大学堂 翻译的技巧PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:钱歌川著
- 出 版 社:北京联合出版公司
- 出版年份:2015
- ISBN:9787550254350
- 页数:402 页
第一编 汉译英与英文句型 1
壹 由要素来分的造句 2
(1)汉文易写英文难通 2
(2)动词的种类和变化 2
(3)动词与五种句型 8
(4)第一句型的自动构造 9
(5)第二句型的不完全自动构造 12
(6)第三句型的他动构造 17
(7)第四句型的授与构造 25
(8)第五句型的不完全他动构造 30
贰 由构造来分的造句 37
(1)用单句来翻译 37
(2)用合句来翻译 48
(3)用复句来翻译 52
叁 由内容来分的造句 63
(1)用平叙句来翻译 63
(2)用疑问句来翻译 69
(3)用命令句来翻译 75
(4)用感叹句来翻译 81
第二编 英文惯用法及其翻译 89
Ⅰ.It的造句 90
(1)it...不定词 90
(2)it...for...不定词 91
(3)it...动名词 93
(4)it...子句 94
(5)it is...子句 95
(6)it...名词 97
Ⅱ.名词的造句 98
(7)“all+抽象名词”或“抽象名词+itself”=very+形容词 98
(8)“the+单数名词”的特殊用法 98
(9)无生物的主语 99
(10)something(much)of,nothing(1ittle)of 100
(11)属格的主格作用和宾格作用 102
(12)名词(A)+of+a+名词(B) 104
(13)名词+of+属格+名词 105
(14)of+抽象名词=形容词,of从略+普通名词 105
(15)one's own+名词,of one's own+动名词 106
(16)have+the+抽象名词+不定词 107
(17)that(those)+先行词+关系代名词 108
(18)one thing…another 109
Ⅲ.As的造句 109
(19)“as...as”的三种用法 109
(20)as...as any,as...as ever 110
(21)as...as...can be 111
(22)as...,so 112
(23)It is in(or with)...as in(or with) 112
(24)as much,as many,like so many 113
(25)as good as,as well as 114
(26)句首的“as it is”,句尾的“as it is” 115
(27)过去分词+as it is,现在分词+as it does 116
(28)名词等+as+主语+动词等 117
Ⅳ.动词的造句 118
(29)may well+动词,and well+主语+may 118
(30)may as well...as,might as well…as 119
(31)so that...may,lest...should 120
(32)cannot help+动名词,cannot but+原形不定词 121
(33)have+宾语(物)+过去分词 122
(34)have+宾语(人)+原形不定词 123
(35)have+宾语+副词(地点,方向等) 125
(36)have+宾语+现在分词 125
(37)find oneself 126
(38)find...in 127
(39)“do”的两种用法 127
(40)“depend on”的两种用法 129
(41)know...from 130
(42)had better+原形不定词,would rather+原形不定词 130
(43)make...of 131
(44)make one's way 132
(45)rob...of 133
(46)seize…by the 135
(47)see if...,see that 135
(48)take...for granted 136
(49)used to+原形不定词,be used to+动名词 137
(50)be+自动词的过去分词 140
(51)否定+fail+不定词 141
(52)动词+原形不定词 142
(53)leave+much(nothing)+to be desired 143
(54)be+不定词 143
(55)have+不定词+宾语,have+宾语+不定词 145
(56)prevent+宾语+from+动名词 146
(57)persuade+宾语+into+动名词,dissuade+宾语+from+动名词 147
Ⅴ.不定词的造句 148
(58)表目的、原因、结果等的不定词 148
(59)so as+不定词,so...as+不定词 150
(60)too...+不定词,not too...+不定词,too…not+不定词 151
(61)only too...+不定词,too ready+不定词 152
(62)不定词的感叹用法 153
(63)not to speak of,not to say 154
Ⅵ.动名词的造句 155
(64)There is no+动名词 155
(65)for+the+动名词 155
(66)above+动名词 156
(67)worth+动名词 156
(68)far from+动名词 158
(69)busy+动名词 159
(70)on+动名词,in+动名词 159
Ⅶ.否定词的造句 160
(71)no more...than 160
(72)noless...than 162
(73)not so much...as,not so much as 163
(74)Nothing is more...than,Nothing is so...as 164
(75)cannot...too 165
(76)否定+without 166
(77)否定+but 167
(78)否定+until(till) 168
(79)not so...but,not such a...but 168
(80)“not A but B”,“B,(and)not A” 169
(81)否定+because 170
(82)not because...but because 171
(83)not that...but that 171
(84)否定+every(all,both,always,quite) 172
Ⅷ.what,who的造句 174
(85)what he is,what he has 174
(86)what+名词,what little+名词 174
(87)what with...and what with,what by...and what by 175
(88)what is+比较级 176
(89)A is to B what X is to Y 177
(90)who+肯定,who+否定 177
(91)疑问词+should…but 178
(92)Who knows but(that) 179
Ⅸ.条件及让步的造句 179
(93)省略if的句法 179
(94)If it were not for(=Were it not for)+名词,If it had not been for(=Had it not been for)+名词,But for+名词,But that+名词子句 181
(95)命令句+and,命令句+or 182
(96)名词+and 183
(97)动词+疑问词 184
(98)no matter+间接疑问句,疑问词-ever+may 185
(99)动词+as+主语+助动词 186
(100)ifany 186
(101)be it ever(或never)so,let it be ever(或never)so 187
(102)once 188
(103)were to 188
(104)含有条件意味的字眼 189
Ⅹ.形容词副词的造句 190
(105)“the+形容词”的两种用法 190
(106)最上级形容词含有even之意 192
(107)the+比较级...the+比较级 192
(108)the+比较级+理由 193
(109)the last...+不定词,the last...+形容词子句 194
(110)so+形容词(副词)+that,so+动词+that 195
(111)so that 196
(112)so much so that 197
(113)such...as,such...that 198
(114)比较级+than,more+原级+than 200
(115)more...than+can 201
(116)more than+动词 202
(117)less...than 202
(118)much more,muchless 203
(119)would sooner(rather)...than,would as soon…as 204
(120)no sooner...than,hardly...when 205
(121)anything but,nothing but,all but 206
(122)short of,be short of,nothing short of 207
(123)ever so 208
(124)good and的副词用法 209
(125)to one's+感情名词,to the+感情名词+of 210
(126)so far,so far as,so far as...is concerned 211
Ⅺ.连词的造句 212
(127)and that 212
(128)at once...and 213
(129)in that 213
(130)It is true...but 214
Ⅻ.其他的造句 215
(131)one,as such 215
(132)one thing...another 216
(133)in+人物 216
(134)before的四种译法 217
第三编 疑难句法及文章译例 219
壹 英文类似句辨异 220
贰 常易译错的文句 245
Ⅰ 中译英 245
Ⅱ 英译中 263
叁 翻译实例 283
Ⅰ 中译英 283
(1)郑燮致弟书 283
(2)中国的山水画 284
(3)为学 284
(4)光与色 286
(5)教学相长 286
(6)翻译文欠通顺 287
(7)学无所用 288
(8)画蛇添足 288
(9)嗟来食 289
(10)老与少 290
(11)雕刻奇技 291
(12)狐疑 292
(13)怕伞的姑娘 294
(14)偷窃狂 296
(15)狐假虎威 298
(16)习惯说 298
(17)黔之驴 299
(18)少年孔融的机智 300
(19)绝妙好辞 301
(20)韩信忍受袴下辱 302
Ⅱ 英译中 304
(1)Too Clever Not to See 304
(2)The Busy Broker 305
(3)Speculation on Important Subjects 305
(4)A Feeling of Eternity 306
(5)The Spirit of Fair-Play 307
(6)On D.H.Lawrence 307
(7)On Books 308
(8)Arguments against Smoking 308
(9)The Definition of a Gentleman 309
(10)The Law ofthe Jungle 309
(11)Some well-informed People 310
(12)The English Humour 311
(13)TheTrouble with Translation 312
(14)Too Distinguished to be a Personality 313
(15)Schadenfreude 314
(16)Aloneness is Worse than Failure 315
(17)Being One's True Self 316
(18)Happiness Consists in Love 317
(19)The Cosy Fire ofAffection 318
(20)Irrational Man 320
附录 当代英美名作摘译 323
(1)William Plomer:On Not Answering the Telephone 324
(2)Louis Kronenberger:A Note on Privacy 325
(3)Lawrence George Durrel:Justine 327
(4)Lawrcnce George Durrel:Mountolive 329
(5)P.H.Newby:A Parcel for Alexandria 331
(6)Muriel Spark:The Girls of Slender Means 332
(7)J.D.Salinger:The Long Debut of Lots Taggett 334
(8)J.D.Salinger:The Catcher in the Rye 336
(9)Iris Murdoch:The Bell 337
(10)Iris Murdoch:The Flight from the Enchanter 339
(11)Truman Capote:Breakfast at Tiffany's 341
(12)Truman Capote:Breakfast at Tiffany's 342
(13)James Baldwin:Notes of a Native Son 344
( 14)William Styron:Lie Down in Darkness 346
(15)William Styron:The Confessions ofNat Turner 348
(16)Stan Barstow:Gamblers Never Win 350
习题解答 353
出版后记 402
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