神经胶质细胞 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)斯奎尔主编
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787030280822
- 页数:544 页
神经胶质细胞:起源、多样性与功能 3
Activity-Dependent Metabolism in Glia and Neurons 3
Astrocyte: Calcium Signaling 11
Astrocyte: Identification Methods 19
Astrocyte: Neurotransmitter and Hormone Receptors 24
Astrocyte: Response to Injury 31
Axon Guidance by Glia 38
Axonal Regeneration: Role of the Extracellular Matrix and the Glial Scar 48
Bergmann Glial Cells 56
Calcium Homeostasis in Glia 67
Calcium Waves in Glia 74
Cytokine Receptors in Glia 82
Enteric Nervous System: Glial Cells and Interstitial Cells of Cajal 88
Ependymal Cells 94
Gap Junctions and Hemichannels in Glia 102
Glia and Stroke 108
Glia Control of Blood Flow 117
Glial Cells: Astrocytes and Oligodendrocytes during Normal Brain Aging 123
Glial Cells: Invertebrate 128
Glial Cells: Microglia during Normal Brain Aging 139
Glial Cells: T Cell Interactions 142
Glial Energy Metabolism: A NMR Spectroscopy Perspective 150
Glial Energy Metabolism: Overview 159
Glial Glutamate and GABA Metabolism 165
Glial Glutamate Transporters 169
Glial Glutamate Transporters: Electrophysiology 181
Glial Glycogen Metabolism 186
Glial Growth Factors 194
Glial Influence on Synaptic Transmission 201
Glial Ion Homeostasis: A Fluorescence Microscopy Approach 209
Glial Plasticity and Neuroendocrine Regulation 218
Glial Responses to Injury 226
Glial Responses to Virus Infection 233
Glial Steroid Metabolism 242
Glioma 248
Intermediate Filaments 256
Ionic Channels in Glia 262
Macroglial Lineages 273
Microglia Identification Methods 276
Microglia Properties 280
Microglial Response to Injury 287
Myelin: Molecular Architecture of CNS and PNS Myelin Sheath 291
Neuron-Glia pH Regulation 303
Neuron-Glia Coupling in Glutathione Metabolism 312
Neuropeptides and Receptors in Glia 317
Neurotransmitter and Hormone Receptors on Oligodendrocytes and Schwann Cells 326
Neurotransmitter Release from Astrocytes 335
Oligodendrocyte and Schwann Cell Identification Methods 341
Oligodendrocyte Morphology 347
Oligodendrocyte Specification 353
Potassium Homeostasis in Glia 360
Radial Glial Cells: Brain Functions 366
Retinal Glia 373
Schwann Cell Development 381
Schwann Cell Morphology 392
Schwann Cells and Axon Relationship 402
Schwann Cells and Plasticity of the Neuromuscular Junction 407
Transplantation of Myelin Forming Cells 413
Transporter Proteins in Neurons and Glla 425
能量与离子的细胞内调控 435
Activity-Dependent Regulation of Glucose Transporters 435
Brain Glucose Metabolism: Age, Alzheimer’s Disease, and ApoE Allele Effects 440
Brain Injury: Magnetic Resonance Studies of Metabolic Aspects 451
Brain Na,K-ATPase 458
Cell-Cell Communication Through the Extracellular Space 463
Intracellular Calcium and Neuronal Death 473
Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Nervous System Injury 479
Monocarboxylate Transporters 487
Regulation of Cell Volume in Neural Cells 492
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