- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陈良旋编著
- 出 版 社:郑州:河南人民出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:7215011569
- 页数:201 页
Contents 1
目录 1
第一章 电话(Telephone) 1
1.打英语电话应注意的事项(Points for Attention in English Telephoning) 1
(1)一般原则(General Principles) 1
(2)接电话时的注意事项(Points for Attention in Answering Telephone Calls) 1
(3)打电话时的注意事项(Points for Attention in Making Telephone Calls) 2
2.国际电话(International Call) 6
(2)经由国际台接通的国际电话(International Call Through Operators) 8
(1)国际直拨电话(International Direct-Dial Call) 8
(3)打国际电话应注意的事项(Points for Attention in International Telephoning) 10
(4)如何打国际电话实例一则(An Example) 10
3.不同情况的不同电话用语(Various Telephone Expressions in Various Cases) 11
(1)要求接线(Asking for Having an Extension) 11
(2)请找×××先生(听电话)(Wanting to Speak to Mr.×××) 12
(3)互相确认(Confirming Each Other) 12
(4)打错电话(Wrong Number) 13
(5)这里没这个人(Nobody Here by That Name) 15
(6)这里好几位姓林的(Several Persons Here Named Lin)) 16
(7)请稍候(Holding the Line) 17
(8)请稍后再打来(Calling Again a Bit Later) 18
(9)让他回电话(Telling Him to Call Me Back) 20
(10)电话号码(Phone Number) 22
(11)名字拼法(Spelling the Name) 25
(12)总机用语(Expressions for Operators) 27
(13)抱怨(Complaining) 29
(14)休息时间打电话的道歉语(Apologies for Interrupting at Rest Time) 31
(15)关于回电(On Calling Back) 33
(16)是关于什么事(Asking about the Purpose) 33
(17)有条理表达(Structuring a Call) 34
(18)听后反应(Responses) 35
(19)约见(Arranging Meetings) 36
(20)提问方式(Types of Questions) 38
(21)结束电话(Closing a Call) 39
4.电话英语实例(Specimens of Telephone English) 41
(1)打国际电话(Making an International Call) 41
(2)叫人电话(A Person-to-Person Call) 42
(3)接话人付费电话(A Collect Call) 43
(4)预约国际电话(Booking an International Call) 44
(5)邀请朋友看电影(Inviting a Friend to a Film) 45
(6)感谢款待(Thanks for Reception) 47
(7)餐厅预订(Reserving a Dinner-Table) 48
(8)预订客房(Booking a Room) 49
(9)预订出租车(Booking of Taxi Service) 51
(10)改变预订机票(Changing the Reservation of Air Ticket) 53
(11)询问洗衣服务(Inquiring about Washing Service) 54
(12)找回失物(Lost and Found) 55
(13)一位没有预约的来访者(A Visitor without an Appointment)) 57
(14)约会(Making an Appointment) 59
(15)推迟约会(Postponing an Appointment) 60
(16)取消约会(Cancelling an Appointment) 61
(17)应聘初级秘书(Applying for Junior Secretary) 62
(18)访问安排(Arrangements for the Visit) 65
(19)求援(Asking for Help) 66
第二章 传真(Fax) 68
1.传真简介(A Brief Introduction of Faxes) 68
2.传真的基本格式(The Basic Form of Faxes) 69
3.传真实例(Specimens of Faxes) 74
第三章 缩略语(Abbreviations) 82
1.缩略语简介(A Brief Introduction of Abbreviations) 82
2.缩略语的构成方式(The General Rules of Abbreviations) 83
(1)电报简介(A Brief Introduction of Telegrams) 85
3.缩略语与电报(Abbreviations and Telegrams) 85
(2)电报的计费与缩略语的应用(The charges of Telegrams and the Use of Abbreviations) 86
(3)电文的起草过程是语句的简化和表达的缩略过程 88
(The Process of Drafting a Telegram Is the Process of Simplifying a Message and Abbreviating an Expression) 88
(4)语句简化的一般方法(The General Rules of Simplifying Expressions) 90
(5)明语电报常用缩略语(Received Cable Abbreviations) 93
4.缩略语与电传(Abbreviations and Telexes) 101
(1)电传简介(A Brief Introduction of Telexes 101
(2)电传的收费与缩略语的应用(The Charges of Telexes and the Use of Abbreviations) 101
(3)电传的基本格式(The Basic Forms of Telexes) 106
(4)字母、数字和符号在电传中的使用(The Use of Letters,Figures and Other Characters in Telexes) 110
(5)电传的语言特点与电传电文的简化、缩略原则(The Language Features of Telexes and the General Rules of Simplifications and Abbreviations) 113
(6)案例(A Case Study) 118
5.缩略语与手机短信息(Abbreviations and the Brief Information through Mobile Phones) 131
(1)手机短信息简介(A Brief Introduction of the Brief Information through Mobile Phones) 131
(2)手机短信息实例(Specimens of the Brief Information Through Mobile Phones) 132
(3)动手试一试(Having a Try) 135
附录Ⅰ 国际及港、澳、台地区电话代码及价目表 145
(Codes and Charges of All Countries and Regions of Hongkong,Macau and Taiwan) 145
附录Ⅱ 电传电文常用缩略语(Received Telex Abbreviations) 156
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