保卫祖国领空的战斗 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:林虎著
- 出 版 社:北京:军事科学出版社
- 出版年份:2008
- ISBN:9787802371538
- 页数:453 页
Chapter Ⅰ The People's Air Force was Founded in the Flames of War, Charged with Hard Missions in Korean War and National Air Defense 1
Ⅰ.The Victories of the Anti-Japanese War and the Libera-tion War Created the Conditions for Cultivation of Aviation Elites 1
Ⅱ.Accelerate the Organization of the Aviation Troops and Engage in the First Air Battle with US Reconnaissance Air-craft Invading Our Airspace 33
Ⅲ.Cooperate with the Army and the Navy in Liberating Coastal Islands of Zhejiang Province and Strike KMT AF Reconnaissance Planes Harassing Our South-eastern Coast-al Area 61
Ⅳ.While Implementing Air Defense Operation, Pay attention to “Patches” in Aviation, Raise the Combat Capacity,Com-bine the Air Force and the Air Defense Force and Concentrate National Operational Command 89
Chapter Ⅱ Night Operations for over a Decade 101
Ⅰ.Moonlit Night Air Combat with Three Successive Victories 101
Ⅱ.Frequent Intrusion of Enemy Aircraft into Our Depths on Moonless Nights at Low Altitude without Being Intercepted for a Long Period of Time and Chairman Mao's Instruction to the Air Force “Spare No Effort to Destroy the Enemy Intruders.” 127
Ⅲ.Technological Innovation to Improve the Airborne Ra-dar of Interceptors 136
Ⅳ.Learning from the Experiences and Lessons of Previous Operations and the First Battle of Detecting and Shooting down an Enemy Aircraft with Airborne Radar 142
Ⅴ.Time Reveals a Person's Heart and a Hero Is Discerned in Times of Danger 158
Ⅵ.Close Coordination between Antiaircraft Artillery Forc-es and Searchlight Forces and Downing of Enemy Aircraft by the Irradiation of Searchlight 163
Ⅶ.Downing of an Enemy Aircraft at Night by Wang Wenli with Visual Acquisition through Risking His Life and Fight-ing Bravely 177
Ⅷ.Mobilization of Masses by Navy Aviation to Make Suggestions and the Destruction of “Bat” due to the Em-ployment of “Crack Cannon” 195
Ⅸ.Eternal Glory for the Martyrs Who Sacrificed Their Lives in Combat 217
Chapter Ⅲ Utilize the SAM Force for Mobility to Strike the US High-Altitude Reconnaissance Aircraft 233
Ⅰ.Organize This Force within One Year and Win First Battle 233
Ⅱ.Implement Action of “Missile Guerrillas”and Shoot down U-2 246
Ⅲ.Invent “Close-Quick Tactics” and Win in Jiangxi and Fujian 262
Ⅳ.Counter-Measure Electronic Jamming of Enemy Air-craft and Win in Saibei and Jiangnan 285
Chapter Ⅳ Battle Against High-speed Tac Recce Aircraft Along the Mainland's Southeast Coast 309
Ⅰ.KMT Air Force Reconnaissance Group was Equipped with Modified US-made High Speed Reconnaissance Aircraft 309
Ⅱ.Anti-Aircraft Artillery Force Combats Quickness with Quickness and Traps the Enemy through Concentrating Fire and Close Combat 316
Ⅲ.Cover-up and Ambush together with Hot Pursuit and Fierce Attack Made Led to Victories 325
Chapter Ⅴ Fighting Against Invading American Spy Planes To Protect the Motherland's Airspace 345
Ⅰ.The Beibu Gulf Incident and the Escalation of the Viet-nam War 345
Ⅱ.Fighting the American Unmanned High Altitude Spy Planes 352
Ⅲ.Tight Defense Aimed to Destroy Invading American Fighters 382
Ⅳ.Naval Aviation Fighters Fought for Hainan Island and Annihilated Hostile Fighters in Close Combat 398
Chapter Ⅵ Total Failure of the US in the Viet Nam War and the Coming-Forth of a Large Number of Heroes from China's Air Defense Forces in Their Fight to Protect the Motherland's Airspace 425
Afterword 450
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