- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:孙海麟主编
- 出 版 社:北京:新世界出版社
- 出版年份:2008
- ISBN:9787802287327
- 页数:237 页
1.Attending the Beiyang Naval Academy 1
2.Weihaiwei and Paris 5
3.The Establishment of Nankai Middle School 10
4.Tianjin Young Men's Christian Association 16
5.Kindling the Olympic Dream 25
6.Physical Education in Nankai Schools 31
7.The Renowned"Nankai Five-Tiger"BasketballTeam 38
8.The Renowned Nankai Baseball Team and Softball Team 46
9.The Well-known Nanmin Volleyball Team 52
10.The"Ailuo Ding"Champion Cup 58
11.The Most Honorable Sports Players in Nankai 65
12.Advocating Sports Ethics 70
13.Promoting Physical Education in Modern Tianjin 76
14.The Founding of the China National Amateur Athletic Federation 83
15.Initiating the National Games 96
16.Initiating the Far Eastern Games 106
17.The 10th Olympic Games 113
18.Fighting Against the Puppet Regime"Manchukuo" 120
19.The 11th Olympic Games 125
20.The North China Games 133
21.Exercise of Sovereignty over China's Sports 141
22.A Grand Patriotic Meeting 147
23.Considering China's Sports 155
24.Supporting Made-in-China Sports Equipment 164
25.Finding Talented Physical Education Teachers 172
26.Introducing Women's Athletic Activities 185
27.The September 9 Sports Festival 193
28.The 14th Olympic Games 205
29.Great Minds Think Alike 215
30.Zhang Boling Will Be Remembered Forever 227
Postscript 235
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