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生命之源  基因与基因工程的故事  英文版
生命之源  基因与基因工程的故事  英文版

生命之源 基因与基因工程的故事 英文版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:苏珊·奥尔德里奇(Susan Aldridge)著;章伟良等注释
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:781080278X
  • 页数:252 页
《生命之源 基因与基因工程的故事 英文版》目录

Contents 1

Preface 1

Acknowledgements 1

Illustration credits 1

PART Ⅰ What is DNA? 1

1 DNA is life's blueprint 3

Discovering DNA 3

Picking up the threads of inheritance 7

Dissecting DNA 9

DNA or protein? 13

Time for a paradigm shift 16

Deeper into DNA 20

The double helix 22

2 DNA in action 31

The genetic code 31

Messenger RNA links DNA and protein 37

From mRNA to protein 41

Proteins are special 45

New information channels—retroviruses and prions 46

Switching gene expression on and off 49

3 A close up of the genome 57

The C-value paradox 58

Packing and parcelling—fitting DNA into cells 60

Charting the landscape of the genome 63

The fluidity of the genome 74

4 Where did DNA come from? 78

Origins 78

Evolution—the molecular story 84

Our place in nature 92

Molecular archaeology 96

Another time,another place? 99

PART Ⅱ Engineering genes 103

5 Genetic engineering 105

6 Creating new life forms 114

How transgenic animals are made 115

Fishy tales and the potential of'pharming' 117

Transplantation and xenografts 123

Mouse models 127

Animal rights and wrongs 131

Patent protection 133

Food for thought 135

7 Genes—the human angle 137

Human genetics—a basic guide 137

The burden of genetic disease 139

Mutation and gene hunting 149

DNA and identity 159

8 New genes for old 164

Life,death and the cell 164

Genes and the unfolding body plan 167

Genes and cancer 168

Gene therapy and drugs from DNA 171

PART Ⅲ Biotechnology 179

9 The wide world of biotechnology 181

Enzymes are the master molecules of biotechnology 181

The sterile world of the fermenter 182

Biotechnology in medicine 184

A taste of enzymes 190

Enzymes in the wash 193

One cell,one plant 195

10 Plant power 195

New genes,new plants 199

Engineering the world's food supply 201

Blue roses and brick red petunias 213

Gene plunder and patents 214

More food for thought 216

11 Environmental solutions 219

Trapping energy from the Sun 219

Microbial mining 224

Alternative oil fields 226

The biotechnology clean-up squad 228

From agrochemicals to biotechnology 231

Biotechnology—is it really'green'? 234

PART Ⅳ The final frontier 235

12 Beyond DNA 237

Neo-Darwinism and the selfish gene 237

Genes and the environment 240

New frontiers—chaos and morphic resonance 242

Further reading 246

Index 248
