- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:孙有中主编
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787513502238
- 页数:436 页
一、理论前沿 1
Toward a/Ching Model of Communication&Chen Guoming 3
Western Concepts of Intercultural Communication Revisited&Jens Loenhoff 20
跨文化交际/传播的学科身份问题研究——暨跨文化特色文献数据库建设及分析&迟若冰 顾力行 31
跨宗教对话与世界伦理新秩序的构建&吕叔君 44
跨文化态度——一种跨文化交往的伦理&姚燕 51
二、跨文化语言研究 63
Chinese Telephone Conversation:When and How Is a Call Closed?&Sun Jing 65
US's"War Against Terrorism"in Pakistan:Basic Intercultural Communication Barriers and a Case Study of Tribal Belt(FATA)&Nadeem Akhtar 80
"Pride and Prejudice"Towards World Englishes:A Qualitative Investigation on Student Volunteers'Language Attitudes During the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games&Lin Mengxi 93
商务语境中的概念隐喻分析&朱萍 112
三、跨文化适应与身份研究 123
The Impact of Culture on Intercultural Friendship Building&Li Mingsheng&Jacqui Campbell 125
Place-making,Identity Formation,and Shared Culture Among Chinese Adoptive Families in the U.S&Linda J.Seligmann 148
Acculturation,Adaptation,and Identity:Home and Abroad&He Jia,Yan Qing,Ma Sang&Yu Wei 172
Cultural Individualism-collectivism,Self-construal,and Multiple Goal Concerns in Interpersonal Influence Situations:A Cross-cultural Investigation&Wang Qi 197
The Social and Cultural Constructions of the Self-identity of American Women Business Leaders in the Age of Globalization(1970-2006)&Ma Qin 218
An Ethnographic Study of the Two-way Intercultural Adaptation Process Between Chinese Students and British Lecturers&Zhao Tianshu 233
四、跨文化大众传播研究 253
The Road Not Taken:Covering China from the Angle of Development Journalism in the U.S.News Media&Sun Youzhong 255
中国符号与好莱坞专业主义:论《功夫熊猫》的文化贸易策略&方玲玲 265
思维方式影响下的中美新闻评论比较&张倩 274
社会空间的生产:《经济学家》建设战略&章晓英 297
五、跨文化翻译研究 307
Translation Functioning to Diversify and Unify Cultures&Lavinia Heller 309
Transmutation of Modern China's Attitude to Western Culture from the Perspective of Translation&Peng Ping 319
Maze or Bridge:A Word on the Necessity of Compensation in Cultural Translation&Xia Tingde 331
The Function of Translation in China in the Globalization Era Revisited&Liu Lihua 346
六、跨文化外语教学研究 357
Contrasting Perceptions of English Language Teachers'Enthusiasm:China vs.the Western World&Peng Ding 359
An Assessment of the Current Level of ICS of Adult EFL Learners in China&Hou Xinmin 382
文化习得与外语教学&杜学增 400
以跨文化交际为目的的英语教学——正确理解索绪尔和维特根斯坦的语言哲学观&林大津 407
跨文化外语教学框架下的教材建设思考&杨路晴 庄恩平 414
大学英语跨文化能力培养现状与研究着力点&陈素可 426
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