- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王京华,孟改华主编;李瑞,宁志敏等副主编
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:7030139615
- 页数:319 页
第一部分 Part One分类作文Classification 1
第一章 Chapter Ⅰ叙述文Narration 1
Ⅰ.状物Narration of Objects 1
范文索引 2
1.Elephants大象 2
2.Beavers海狸 3
目录 4
范文索引 4
3.Oysters牡蛎 4
4.The Tallest Grass—Bamboo最高的草——竹子 6
5.Jujubes枣树 7
6.A Meat-Eating Plant肉食性植物 7
7.The Telephone电话 9
8.Computers电脑 9
9.Gloves手套 10
10.My Dormitory我的宿舍 11
11.My Hometown家乡 12
12.Statue of Liberty自由女神像 13
13.Visiting a Museum参观博物馆 14
14.Visiting an Old Building参观古楼 15
15.Visiting the Tea Room参观茶室 15
Ⅱ.写人Narration of Characters 16
16.Myself我自己 17
17.My Story我的故事 17
18.Autobiography自传 18
19.My Family我的家庭 19
20.My Father我的父亲 20
21.My Mother我的母亲 21
22.A Teacher of English一位英语教师 21
23.A Good Teacher一位好老师 22
24.A Teacher一位教师 23
25.Mark Twain马克·吐温 23
26.A Fellow Student一位同学 24
27.The Character I Can Not Forget我不能忘怀的人 25
Ⅲ.记事Narration of Events 26
28.A Shopping to Remember一次难忘的购物 27
30.Seeing A Doctor看病 28
29.The Most Exciting Moment最激动的时刻 28
31.Being Moved感动 29
32.A Deep Memory内心深处的记忆 30
33.An Unusual Examination一次不寻常的考试 31
35.An Unforgettable Incident难忘的一件事 32
34.An Unforgettable Accident难忘的一次事故 32
36.Going Home回家 33
37.An Outing出游 34
38.A Picnic野餐 35
39.A Spring Outing一次春游 36
Ⅰ.肖像描写Description of Portrait 37
第二章 Chapter Ⅱ描写文Description 37
40.My Friend我的朋友 38
41.A Little Girl小女孩 39
42.Only She她 40
43.Mr.Sago:My Classmate西米同学 41
Ⅱ.个性描写Description of Personality 42
44.Our English Teacher我们的英语老师 42
45.My Father我的父亲 43
46.Manson曼森 44
Ⅲ.动作描写Description of Movement 45
47.A Fisherman海边的渔夫 46
48.Three Generations三代人 48
49.My Father我父亲 49
50.A Traffic Accident I Have Ever Come Across我遇到的交通事故 50
Ⅳ.语言描写Description of Dialogue 51
51.Sadness悲伤 52
52.Self-esteem自尊 53
53.Annoyance恼怒 53
54.My Native Town我的家乡 54
Ⅴ.社会环境描写Description of Social Environment 54
55.A Teacher s Lounge教师休息室 55
56.The Great Wall of China中国长城 56
57.Washington D.C.华盛顿 57
Ⅵ.自然环境描写Description of Natural Environment 58
58.A Spring Morning春晓 59
59.An Autumnal Day秋日 60
60.A Winter Morning冬天的早晨 61
61.My First Day on Campus校园首日 62
Ⅶ.事件描写Description of Event 63
62.My Uncle Joe s Trip乔叔叔的旅行 64
63.A Concert by the Blind盲人音乐会 65
64.Reward the Kind仁慈者的酬报 66
第三章 ChapterⅢ议论文Argumentation 68
Ⅰ.时政热点Hot Topics 73
65.We Need to Turn to Education for Prosperity我们要以教育促繁荣 74
66.Develop Economy or Protect the Environment发展经济还是保护环境 75
68.Promoting Consumption刺激消费 76
67.Develop the West开发西部 76
Ⅱ.社会聚焦Social Issues 77
69.Pop Stars High Salary明星高薪现象 77
70.Internet Chat网上聊天 79
72.Why Merge Universities为何实行大学合并 80
71.Fake Diplomas假文凭 80
Ⅲ.校园话题Campus Talk 81
73.Is a Credit Educational System Necessary?学分制有必要吗? 82
74.Be a Graduate Student or Not是否读研? 83
Ⅳ.思想前沿New Perspectives 83
75.Is Progress Always Good?进步总是好的吗? 84
76.Spare the Rod,Spoil the Child孩子不打不成器 85
77.Tour Fever Should Be Cooled Down旅游热应该降温 86
Ⅴ.学习与成才Learning and Success 87
78.Reading Makes a Full Man读书使人充实 87
79.Learning:A Lifelong Career学习:终生的职业 88
80.Key Factors to Success成功的关键因素 89
81.Learning for Tomorrow为明天而学习 90
Ⅵ.精神与道德Ethical Issues 91
82.Should Monitors Be Installed?应当安装监视器吗? 91
83.Youth Drug Abuse青少年吸毒 92
84.Books,Plays and Films Should Be Censored书籍、戏剧和电影应当接受检查 94
85.Vicious and Dangerous Sports Should Be Banned by Law应当禁止残忍的运动项目 95
Ⅶ.演讲Speech 97
86.Globalization:Opportunities and Challenges for China s YoungerGeneration全球化对中国青年一代带来的机遇与挑战 99
87.Speech at a Graduation Ceremony毕业典礼致辞 101
88.Don t Let Our Tears Be the Last Drop of Water on Earth别让我们的眼泪成为世界上最后一滴水 102
89.The Future Is Now现在就是未来 103
Ⅷ.辩论Debate 104
90.The Cigarette Industry Brings More Advantages Than Disadvan-tages to China烟草业对中国利大于弊(正方) 109
91.The Cigarette Industry Brings More Advantages Than Disadvan-tages to China烟草业对中国利大于弊(反方) 112
92.Cloning and Modern Technologies克隆与现代技术 114
Ⅰ.举例Exemplification 116
第四章 Chapter Ⅳ说明文Exposition 116
93.Cultural Differences文化差异 117
94.The Importance of Investigation调查的重要性 118
95.Reverse Culture Shock颠倒的文化休克 118
Ⅱ.比较与对比Comparison and Contrast 119
96.Differences Between the Two Models两种车型的差异 121
98.Differences between Arizona and Rhode Island亚利桑那州与罗德岛的差异 122
97.Similarities between House Guests and Hospital Patients房客与医院病人的相似点 122
Ⅲ.类比Analogy 123
99.Writing,the Baker s Plan写作——面包师的计划 123
100.Electricity and Water电与水 124
Ⅳ.定义Definition 125
101.How to Grow Old如何看待年老 125
102.Honesty诚实 126
104.Liberated Woman自由女性 127
103.One-upmanship高人一等 127
Ⅴ.因果Cause-Effect 128
106.Why We Walk in Circles?我们为什么走圆圈? 129
105.Reasons for City Growth城市增长的原因 129
107.Effects of Women s Liberation妇女解放的效应 130
Ⅵ.分类和分解Classification and Decomposition 131
108.Oil油 132
109.American Court System美国法院体制 133
110.The Uses of Cattle牛的用途 134
111.What We Want from Sports我们要从体育运动中获得什么 134
112.The Human Respiratory System人类的呼吸系统 135
113.Our Brain我们的大脑 136
Ⅶ.程序Procedure 137
114.Water Purification水的净化过程 137
115.How a Refrigerator Works电冰箱的工作原理 139
Ⅷ.数字与图表Figure and Diagram 140
116.How to Make a Decorative Candle如何做装饰蜡烛 140
117.Green Food in China中国的绿色食品 141
118.The Family Incomes and Expenses in the U.S.美国家庭的收入和支出 142
119.Tourism in Thailand泰国的旅游业 143
120.China s Environment in the 21st Century中国21世纪的环境问题 144
121.The Improvement of Life in a Peasant s Family农民家庭的生活改善状况 145
122.The Two Rival Pizza Chains两家竞争的比萨连锁店 146
第五章 Chapter Ⅴ应用文Practical Writing 147
Ⅰ.书信English Letters 147
123.A Personal Letter私人信件 157
124.A Family Letter家信 159
125.A Friendly Letter友情信件 160
Invitation,Letters of Complaints 161
Ⅱ.感谢信、邀请信、投诉信Letters of Thanks,Letters of 161
126.Thanks for Hospitality感谢款待 163
127.Thanks for Prompt Medical Care感谢医护人员的帮助 164
128.Thanks for Gifts感谢馈赠 164
129.Thanks for Recommendation感谢推荐 165
130.A Letter of Invitation邀请信 168
131.A Letter of Invitation邀请回来度假 170
132.Acceptance接受邀请 170
133.Regret谢绝邀请 170
135.Invitation Card to a Wedding婚礼请柬 171
134.Invitation to a Reception招待会请柬 171
136.Invitation Card to a Commencement毕业典礼请柬 172
137.Complaining About the Poor Quality of Products投诉产品质量问题 174
138.Complaining About the Deceptive Ads投诉虚假广告 175
139.Asking for a Replacement or Refund退换商品? 175
140.Complaining About the Poor Service Offered by Tourist Agencies投诉服务质量 176
Letters of Application,Letters of Application for a Position,Letters of Self-Recommendation,Résumé/Curriculum Vitae,Autobiography 177
传Letters of Introduction,Letters of Recommendation, 177
Ⅲ.介绍信、推荐信、申请信、求职信、自荐信、简历、自 177
141.A Letter of Introduction for a Job Application求职介绍信 178
142.A Letter of Introduction to Be Mailed邮寄介绍信 178
143.A Private Letter of Introduction私人介绍信 179
144.A Recommendation Letter for Scholarship奖学金推荐信 180
146.A Recommendation Letter for a Tenant房东为房客写的推荐信 181
145.A Recommendation Letter for a Secretary Position秘书职位推荐信 181
147.An Application Letter for Graduate Degree Study研究生学习申请信 183
148.An Application Letter for Scholarship奖学金申请信 183
149.An Application Letter for Being a Visiting Scholar访问学者申请信 184
150.An Application Letter for Being a Secretary申请秘书职位求职信 185
151.An Application Letter for a Position as a Client Account Coor-dinator 客户投资顾问职位申请信 186
152.An Application Letter for a Position as an Administrative Officer行政职员申请信 187
153.Reply to the Application Letter for Further Interview 188
求职信回函安排约见 188
154.Reply to the Application Letter for Refusal求职信回函委婉拒绝 188
155.Self-recommendation for a Teaching Position自荐任教 189
156.Self-recommendation for a Chinese-English Interpreter 190
自荐汉英译员 190
157.Self-recommendation for a Laboratory Research Assistant自荐实验室研究助理 190
158.Résumé应聘简历 193
159.Application for a Secretary Position申请秘书职位 194
160.Application for a Personnel Manager Position应聘人事经理 195
161.Autobiography自传 196
162.Autobiography for a Job Application求职自传 197
Ⅳ.请求、请假、道歉、约会、留言Letters of Request, 198
Appointments,Notes Left 198
Asking for Leave,Letters of Apology,Letters of Making 198
163.Asking for Application Form请求寄入学申请表 199
164.Asking for Buying a Dictionary请求代买词典 199
165.Asking for Social Security请求社会担保 199
166.Asking for Sick Leave病假 201
167.Asking for Business Leave事假 201
168.Asking for an Extension of Leave续假 201
169.Apology for Disturbing因打扰他人道歉 202
170.Apology for Being Unable to Fulfill One s Promise因不能实现承诺致歉 203
171.Apology for Loss of Others Property因丢失他人财物致歉 203
172.Timing for Visit约定参观时间 204
173.Rejecting Request谢绝会面 204
174.Making an Appointment and Answering It约会以及回复 205
175.Reappointment失约后另约 205
176.Note Left for Absence缺席留言 206
177.A Note for Departure辞行留言 206
Ⅴ.祝贺、唁电、祝愿、致辞Congratulations,Letters of 207
178.A Note for Borrowing借物留言 207
Condolence,Greetings,Public Speeches 207
179.Congratulations on Birthday生日祝贺信 208
180.Congratulations on Enrolling in College祝贺升入大学 208
181.Congratulations on Publication祝贺著作出版 208
182.Congratulations on Graduation祝贺毕业 209
183.A Letter of Condolence on Martyrs安慰阵亡烈士吊唁信 210
184.An Official Letter of Condolence正式唁信 211
185.A Private Letter of Condolence非正式唁信 211
186.Sympathy on Illness祝愿病人康复 212
187.Greeting on New Year祝贺新年 212
188.Teacher s Day Greeting Cards教师节贺卡 213
189.Greeting Card for Christmas and New Year圣诞新年贺卡 213
190.A Welcoming Speech欢迎辞 214
191.A New Year Speech新年致辞 214
192.A Toast Speech祝酒辞 215
193.A Speech for Closing a Conference会议闭幕辞 216
Ⅵ.通知与通告、海报、公报、启事、广告Notices and 217
Announcements,Poster,Communiqué,Notices,Advertisements 217
195.Students Awards for Outstanding Research in Biomaterial Research奖励对生化材料研究做出贡献的学生的通告 218
194.Notice of Admission录取通知 218
196.Notice of Employment雇佣通知 220
197.Notice of Removal拆迁通知 220
198.Urgent Announcements紧急通告 220
199.Poster海报 221
200.Basketball Match篮球比赛 222
201.The film影讯 222
202.Press Communiqué of the First Session of the Sixth NationalPeople s Congress第六届全国人民代表大会第一次会议新闻公报 223
203.Joint Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic RelationsBetween the People s Republic of China and the U.S.A.中美建交联合公报 224
204.My Precious Book Keeps Me Away寻书启事 226
205.Notice of Engagement订婚启事 226
206.Contribution Wanted征稿启事 226
207.The World Smiles with Reader s Digest读者文摘广告 227
208.SOUNDESIGN收录机促销广告 228
209.The Cure Really Works for Me and So Does the Price药品广告 229
210.More White Meat Turkey食品广告 230
211.Executive Secretary Wanted招聘常务秘书广告 231
212.Mechanical Engineer Wanted招聘机械工程师广告 232
213.Female Clerk Wanted招聘女职员 232
214.Southgate Area房屋出租广告 233
215.Easy Avis汽车出租广告 234
216.Good Investment房屋出售广告 234
Ⅶ.新闻News 235
217.China to Enhance Investment Education中国增强有关证券投资方面的培训 238
218.Former Imperial Hunting Ground Open to Tourists康熙草原对公众开放 239
219.More Loans for Needy College Students向贫困的大学生提供更多的贷款 240
220.U.S.Fast-food Chains Expanding in China美国快餐连锁店 241
继续挺进中国市场 241
Ⅷ.调查报告、计划、总结Investigation Reports,Plan,Summary 243
221.Report报告 243
222.Investigative Report on the Effectiveness of the.Drawer-typeRefrigerator关于开发和销售抽屉式冰箱的报告 244
223.Investigative Report on Flexi time Working Pattern关于实施弹性工作制的调查报告 246
224.A Sample Teaching Plan教学计划 247
225.Statement of Academic Objectives学业目标 248
226.Annual Summing-up Report of the Season Foreign LanguagesSociety四季外语学会年度工作总结 249
Ⅸ.日记Diary 251
227.On Keeping a Diary in English写英文日记 252
229.A Diary of Emerson爱默生日记一则 253
228.Teachers Day教师节 253
230.A Diary of Alicia s爱莉雪的日记 254
第二部分 四、六级写作要求与技巧 255
第六章 大学英语四、六级作文概况 255
Ⅰ.大学英语四、六级作文基本要求 255
Ⅲ.大学英语四、六级考试作文题评分标准 256
Ⅱ.大学英语四、六级考试作文题评分原则 256
Ⅳ.大学英语四、六级考试作文样文分析 257
Ⅰ.提纲作文Outline 263
第七章 大学英语四、六级考试作文常考题型与技巧 263
231.Holiday Economy假日经济 263
232.On Quality Education论素质教育 264
233.Video Games,Blessing or Curse电脑游戏,是福是祸? 266
Ⅱ.命题作文Topic Given 266
234.On Objective Examination谈客观性测试 267
235.A World Without Oil如果世界没有石油 268
236.Is Traveling Beneficial to People?旅游对人们有好处吗? 269
Ⅲ.段首句作文Topic Sentence 269
237.Modern Industry现代工业 270
238.Blood Donation Without Repayment无偿献血 271
239.What Would Happen If There Were No Power?如果没有了电将会发生什么? 272
Ⅳ.提示作文Hints 273
240.Taking Part-time Jobs做兼职 273
241.Women Should Stay at Home or Have a Job?妇女应待在家里还是外出工作? 274
242.Politeness and Sincerity礼貌与真诚 275
Ⅴ.关键词作文Key Words and Expressions 276
243.On Being Laid off论下岗 276
244.Environmental Pollution环境污染 277
245.Money金钱 278
Ⅵ.图表作文Chart 279
246.Should Women Have Equal Job Opportunities with Men?女性和男性应该拥有同等工作机会吗? 280
247.Average Monthly Expenses of College Students大学生平均月支出的情况 281
248.What Jobs Do College Graduates Want to Do?大学生喜欢从事何种职业? 281
Ⅶ.看图作文Pictures 283
249.Such a Promise如此承诺 283
250.Where There Is the Sunshine,There Is the Shadow享受阳光,就会留下影子 285
Ⅷ.摘要作文Abstract and Summary 286
251.Where to Find Love?何处承欢颜? 286
252.Work工作 287
253.Explosion爆炸 288
254.Arabs Life阿拉伯生活 289
255.Can Money Buy Happiness?金钱能买到幸福吗? 291
第三部分 四、六级真题范文集锦 291
第八章 CET-4全真试题及参考答案 291
256.Advantages of a Job Interview求职面试的益处 292
257.The Two-Day Weekend双休日 293
258.Global Shortage of Fresh Water全球淡水紧缺 293
259.Practice Makes Perfect熟能生巧 294
260.Getting to know the World Outside the Campus了解社会 295
261.Harmfulness of Fake Commodities假冒伪劣产品的危害 295
262.Do Lucky Numbers Really Bring Good Luck?幸运数字真 296
的会带来好运吗? 296
263.Don t Hesitate to Say“No”赶快说“不” 296
264.Reading Selectively Or Extensively?有选择地读书还是博览群书? 297
费用 298
265.How I Finance My College Education我如何支付上大学的 298
266.Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary?有必要进行英语口试吗? 298
267.How to Succeed in a Job Interview?如何取得面试成功? 299
268.A Letter to a Schoolmate给校友的一封信 300
269.A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Serviceon Campus就食堂情况写给校长的一封信 301
270.Student Use of Computers学生对计算机的使用 302
271.It Pays to Be Honest诚实有偿 303
272.An Eyewitness Account of a Traffic Accident亲眼目睹车祸 303
273.A Letter in Reply to a Friend给朋友的回信 304
274.A Brief Introduction to a Tourist Attraction旅游胜地简介 305
第九章 CET-6全真试题及参考答案 307
275.Car Accidents Declining in Walton City沃尔顿城汽车交通事故的下降 307
276.My View on Opportunity谈机会 308
277.Should Firecrackers Be Banned?应禁止燃放鞭炮吗? 309
278.Why I Take College English Test Band 6?我为何参加大学英语六级考试? 309
279.Health Gains in Developing Countries发展中国家人们健康状况的改善 310
280.Haste Makes Waste欲速则不达 311
281.My View on Fake Commodities谈假冒伪劣产品 312
282.How I Finance My College Education我如何支付上大学的费用 313
283.How to Succeed in a Job Interview?如何就业面试成功? 313
284.A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service onCampus就食堂情况写给校长的一封信 314
285.It Pays to Be Honest诚实有偿 315
286.Changes in the Ownership of Houses住房所有权的变化 316
287.The Condition Of American University Students Reading Preference美国大学生的阅读状况 317
288.Reduce Waste on Campus减少校园浪费 318
参考文献 319
- 《高级英语阅读与听说教程》刘秀梅编著 2019
- 《大学计算机实验指导及习题解答》曹成志,宋长龙 2019
- 《思维导图 超好用英语单词书》(中国)王若琳 2019
- 《初中生英语作文 提高篇》清瑶主编 2019
- 《培生高级英语语法 练习册》培生教育 2019
- 《指向核心素养 北京十一学校名师教学设计 英语 七年级 上 配人教版》周志英总主编 2019
- 《365奇趣英语乐园 世界民间故事》爱思得图书国际企业 2018
- 《新课标背景下英语教学理论与教学活动研究》应丽君 2018
- 《大学生心理健康与人生发展》王琳责任编辑;(中国)肖宇 2019
- 《幼儿英语游戏活动指导与实训》苏小菊,任晓琴主编;颜晓芳,覃静,谢恬恬,钟博维副主编 2020
- 《高考快速作文指导》张吉武,鲍志伸主编 2002
- 《建筑施工企业统计》杨淑芝主编 2008
- 《钒产业技术及应用》高峰,彭清静,华骏主编 2019
- 《近代旅游指南汇刊二编 16》王强主编 2017
- 《汉语词汇知识与习得研究》邢红兵主编 2019
- 《思维导图 超好用英语单词书》(中国)王若琳 2019
- 《黄遵宪集 4》陈铮主编 2019
- 《孙诒让集 1》丁进主编 2016
- 《近代世界史文献丛编 19》王强主编 2017
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