- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王本民主编;韩乐猛,钱小红副主编;姚婧,王忠,潘丽坤,师淑英等编委
- 出 版 社:北京:金盾出版社
- 出版年份:2015
- ISBN:9787508297408
- 页数:258 页
A a 2
1.a(an),the 2
2.a bit,a little 2
3.able,capable,competent 3
4.above,on,over 4
5.accident,incident,event 5
6.accurate,exact,precise 5
7.accuse,charge 6
8.achievement,accomplishment,attainment 6
9.acknowledge,admit,confess 7
10.acquire,gain,get,obtain 7
11.across,over,through 8
12.act,behave,do,perform 8
13.action,deed 9
14.actual,real,true,genuine 9
15.acute,keen,sharp 10
16.adapt,adjust 11
17.a day,one day,some day,the other day 11
18.address,speech,lecture,talk 12
19.adequate,enough,sufficient 12
20.advance,proceed,progress 13
21.advise,suggest,propose 13
22.affair,business,matter 14
23.affect,effect,influence 15
24.afraid,frightened,fearful 15
25.after,behind,at the back of 16
26.afterwards,later 16
27.age,period,times 17
28.a good many,a lot of,plenty of 17
29.a great deal,a great deal of 18
30.agree,consent 18
31.aim,goal,purpose 19
32.alike,like,likely 19
33.alive,live,lively,living 20
34.all,whole 20
35.allot,assign,distribute 21
36.almost,nearly 22
37.alone,lonely 22
38.aloud,loud,loudly 23
39.already,yet,still 24
40.also,as well,either,too 25
41.alter,change 25
42.although,though,as 26
43.amaze,astonish,surprise 27
44.among,between 27
45.amount,sum,total 28
46.anger,fury rage 29
47.animal,beast 29
48.announce,declare,proclaim 30
49.annoy,bother 30
50.answer for,answer to 31
51.anxious,eager 31
52.a part of,part of,parts of 31
53.apparent,evident,obvious,clear 32
54.appearance,look 33
55.appreciate,enjoy 33
56.area,region,district 34
57.argue,dispute,quarrel 34
58.army,forces,troops 35
59.arrive,reach,get 35
60.article,composition,essay,paper 36
61.as a whole,on the whole 36
62.as well as,not only...but also... 37
63.ashamed,shameful,shameless 37
64.ask,demand,request,require 38
65.assure,ensure,insure 38
66.at,beside,by,near 39
67.at last,finally,in the end 40
68.at night,by night,in the night,on the night 40
69.at once,immediately,right away 41
70.at table,at the table,on the table 41
71.at the back of,in the back of,on the back of 42
72.at the comer of,in the corner of,on the corner of 42
73.attain,achieve,reach 43
74.attend,join,take part in 43
75.avenue,path,road,street,way 44
76.away,off,from 45
B b 47
77.bad,badly,ill 47
78.bank,beach,shore,seaside 47
79.basic,fundamental 48
80.be about to,be going to,be to do 48
81.be afraid,be afraid of,be afraid for 49
82.be covered by,be covered with 49
83.be made of,be made from,be made into 50
84.bear,endure,put up with 50
85.beat,blow,hit,knock,strike 51
86.beautiful,pretty,handsome,good-looking 51
87.because,because of,since,as,for 52
88.become,get,go,grow,turn 53
89.believe,believe in,trust 54
90.below,under,beneath 54
91.benefit,profit,interest 55
92.besides,except,but 56
93.beyond,above 56
94.big,great,grand,huge,large 57
95.bold,brave,courageous 58
96.border,boundary,frontier 58
97.borrow,lend,keep 59
98.both,either,neither 59
99.brain,head 60
100.break,burst 61
101.bright,clever,wise 61
102.bring,take,fetch 62
103.build,construct,found,put up 62
104.burst out,break out 63
105.but,however 63
106.by,in,with 64
107.by oneself,to oneself,of oneself,for oneself 64
108.by the way,on the way,in the way 65
C c 67
109.cry,shout 67
110.call at,call on,call in 67
111.calm,quiet,silent 68
112.can,be able to 68
113.capability,ability,capacity 69
114.capture,catch 70
115.care about,care for,take care of 70
116.carry on,carry out,carry through 71
117.catch,catch up,catch up with 71
118.certain,sure 72
119.chance,opportunity 72
120.change into,turn into 73
121.choose,select,pick out 73
122.class,lesson,course 74
123.close,shut,turn off 74
124.cloth,clothes,clothing 75
125.cold,chilly,cool 75
126.college,institute,university 76
127.common,usual,ordinary 77
128.compel,force,oblige 77
129.comprehend,understand 78
130.condition,state 78
131.connect,join 79
132.conquer,overcome 79
133.consider...as...regard...as...treat...as... 80
134.contact,touch 80
135.cost,take,spend,pay 81
136.costly,dear,expensive 82
137.couple,pair 82
138.crazy,mad 83
139.cry,weep,sob 83
140.cure,heal,treat 84
141.custom,habit 84
D d 86
142.daily,everyday,every day 86
143.damage,harm,destroy,ruin 86
144.damp,moist,humid 87
145.danger,risk,hazard 87
146.dead,death,die,dying 88
147.deal,handle,treat 89
148.decide,determine,make up one's mind 89
149.decorate,furnish 90
150.decrease,diminish,reduce 90
151.deep,deeply 91
152.defeat,beat,win 91
153.defect,fault 92
154.defend,protect,guard 92
155.delight,enjoyment,pleasure 93
156.devote,dedicate 93
157.die by,die from,die of,die for 94
158.different,various 94
159.difficult,hard 95
160.disappear,vanish 95
161.discover,invent,find out 96
162.disease,illness,sickness,trouble 96
163.divide,separate 97
164, do,make 98
165.do with,deal with 98
166.doubt,suspect 99
167.down,along 99
168.drag,draw,pull 99
169.drawing,painting 100
170.drill,exercise,practice 100
171.drop,fall 101
172.drug,medicine 102
173.due to,owing to,thanks to 102
174.during,in 103
175.duty,responsibility 103
E e 105
176.each,every 105
177.edition,version 105
178.elementary,primary 106
179.emigrate,immigrate,migrate 106
180.emotion,passion,sentiment 107
181.empty,vacant,hollow 107
182.enemy,foe,opponent 108
183.energy,vigor 108
184.enlarge,increase 109
185.enter enter into 109
186.entire,whole 110
187.envy,jealousy 110
188.error,fault,mistake,wrong 111
189.escape,flee,run away 112
190.especial,particular,peculiar,special 112
191.evade,avoid 113
192.even if,even though 113
193.ever,once 114
194.exam,quiz,test 114
195.example,instance,sample 115
196.excite,stimulate,inspire 115
197.excuse,forgive,pardon 116
198.extend,stretch,expand 116
F f 119
199.fairly,quite,rather 119
200.faithful,truthful 119
201.fall down,fall over fall off 120
202.fame,reputation,honor 120
203.fancy,imagination 121
204.fast,quickly,soon 121
205.fate,doom 122
206.feel,sense 122
207.field,sphere,realm 123
208.fight,struggle 123
209.figure,form,shape 124
210.fine,good,nice,well 124
211.firm,steady 125
212.first,firstly 126
213.fit,proper suitable,appropriate 126
214.fix,mend,repair 127
215.float drift 128
216.floor,storey 128
217.fog,mist,haze 129
218.for example,such as 129
219.for joy,in joy 130
220.forbid,prohibit,ban 130
221.force,power,strength 131
222.forest,jungle,woods 131
223.fortune,luck 132
224.freedom,liberty 132
225.from,since,for 132
226.from then on,since then 133
227.furnish,equip 133
G g 135
228.gain,get,obtain 135
229.game,match,sport 135
230.gaze,glare,stare 136
231.genius,gift,talent 137
232.give off,give out,send out 137
233.glad,happy,joyful,merry 138
234.glance,glimpse 138
235.go over,run over,look over,look through 139
236.govern,rule 139
237.grab,grasp,seize,snatch 140
238.guide,lead 140
H h 142
239.happen,occur,take place 142
240.hardly,scarcely 142
241.have,own 143
242.have been in,have been to,have gone to 143
243.help,aid,assist 144
244.hide,conceal 144
245.high,highly 145
246.hill,mount,mountain 145
247.hire,let,rent 146
248.historic,historical 146
249.hold,take hold of,get hold of 147
250.holiday,vacation,leave 147
251.hope,wish,expect,look foward to 148
252.how,what 149
253.how long,how often,how soon 150
254.human,people,person 150
255.hurt,injure,wound 151
I i 153
256.idea,mind,thought 153
257.identify,recognize 153
258.idle,lazy 154
259.if,whether 154
260.ignore,neglect,overlook 155
261.illegal,unlawful 155
262.imaginary,imaginative 156
263.in a way,in the way,on the way,by the way 156
264.in addition to,with the exception of 157
265.in charge of,in the charge of,in one's charge 157
266.in front of,in the front of,before 158
267.in the centre of,in the middle of 158
268.in the field of,in the fields 159
269.in the picture,on the picture 159
270.in the sun,under the sun 160
271.indeed,really 160
272.individual,personal 161
273.innocent,ignorant 161
274.insist on,persist in,stick to 162
275.install,fix 162
276.instead,instead of,in place of,take the place of 163
277.it,one 163
J j 166
278.job,labor,task,work 166
279.journey,travel,trip,tour 166
K k 169
280.keep,retain,reserve 169
281.keep doing,keep on doing 169
282.kill,murder,shoot 170
283.kind,sort,type 170
284.know,know of,know about 171
L l 173
285.lady,woman 173
286.lamp,light 173
287.lay,place,put,set 173
288.leave off,take off 174
289.lie,lay 174
290.lift,raise 175
291.like,as 175
292.little,small,tiny 176
293.locate,situate 176
294.alone,lonely 177
295.look,see,watch 177
296.lose,miss 178
297.love,like,befond of 178
M m 181
298.machine,machinery 181
299.mail,post 181
300.make friends with,keep friends with,be friends with 182
301.make way,make one's way 182
302.make the best of,get the best of 183
303.manage to do,try to do 183
304.manner,method,way 184
305.many,much,a lot of 184
306.maybe,perhaps,probably,possibly,likely 185
307.medium,middle 186
308.meet,meet with 186
309.memorize,remember,remind,recall 187
310.message,news,information 187
311.mix,blend 188
312.moan,groan 188
313.move,remove 189
314.must,have to 189
N n 192
315.nation,country,state 192
316.need,want 192
317.no longer,no more 193
318.no more than,not more than 193
319.nobody,no one,none 194
320.notice,take notice of,pay attention to 195
O o 197
321.object,oppose 197
322.often,frequently 197
323.older,elder 198
324.on a Sunday,on Sunday,on Sundays 198
325.on board,on the board,on the boards 199
326.on earth,on the earth,in the earth 199
327.on foot,on one's feet,to one's feet 200
328.on one's side,on the side 200
329.opinion,view 201
P p 203
330.part,portion 203
331.path,road,track,lane 203
332.pause,halt,cease,stop 204
333.pavement,sidewalk 204
334.pay,salary,wage 205
335.personality,character 205
336.photo,picture,portrait 206
337.play,play with 206
338.pleasant,pleased,pleasing 207
339.point at,point to,point out 207
340.politician,statesman 208
341.possible,probable,likely 208
342.precede,proceed 209
343.prepare,prepare for,be prepared for 209
344.presume,assume,suppose 210
345.pretext,excuse 210
346.problem,question,puzzle 211
347.product,produce,production 211
348.provide with,provide for 212
349.punishment,penalty 212
350.put away,putby 213
Q q 215
35 1.quake,tremble,shiver 215
352.quick,fast,rapid 215
R r 217
353.raise,rise 217
354.rather than,would rather...than 217
355.reach for,reach after,reach at 217
356.read,read of,read about 218
357.readable,legible 218
358.realize,recognize,get to know 219
359.recover restore 219
360.refuse,decline,reject 220
361.replace,substitute 220
362.respected,respectful 221
363.revenge,avenge 221
364.reward,award 222
365.right away,right now 222
366.rouse,arouse 223
S s 225
367.satisfactory,satisfied,satisfying 225
368.say,speak,talk,tell 225
369.seem,look,appear 226
370.shade,shadow 227
371.shoot,shoot at 227
372.should,ought to 227
373.skilful,skilled 228
374.sleep,go to sleep,go to bed 228
375.slide,glide,slip 229
376.slim,thin 229
377.so,such 230
378.some,any 230
379.sometime,sometimes,some time,some times 231
380.start,leave 232
381.strain,stress,tension 232
382.subject,theme,topic,title 233
383.suggestion,advice,proposal 233
384.supply,provide 234
T t 236
385.take...as,take...for 236
386.tasteless,distasteful 236
387.terrible,terrific 236
388.think,consider,deliberate,reflect 237
389.this(these),that(those) 238
390.till,until 238
391.tired,exhausted 239
392.to,towards 240
393.toast,bake,roast 240
394.too much,much too 241
395.touch,move 241
396.tread,trample 242
397.turn down,turn to 242
398.turn up,show up,appear 242
U u 245
399.understand,see,realize 245
400.uniform,suit,dress 245
401.unless,if...not 246
402.used to,be used to 246
V v 248
403.value,worth 248
404.vary,change 248
405.view,sight 249
406.visit,drop in,call on 249
W w 251
407.wear,dress,dress up,have on,put on 251
408.when,while,as 252
409.will,be going to 253
410.with,in 253
411.word,vocabulary 254
412.work on,work at 254
413.worth,worthwhile,worthy 255
414.would,used to 255
Y y 258
415.year by year,year after year 258
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