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  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:孙少豪,谭玮,邓妍妍,叶蓉,许和权,翁照棠,柯德通,邓周合著
  • 出 版 社:广州:广东教育出版社
  • 出版年份:1998
  • ISBN:7540618825
  • 页数:182 页

第一部分 英语作文指导 1

一、前言&孙少豪 1

二、怎样练习英语作文&孙少豪 1

三、作文的内容和结构&孙少豪 3

四、英语作文的表达&孙少豪 5

五、试析《秋景》的内容和结构&孙少豪 9

六、英语书信的格式&孙少豪 11

第二部分 英语作文题目 18

1.秋景&孙少豪 18

2.在树林里&孙少豪 19

3.在海里&孙少豪 20

4.骆驼队过沙漠&孙少豪 22

5.世界人口&孙少豪 23

6.我的家乡&邓周 24

7.我的邻居&孙少豪 26

8.我的朋友&孙少豪 27

9.介绍工人&孙少豪 28

10.我的伯父&谭玮 29

11.一年级二班&孙少豪 30

12.我们的学校&谭玮 32

13.我们的学校&柯德通 33

14.图书馆&谭玮 34

15.学校的图书馆&翁照棠 34

16.我的爱好&谭玮 35

17.我们的化学实验室&谭玮 36

18.在运动场上&柯德通 37

19.升旗&谭玮 38

20.课外活动&谭玮 39

21.我如何度周末&叶蓉 40

22.星期天&邓周 41

23.学游泳&邓周 41

24.露营&许和权 42

25.军训&许和权 43

26.暑假去做工&许和权 45

27.失望的旅游&许和权 46

28.拿主意&许和权 47

29.毕业后的打算&谭玮 48

30.我的第一位老师&孙少豪 48

31.我最喜欢的老师&翁照棠 49

32.访问老师&叶蓉 50

33.帮助老师&叶蓉 51

34.李丽病了&谭玮 52

35.上学路上&谭玮 53

36.到乡下去&谭玮 53

37.都市生活&许和权 54

38.乘汽车较好&邓妍妍 55

39.东郊公园&孙少豪 56

40.参观养蛇场&孙少豪 57

41.参观养鸡场&柯德通 58

42.雷锋&柯德通 59

43.向雷锋学习&许和权 孙少豪 60

44.发明家爱迪生&翁照棠 61

45.给叔叔的信&孙少豪 62

46.给姐姐的信&谭玮 63

47.邀请信&孙少豪 64

48.邀请朋友来访&叶蓉 64

49.谢绝邀游&邓妍妍 65

50.谢绝邀请&邓妍妍 66

51.感谢信&翁照棠 67

52.道歉&邓妍妍 68

53.介绍春节的信&叶蓉 69

54.笔友&孙少豪 70

55.雷州新貌&孙少豪 70

56.奇怪的发现&孙少豪 71

57.物归原主&孙少豪 72

58.求职信&柯德通 73

59.答求职信&柯德通 74

60.希望改进公共汽车服务&孙少豪 75

61.换书&孙少豪 76

62.要求修理洗衣机&翁照棠 77

63.请假&邓妍妍 77

64.请假条&叶蓉 78

65.借词典&邓妍妍 79

66.去看录像&邓妍妍 79

67.英语作文比赛征稿&孙少豪 80

68.英语演讲比赛通知&孙少豪 81

69.关于飞机推迟起飞的通知&孙少豪 83

70.欢迎会&谭玮 84

71.欢迎辞&邓妍妍 84

72.礼物&邓周 85

73.春季&谭玮 86

74.桥&孙少豪 87

75.水&谭玮 88

76.养金鱼&孙少豪 89

77.养花&谭玮 90

78.多种树&叶蓉 91

79.录音机的使用和保养&孙少豪 92

80.电视机该放在哪儿&孙少豪 93

81.电视&谭玮 94

82.电视&翁照棠 95

83.河水的污染&邓妍妍 96

84.苍蝇&孙少豪 97

85.摩托车&孙少豪 98

86.太阳能&孙少豪 100

87.月球&孙少豪 101

88.我的家乡&孙少豪 102

89.遇雷雨&孙少豪 104

90.种果树&孙少豪 105

第三部分 英语范文 107

1.A Picture of Fields in Autumn 107

2.In the Woods 107

3.A Scene in the Sea 108

4.A Camel Train Travelling Through the Desert 109

5.The World’s Population 110

6.My Home Village 111

7.My Neighbours 112

8.My Friend Jack 113

9.Recommending a Worker 113

10.My Uncle 114

11.Class Two, Grade One 115

12.Our School 116

13.Our School 117

14.The Library 118

15.Our School Library 118

16.My Hobby 119

17.Our Chemistry Laboratory 120

18.On Our Sports Field 121

19.A Flag-raising Ceremony 121

20.Out-of-class Activities 122

21.How I Spend My Weekends 123

22.My Sunday 124

23.Learning to Swim 125

24.Camping 126

25.Military Training 127

26.Summer Job Hunting 127

27.An Unpleasant Trip 128

28.Making a Decision 129

29.Plans After Graduation 130

30.My First Teacher 131

31.The Teacher I like Best 132

32.A Visit to My Teacher 133

33.Helping My Teacher 133

34.Lily Is Ill 134

35.On the Way to School 135

36.A Visit to the Countryside 135

37.City Life 136

38.You’d Better Take a Train 137

39.The Eastern Suburb Park 137

40.A Snake Farm 138

41.A Visit to a Chicken Farm 139

42.Lei Feng 140

43.Learn From Lei Feng 141

44.Edison the Great Inventor 142

45.A Letter to My Uncle 143

46.A Letter to My Sister 144

47.An Invitation 145

48.Asking a Friend to Visit 146

49.Refusal of the Invitation to a Tour of Hangzhou 147

50.Refusal of the Invitation to a Birthday Party 148

51.A Letter of Thanks 149

52.Saying Sorry 150

53.A Letter About the Spring Festival 151

54.A Pen Friend 152

55.A New Look of Leizhou 153

56.A Strange Discovery 154

57.Returning the Camera to Its Rightful Owner 155

58.A Letter of Job-hunting 156

59.A Reply to a Job-hunter 158

60.Suggestion for Improving Bus Service 159

61.Replacement of a Book 160

62.Asking to Repair a Washing Machine 160

63.Asking for leave 161

64.A Note Asking for Leave 162

65.Borrowing a Dictionary 163

66.Watching Video Film 163

67.Announcement of an English Composition Competition 164

68.Announcement of an Oral English Competition 165

69.Announcement of Flight Delay 166

70.An Announcement——A Welcome Party 167

71.A Speech of Welcome 167

72.Presents 168

73.Spring 169

74.A Bridge 169

75.Water 170

76.Goldfish-raising 171

77.Flower-growing 172

78.Let’s Plant More Trees 173

79.Use and Maintenance of the Tape Recorder 173

80.Where Should the TV Set be Placed? 174

81.Television 175

82.Television 176

83.River Pollution 177

84.Flies 177

85.Motorbikes 178

86.Solar Energy 179

87.The Moon 180

88.My Hometown 180

89.Caught in a Thunderstorm 181

90.Planting Fruit Trees 182
