- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王惕生主编
- 出 版 社:北京:经济科学出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7505822144
- 页数:295 页
PART ONE Welcome to the Bank 迎候客户光临 1
1.A Mode of Conversation 对话范文 1
2.A Regular Customer 接待老客户 3
3.A Friendly Customer 接待友好客户 5
4.A New Customer 接待新客户 6
5.An Impatient Customer 接待急办客户 8
6.A Customer with an Appointment 接待预约客户 10
7.A Potential Customer 接待潜在客户 12
8.A Careless Customer 接待粗心的客户 14
9.A Different Customer 接待陌生客户 16
10.A Modest Customer 接待谦和的客户 17
11.A Customer on Tour 接待旅游客户 19
12.A Worried Customer 接待焦急的客户 21
13.Pointing-out Directions 指示方向 22
14.Usher-in 引导 23
15.Seeing-off 送客 26
16.A Brief Welcome Speech by the Service Manager 大堂经理致简单的欢迎词 27
Words and Expressions生词与短语 28
Patterns常用句型(之一) 33
Presentation of Sentence Structure辞令集锦(之一) 34
Supplementary Material补充材料 国外语言、礼节、习俗介绍(之一) 36
Hints for the Service Conversation大堂服务语言技巧(之一) 37
Topics for Discussion Ⅰ讨论题(一) 38
Exercise Ⅰ(练习之一) 38
Reading Plus阅读增选(之一) 43
PART TWO A Choice of Counter Services 宣传业务品种 推介服务范围 45
1.An Introduction to Chinese Financial Trends 介绍中国金融业发展概况 45
2.A Talk about Its Functions of a State-Owned Commercial Bank in China 谈论一家国有商业银行的服务职能 50
3.An Introduction to Chinese Currency 介绍中国货币 55
4.Opening an Account and Making a Deposit 开户与存款 57
5.Opening a Time Deposit Account with Foreign Currency Notes 开立外币现钞定期存款账户 58
6.An Introduction to the Passbook of the Time and Current Deposit Network Service 介绍“定、活一本通” 61
7.Making a Deposit in Singapore Dollars 办理一笔新加坡元存款 63
8.Collection of Bills 票据托收 65
9.Inward Remittances 汇入汇款 69
10.Outward Remittances 汇出汇款 71
11.Money Exchange 货币兑换 75
12.Money Re-Exchange 兑换剩余人民币 77
13.Selling Travellers Cheques 出售旅行支票 79
14.Negotiating Travellers Cheques 兑付旅行支票 81
15.Refunding Lost Travellers Cheques 旅行支票遗失的索偿 84
16.Purchase of Foreign Currency 购买外汇 86
17.The Private Foreign Exchange Transaction 个人外汇买卖 88
18.The Launch of the Euro 欧元启动 90
19.Euro's Business 欧元业务 92
20.Issuing a RMB Bank Card 办理人民币信用卡 95
21.How to Use the Great Wall Card 长城卡的使用 97
22.Commissions Charged for Card Service 信用卡的收费 98
23.The Great Wall Electronic Debit Card——Credit Interchangeability from Bank Deposit to Stock Deposit 长城电子借记卡——“银证一卡通” 101
24.Categories of Foreign Credit Card Service 外卡业务种类 105
25.Cashing with a Foreign Credit Card 外卡取现 107
26.Opening a Business Account 单位开立账户 108
27.Cashing against a Business Account 单位取现 110
28.Wage Account and Trust for Collection of Taxation 代发工资、代缴税收的代办业务 112
29.Financial Advisory and Agency Services to a Foreign-Funded Firm 对外资企业提供财务咨询及代理服务 115
30.Advisory Service for Business Accounting Applications 公司理财 120
31.An Application for a Personal Mortgage Loan 申请个人小额抵押贷款 125
32.A Small Personal Consumption Mortgage Loan 小额个人消费抵押贷款 126
33.Applying for a Private Auto Loan 私人购买小汽车贷款 130
34.Private Housing Mortgage Loan Facilities 私人住房按揭贷款 134
35.Trust Service for Individuals 个人信托业务 137
36.Safe-Deposit Boxes for Renting 保管箱业务 140
37.The Service Center of Personal Finance Arrangements 私人理财中心 143
38.Internet Banking Service(IBS) 网上银行服务 147
39.Telephone Banking Service(TBS) 电话银行服务 150
40.Cash Deposit Machine——A Self-Service Bank for You 现钞存款机——“您的自助银行” 153
Words and Expressions生词与短语 155
Patterns常用句型(之二) 172
Presentation of Sentence Structure辞令集锦(之二) 174
Supplementary Material补充材料 国外语言、礼节、习俗介绍(之二) 175
Hints for the Service Conversation大堂服务语言技巧(之二) 178
Topics for Discussion Ⅱ讨论题(二) 179
Exercise Ⅱ(练习之二) 179
Reading Plus阅读增选(之二) 185
PART THREE Replying to the Customers Inquiries 解答客户咨询 186
1.About the Interest 利息计算 186
2.Reporting a Lost Deposit Certificate 存单挂失 189
3.Reporting a Lost Secret Number 密码挂失 191
4.Reporting a Loss of Credit Card 信用卡挂失 193
5.Closing a Personal Account 取消个人账户 195
6.The Difference in Exchange Rates between Cash Notes and Travellers Cheques 现钞与旅行支票汇率的差异 196
7.The Difference between the Bank's Cash Buying Rate and Selling Rate 外币买入价与卖出价的区别 198
8.The Difference in Exchange Rates between Cash Account and Exchange Account 现钞户与现汇户汇率上的差异 200
9.About the Business Hours 说明营业时间 202
10.Making an Apology for a Delay 为耽搁客户办理业务作解释 203
11.Guide to Filling up the Forms 指导填单 205
12.Advice on How to Use ATM 指导客户使用自动柜员机 206
13.Out of Order,the ATM? 柜员机是否出了毛病? 208
14.An Explanation about Charging a Discount 解释为什么要扣贴息 209
15.Regulations for Outward Remittance 对汇出汇款的有关规定 210
16.Permit for Taking Foreign Currency out of the Customs Territory 携带外汇出境许可证 213
17.Why is a 0.75% Discount Imposed for Cashing Travellers Cheques? 解释为什么要收取0.75%的贴息? 215
18.The System of Using the Bank Customers'Real Name 个人储蓄存款账户实名制 217
Words and Expressions生词与短语 219
Patterns常用句型(之三) 222
Presentation of Sentence Structure辞令集锦(之三) 225
Supplementary Material补充材料 国外语言、礼节、习俗介绍(之三) 227
Hints for the Service Conversation大堂服务语言技巧(之三) 229
Topics for Discussion Ⅲ讨论题(三) 230
Exercise Ⅲ(练习之三) 230
Reading Plus阅读增选(之三) 234
PART FOUR Always Ready for Suggestions and Comments 接待客户投诉 处理柜台纠纷 237
1.Clearing up Misunderstandings 处理柜台纠纷 237
2.An Explanation for Confiscating False Notes 没收假钞 以理服人 238
3.Receiving and Redressing Complaints 处理投诉 240
4.Welcome Suggestions and Comments 倾听意见 242
5.The Electricity Power Comes Soon 马上来电 244
6.An ATM Will Do It for You 自动柜员机替您服务 245
7.Accepting Praise from the Customer 接受客户的表扬 247
8.Complaints by Telephone About the Delay of a Transfer 接到对延误资金划拨的投诉电话 248
9.Complaints by Telephone about a Remittance That Has Gone Astray 回答对汇款去向不明的投诉电话 251
10.Replying to the Customer's Complaints by Telephone 电话答复顾客的投诉 254
Words and Expressions生词与短语 256
Patterns常用句型(之四) 257
Presentation of Sentence Structure辞令集锦(之四) 259
Supplementary Material补充材料 国外语言、礼节、习俗介绍(之四) 260
Hints for the Service Conversation大堂服务语言技巧(之四) 262
Topics for Discussion Ⅳ讨论题(四) 263
Exercise Ⅳ(练习之四) 263
Reading Plus阅读增选(之四) 268
1.Get Presbyopic Glasses Ready for You 提供老花镜 270
PART FIVE Improve the Quality and Increase the level of Service 改进服务质量 提高服务水平 270
2.Here is an Umbrella for Your Use 备您急用的雨伞 271
3.How Are You Feeling Now? 您现在感觉怎么样? 272
4.Nursing a Baby for a While 帮助照看一下客户的孩子 273
5.Assist the Older Person 帮助老人 274
6.Empty Slips and Print-Outs in Order 齐备的空白凭条和宣传资料 276
7.Adoption of the Interest Rates as Required 实行统一规定的利率和牌价 277
8.What to Do with a Worn-Out Foreign Note 提供更换破损外钞的途径 278
Words and Expressions生词与短语 279
Patterns常用句型(之五) 281
Presentation of Sentence Structure辞令集锦(之五) 281
Supplementary Material补充材料 国际五大信用卡集团 282
Hints for the Service Conversation大堂经理的语言技巧(之五) 286
Topics for Discussion Ⅴ讨论题(五) 287
Exercise Ⅴ(练习之五) 287
Reading Plus阅读增选(之五) 292
后记 294
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