counter 柜台销售 215

Ⅱ Promotion 推销 219

Ⅲ Bargaining 价格谈判 223

Ⅳ Making Concessions 做出让步 227

Ⅴ Contract Negotiations 合同谈判 232

Ⅵ Resort to Arbitration 诉诸仲裁 237

Ⅶ Accepting and Confirming 接受与确定 241

Chapter Nine Establishing Human Relations 人脉拓展 245

Ⅰ Making Calls 电话技巧 247

Ⅱ Invitations 邀请客户 250

Ⅲ Trade Appointments 外贸预约 254

Ⅳ Joining in Parties 参加派对 258

Ⅴ Congratulations 祝贺礼节 261

Ⅵ Festival Greetings 节日祝福 264

Ⅶ Making Apologies 诚意道歉 267
