![关于东三省铁路之中日条约及借款合同 2](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/8/s6f80641.jpg)
Ⅰ.Manchurian Convention 1905. 1
1.Portsmouth Treaty between Russia and Japan.September 5,1905. 6
2.Agreement for the Construction of the South Manchuria Branch Line of the Chinese Eastern Railway. 13
3.Sino-Russian Convention for the Lease of Liaotung Peninsula,March 27,1898. 17
4.Contract for the Construction and Operation of the Chinese Eastern Railway. 21
5.Agreement regarding Russo-Chinese Bank Association. 27
Ⅱ.Arrangement for conveyance of Chinese Government Stores by Antung-Mukden Railway.October 30,1911. 29
Ⅲ.Japan and China—Memorandum concerning the re-construction of the Antung-Mukden Railway. 30
Ⅳ.Japan and China—Convention regarding the Hsinmin-Mukden and Kirin Changchun Railways.April 15,1907. 31
Ⅴ.Hsinmin-Mukden and Kirin Changchun Railways Supplementary Loan Agreement. 35
Ⅵ.Detailed Agreement of Hsinmin-Mukden Railway Loan. 38
Ⅶ.Kirin-Changchun Railway Loan Agreement. 45
Ⅷ.Detailed Agreement of Kirin-Changchun Railway Loan. 51
Ⅸ.Letter concerning the Yen 500,000 Loan of the South Manchuria Railway Company(with reply attached). 60
Ⅹ.Letter concerning the Yen 1,000,000 Loan of the South Manchuria Railway Company(with 2 replies attached). 64
Ⅺ.Letters concerning Extension of Term of the Yen 1,000,000 Loan of the South Manchuria Railway Company(with reply attached). 74
Ⅻ.Letter concerning the Yen 400,000 Loan of the South Manchuria Railway Company(with reply attached). 76
ⅩⅢ.Letter concerning Extension of Term of the Yen 1,000,000 and Yen 400,000 Loans of the South Manchuria Railway Company(with reply attached). 79
ⅩⅣ.Agreement concerning the Five Questions of Manchuria. 83
ⅩⅤ.Agreement relating to the Chientao Region.September 4,1909. 85
ⅩⅥ.Preliminary Agreement for a Loan for the Construction of the Kirin-Hueining Railway.June 18,1918. 88
ⅩⅦ.Exchange of Notes respecting the Construction of the Five Railways in Manchuria and Mongolia.The roth month of the 2nd year of the Republic of China. 91
ⅩⅧ.Ssupingkai-Chengchiatun Railway Loan Agreement. 93
ⅩⅨ.Ssupingkai-Chengchiatun Railway Loan.—Annex to Ssupingkai-Chengchiatun Railway Loan Agreement. 105
ⅩⅩ.Letters from the Yokohama Specie Bank regarding the Ssupingkai-Chengehiatun Railway Loan(Ten copies in all). 108
ⅩⅪ.Ssupingkai-Chengchiatun Railway Short Term Loan Agreement. 123
ⅩⅫ.Ssupingkai-Taonan Railway Loan Agreement. 126
ⅩⅩⅢ.Ssupingkai-Taonan Railway Loan Agreement Supplementary Memoranda. 139
ⅩⅩⅣ.Settlement of the Relation between the Ssupingkai Taonan Railway Loan Agreement and that of the Ssupingkai Chengchiatun Railway. 140
1.Appointment of Bank for Bond Issue. 144
2.Issue of Bonds of the Company. 146
3.Advancement of Fund before the Issuance of Bonds. 148
4.Deposit of Railway Revenues with the Specified Bank. 151
5.Interest on Revenues Deposited in Specified Bank. 153
6.Payment of Interest and Repayment of Principal of the Bonds and their Salein Europe and America. 155
7.Arrangement for the Transhipment of Goods for the Ssupingkai Taonan Railway by the Company. 159
ⅩⅩⅤ.Letter regarding the Ssupingkai-Taonan Railway Advance of Yen 5,000,000(with reply attached). 162
ⅩⅩⅥ.Letter regarding the Ssupingkai Taonan Railway Short Term Loan of Yen 10,000,000(with reply attached). 164
ⅩⅩⅦ.Letter regarding the Ssupingkai-Taonan Railway Short Term Loan of Yen 12,500,000(with reply attached). 168
ⅩⅩⅧ.Letter regarding the Ssupingkai-Taonan Railway Short TermLoan of Yen 13,700,000(with reply attached)and Supplementary Notes. 174
ⅩⅩⅨ.Letter regarding the Ssupingkai-Taonan Railway Short Term Loan of Yen 18,200,000(with reply attached)and Supplementary Notes. 182
ⅩⅩⅩ.Letter regarding the Ssupingkai-Taonon Short Term Loan of Yen 28,400,000(with reply attached)and Supplementary Note. 189
ⅩⅩⅪ.Letter regarding the Ssupingkai-Taonan Railway Short Term Loan of Yen 32,000,000(with reply attached). 199
ⅩⅩⅫ.Preliminary Agreement for a Loan for the Four Railways of Manchuria and Mongolia. 205
ⅩⅩⅩⅢ.Agreement providing for the Construction of the Taonan-Angangki Railway. 208
ⅩⅩⅩⅣ.Specification Plan for the Construction of the Taonan-Angangki Railway. 211
ⅩⅩⅩⅤ.Budget of Construction Costs of Taonan-Angangki Railway. 212
ⅩⅩⅩⅥ.Letter Confirming the Construction Expenses to be used in Constructing the Taonan-Angangki Railway. 213
ⅩⅩⅩⅦ.Letter concerning the Appointment of an Adviser to the Taonan-Angangki Railway and reply. 216
ⅩⅩⅩⅧ.Letter respecting the Running of Trains for the Transporting of Goods and reply. 218
ⅩⅩⅩⅨ.Letter concerning Advance for Purchase of Rollingstock by Taonan-Angangki Railway. 219
ⅩⅩⅩⅩ.Short Term Loan Agreement for the Cost of Coal and Miscellaneous Materials of Taonan-Angangki Railway. 222
ⅩⅩⅩⅪ.Supplementary Termsof the Agreement for the Construction of the Taonan Angangki Raliway by the South Manchuria Railway Company. 224
ⅩⅩⅩⅫ.Kirin-Tunghua Railway Construction Agreement(attached with 12 letters exchanged). 236
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