

- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:方宇澄主编
- 出 版 社:合肥:安徽科学技术出版社
- 出版年份:1992
- ISBN:7533709047
- 页数:205 页
烟草病害部分 2
1.猝倒病(Damping off) 2
2.炭疽病(Anthracnose) 4
3.胫疮病(Sore shin) 6
4.白粉病(Powdery mildew) 8
5.赤星病(Brown spot) 10
6.蛙眼病(Frogeye) 12
7.破烂叶斑病(Ascochyta spot) 14
8.穿孔病(Leaf spot) 16
9.煤烟病(Fumaggine sooty mold) 18
10.黑胫病(Black shank) 20
11.低头黑病(Black death) 22
12.菌核病(Barn rots) 24
13.南方茎根腐病(Southern stem and root rot) 26
14.根黑腐病(Black root rot) 28
15.镰刀菌枯萎病(Fusarium wilt) 30
16.青枯病(Granuville wilt) 32
17.野火病和角斑病(Wild fire and angular spot) 34
18.空胫病(Hollow stalk) 36
19.细菌性叶斑病(Bacterial leaf spot) 38
剑叶病(Frenching) 38
20.烟草普通花叶病(Tobacco mosaic) 40
21.烟草黄瓜花叶病(Cucumber mosaic) 42
22.烟草曲叶病毒病(Tobacco leaf curl) 44
23.烟草蚀纹病毒病(Tobacco etch) 46
烟草环斑病毒病(Tobacco ringspot) 46
24.烟草脉带病(Tobacco vein banding) 48
25.烟草丛枝病(Tobacco witches broom) 50
26.根结线虫病(Root-knot nematode) 52
根腐线虫病(Root-rot nematode) 52
27.菟丝子(Dodder) 54
列当(Broom rape) 54
28.缺氮症(Nitrogen deficiency) 56
缺磷症(Phosphorus deficiency) 56
缺钙症(Calcium deficiency) 58
29.缺钾症(Potassium deficiency) 58
30.缺镁症(Magnesium deficiency) 60
缺硫症(Sulphur deficiency) 60
31.缺铁症(Ferrum deficiency) 62
缺硼症(Boron deficiency) 62
32.缺锌症(Zinc deficiency) 64
缺锰症(Manganese deficiency) 64
33.缺铜症(Copper deficiency) 66
缺钼症(Molybdenum deficiency) 66
34.气候性斑点病(Weather fleck) 68
35.旱害(Drought) 70
涝害(Drowning) 70
冷害(Chilling injury) 70
36.雨斑(Rain bruise spot) 72
白化(Albinism) 72
烟草害虫部分 76
37.蝼蛄(Mole cricket) 76
斗蟋(Fighting cricket) 78
38.油葫芦(Fieled cricket) 78
39.细胸金针虫(Narrow necked click beetle) 80
40.沟金针虫(Grooved click beetle) 82
41.拟地甲(Tenebrionid beetle) 84
黄曲条跳甲(Striped flea beetle) 84
42.大灰象甲(Big gourdshaped weevil) 86
蒙古灰象甲(Mongolia weevil) 86
福泉灰象甲(Fuquan weevil) 86
43.小地老虎(Black cutworm) 88
44.大地老虎(Giant cutworm) 90
45.黄地老虎(Yellow cutworm) 92
46.紫切根虫(Purple cutworm) 94
47.白边切夜蛾(White striped cutworm) 96
48.三叉地夜蛾(Three fork cutworm) 98
49.八字地老虎(Spotted cutworm) 100
马绢鳃金龟(Brown velvety chafer) 102
50.黑绒鳃金龟(Small velvety chafer) 102
51.大黑鳃金龟(Giant black chafer) 104
暗黑鳃金龟(Dark black chafer) 104
52.铜绿丽金龟(Metallic green beetle) 106
四纹丽金龟(Four spotted beetle) 106
53.黑棕鳃金龟(Black brown chafer) 108
豆蓝丽金龟(Mutant japanese beetle) 108
54.烟蚜(Green peach aphid) 110
55.斑须蝽(Sugarbeet stink bug) 112
56.稻绿蝽(Green rice bug) 114
57.烟粉虱(Tobacco white fly) 116
烟蓟马(Tobacco thrips) 116
58.烟短柄大蚊(Tobacco crane fly) 118
59.烟蛀茎蛾(Tobacco stem borer) 120
60.烟草潜叶蛾(Potato tuber moth) 122
61.棉褐带卷蛾(Summer fruit tortrix moth) 124
丽黄卷蛾(Yellow tobacco leafroller) 124
62.烟实夜蛾(Tobacco budworm) 126
63.棉铃实夜蛾(Cotton bollworm) 128
64.斜纹夜蛾(Tobacco caterpillar) 130
65.粘虫(Army worm) 132
66.银纹夜蛾(Black spotted plusia) 134
金孤翅夜蛾(Slender burnished brass moth) 134
67.苜蓿夜蛾(Flax budworm) 136
68.甘蓝夜蛾(Cabbage armyworm) 138
69.红棕灰夜蛾(Mulberry caterpillar) 140
70.草地螟(Beet webworm) 142
71.大造桥虫(Cotton geometrid) 144
72.甘薯天蛾(Sweet potato hornworm) 146
73.鬼脸天蛾(Deaths head moth) 148
芝麻鬼脸天蛾(Sesame deaths head moth) 148
74.人纹污灯蛾(White tiger moth) 150
75.红缘灯蛾(Red costate tiger moth) 152
76.茄二十八星瓢虫(Small potato lady beetle) 154
77.短额负蝗(Point headed grasshopper) 156
78.日本黄脊蝗(Japanese ground grasshopper) 158
中华稻蝗(Chinese rice grasshopper) 158
短角异腿蝗(Short horn xenocatantops) 158
青?斯(Green katydid) 158
79.烟盲蝽(Tobacco capsid) 160
粟缘蝽(Millet coreid) 160
点蜂缘蝽(Dotted bug) 160
小长蝽(False chinch bug) 160
80.烟草甲(Tobacco beetle) 162
81.烟草粉螟(Tobacco moth) 164
书虱(Book louse) 164
82.米缟螟(Black rice worm) 166
黑皮蠹(Black carpet beetle) 166
83.大谷盗(Cadelle) 168
84.赤拟谷盗(Red flour beetle) 170
锯谷盗(Sawtoothed grain beetle) 170
双线嗜粘液蛞蝓(Double stripe garden slug) 172
85.野蛞蝓(Wild garden slug) 172
86.灰巴蜗牛(Grey common snail) 174
同型巴蜗牛(Similar bradybaenus snail) 174
秉氏环毛蚓(Pin s pheretima earthworm) 174
87.烟草害虫致病性微生物(Pathogenic microorganisms 176
of tobacco pests) 176
88.烟草害虫天敌昆虫-Ⅰ(Entomophagous insects 178
of tobacco pests-Ⅰ) 178
89.烟草害虫天敌昆虫-Ⅱ(Entomophagous insects 180
of tobacco pests-Ⅱ ) 180
90.烟草害虫天敌昆虫-Ⅲ(Entomophagous insects 182
of tobacco pests-Ⅲ) 182
烟草常用农药 185
参考文献 196
烟草病虫英文名称English common names 198
of tobacco diseases and insect pests 198
烟草病虫学名Scientific names of tobacco diseases and insect pests 202
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